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" I declare, that to recommend goodness and innocence hath been my sincere endeavour in this history. This honest purpose you have been pleased to think I have attained : and to say the truth, it is likeliest to be attained in books of this kind ; for an... "
Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century: Comprizing Biographical ... - Page 367
by John Nichols - 1812
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The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq;: The history of Tom Jones

Henry Fielding - 1766 - 396 pages
...>' Thfif ' t '» •-, . .. o - » attained : and to fay the truth, it is likelieft to be attained in books of this kind ; for an example is a kind of...picture, in which .virtue, becomes as it were, an objeft of fight, ancf 'ftrikes us with an idea of that lov;elir ""riefs, which Plato aflerts there...
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The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq: With the Life of the Author, Volume 7

Henry Fielding - 1771 - 400 pages have been pleafed to think I have attained: and to fay the truth, it is likelieft to be attained in books of this kind; for an example is a kind of p'ufture, in which virtue becomes as it were an objeel of fight, •and ftrikes us with an idea of^that...
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The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling, Volume 1

Henry Fielding - English fiction - 1780 - 468 pages
...think I have attained : and to fay the truth, it is likelieft to be attained in books of this kind j for an example is a kind of picture, in which virtue becomes as it were an object of fight, and ftrikes us with an idea of that lovelinefs, which Plato aflerts there is in her naked charms....
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The novelist's magazine

1781 - 778 pages have been pleafed to think I have attained ; and to fay the truth, it is likelieft to be attained in books of this kind : for an example is a kind of...picture, in which virtue becomes as it were an object of fight, and ftrikes us with an idea of that lovelinefs, which Plato aflerts there is in her naked charms....
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The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq: With the Life of the Author. In ..., Volume 7

Henry Fielding - 1783 - 406 pages
...pleafed to think I have A 5 attained: attained : and to fay the truth, it is likelieu: to be attained in books of this kind ; for an example is a kind of piclure, in which virtue becomes as it were an object of fight, and ftrikes us with an idea of that...
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The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In Four ...

Henry Fielding - 1791 - 368 pages have been pleafed to think I have attained ; and to fay the truth, it is likelieft to be attained in books of this kind: for an example is a kind of pidure, in which virtue becomes as it were an objed of fight, and ftrikes us with an idea of that lovelinefs,...
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Tom Jones

Henry Fielding, Arthur Murphy - 1806 - 664 pages have been pleased to think 1 have attained : and to say the truth, it is likeliest to be attained in books of this kind ; for an example is a kind of...which Plato asserts there is in her naked charms. , Besides displaying that beauty of Virtue which, may '. attract the admiration of mankind, I have...
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The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, Volume 1

Henry Fielding - 1809 - 578 pages
...heen pleased to think I have attained; and, to say the trnth, it is likeliest to he attained in hooks of this kind; for an example is a kind of picture, in which Virtne hecomes as it were an ohject of sight, and strikes ns with an idea of that loveliness which...
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The British Novelists: With an Essay, and Prefaces ..., Volume 19, Part 1

English literature - 1820 - 380 pages have been pleased to think I have attained; and, to say the truth, it is likeliest to be attained in books of this kind; for an example is a kind of...which Plato asserts there is in her naked charms. Besides displaying that beauty of Virtue which may attract the admiration of mankind, I have attempted...
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The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, Volume 1

Henry Fielding - Fiction - 1820 - 366 pages have been pleased to think 1 have attained; and, to say the truth, it is likeliest to be attained in books of this kind; for an example is a kind of...which Plato asserts there is in her naked charms. Besides displaying that beauty of Virtue which may attract the admiration of mankind, I have attempted...
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