LEICESTER, 1885. PROF. F. DE CHAUMONT, M.D., F.R.S. Presidents of Sections. I.-ARTHUR RANSOME, M.A., M.D., L.S.A., F.R.S. II. PERCIVAL GORDON SMITH, F.R.I.B.A. III.-WILLIAM MARCET, M.D., F.R.MET.SOC., F.C.S., F.R.S. YORK, 1886. SIR SPENCER WELLS, BART. Presidents of Sections. I.-PROF. F. DE CHAUMONT, M.D., F.R.S. II.-BALDWIN LATHAM, M.INST.C.E., F.R.MET.SOC. BOLTON, 1887. RIGHT HON. LORD BASING, F.R.S. Section I. PROF. J. RUSSELL REYNOLDS, M.D., F.R.S. CONGRESS AT BOLTON. INTRODUCTION. THE tenth Congress of the Institute was held at Bolton, from Tuesday, September 20th, to Saturday, September 24th, by invitation of the TOWN COUNCIL. Very suitable accommodation was provided for the Meetings of the Congress in the Town Hall. The Opening Address of the PRESIDENT, RIGHT HON. LORD BASING, F.R.S., and the Addresses to the Working Classes, were delivered in the Large Hall (Albert Hall). The Lecture to the Congress and the Meetings of the Sections were held in the Council Chamber and Borough Court, and the Conference of MEDICAL OFFICERS OF HEALTH in the Grand Jury Room; the Reception Room and Offices were also provided in the Municipal Building. The Exhibition was held in the new Drill Hall, to which a special annexe had been added. The Members of the Congress and Visitors were received by the MAYOR in the Reception Room, after which a Public Luncheon was held in the Albert Hall: more than a hundred people were present. The Company then proceeded to the Exhibition, and were conducted round the building by the Judges: the Exhibition was then finally declared open by the MAYOR. The Exhibition was continued till October 23rd, and was visited by about 27,000 people; there were 112 Exhibitors. The Judges awarded 6 Medals and 8 Special Certificates, and 30 Certificates. 56 Exhibits were selected for further practical trial and testing. The business of the Congress was divided into the usual three Sections, viz., Section I., Sanitary Science and Preventive Medicine; Section II., Engineering and Architecture; Section III., Chemistry, Meteorology, and Geology. The Papers and Discussions in Sections I. and II. occupied two days each; one day was also devoted to a Conference of MEDICAL OFFICERS OF HEALTH, which had been held successfully for the first time in connection with the Congress at York on a somewhat smaller scale. A Record of the Sectional Meetings and the Conference is given in the Reports of the SECRETARIES on page 469. A Conversazione was held on Wednesday evening, when about 450 people were present; the MAYOR and MAYORESS receiving the Guests. Addresses to the Working Classes were given on Saturday evening by MAJOR LAMOROCK FLOWER, MR. WYNTER BLYTH, and Mr. H. LAW, M.INST.C.E.; the chair was taken by the MAYOR. On Saturday an excursion was made to the various reservoirs and works for the Water Supply of Bolton; the party being guided by the CHAIRMAN of the WATER COMMITTEE and other Officers. During the Congress, several visits were arranged to the Fever Hospital, Cotton Factories, Coal Mines, and other places of interest in Bolton. 27th March, 1888. E. WHITE WALLIS, Secretary. Officers of the Congress. PRESIDENT-RIGHT HON. LORD BASING, F.R.S. VICE-PRESIDENTS. His Worship the MAYOR OF BOLTON (Mr. The Right Hon. Sir JAMES FERGUSON, M.P., Sir U. K. SHUTTLEWORTH, BART., M.P. H. S. CROSSLEY, ESQ., M.P. A. B. FORWOOD, ESQ., M.P. R. W. HANBURY, ESQ., M.P. W. H. HOULDSWORTH, ESQ., M.P. R. G. C. MOWBRAY, ESQ., M.P. T. H. SIDEBOTHAM, ESQ., M.P. W. E. M. TOMLINSON, ESQ., M.P. MAYOR OF ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE. MAYOR OF MIDDLETON. Mr. ALDERMAN DOBSON, J.P. Mr. ALDERMAN MOSCROP, J.P. Mr. ALDERMAN MUSGRAVE, J.P. J. T. FIELDING, ESQ., J.P. HENRY LEE, Esq., J.P. F. B. MALLETT, M.D., J.P. J. W. MAKANT, ESQ., J.P. P. C. MARSDEN, ESQ., J.P. CHARLES ROTHWELL, ESQ., J.P., M.R.C.S. WILLIAM SLATER, ESQ., J.P. JAMES SMETHURST, ESQ., J.P. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL STARKIE, J.P. J. L. TAYLOR, ESQ., J.P. W. F. TILLOTSON, ESQ., J.P. LOCAL COMMITTEE. His Worship the MAYOR OF BOLTON (Alder man Fletcher), Chairman. H. SHEPHERD-CROSS, M.P. COLONEL the Hon. F. C. BRIDGMAN, M.P. FRANK HARDCASTLE, M.P. Mr JOHN HICK, D.L. Mr. Alderman TAYLOR (Vice-Chairman). Mr. Alderman CANNON. Mr. Alderman BARNES. Mr. Alderman DOBSON. Mr. Alderman GLAISTER. Mr. Alderman MILES. Mr. Alderman MOSCROP. Mr. Alderman JOHN HASLAM. Mr. Councillor BRIGGS. Mr. Councillor HEALY. TREASURER-COLONEL WINDER. HON. SECRETARIES. R. G. HINNELL, Town Clerk. EDWARD SERGEANT, L.R.C.P.LOND., M.R.C.S., Medical Officer of Health. MARSHALL ROBINSON, Architect, M.S.A ASSISTANT SECRETARY-THOMAS GREGORY. OFFICES AT BOLTON-TOWN HALL. |