Buddhaghosha's parables, tr. by T. Rogers. With an intr., containing Buddha's Dhammapada, or 'Path of virtue', tr. by F.M. Müller |
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Page xxviii
... Brahmans . Yama , as the lord of the departed , occurs in vv . 44 , 237 , and he seems to be the same as Makkurâga , the king of death , mentioned in vv . 45 , 170. The men or messengers of Yama are spoken of in v . 235 ; death itself ...
... Brahmans . Yama , as the lord of the departed , occurs in vv . 44 , 237 , and he seems to be the same as Makkurâga , the king of death , mentioned in vv . 45 , 170. The men or messengers of Yama are spoken of in v . 235 ; death itself ...
Page xxix
... Brahmans had left the low stand - point of mythological polytheism , and had risen to the conception of the Brahman , as the abso- lute divine , or super - divine being . To this Brahman also , who , in the Dhammapada , already appears ...
... Brahmans had left the low stand - point of mythological polytheism , and had risen to the conception of the Brahman , as the abso- lute divine , or super - divine being . To this Brahman also , who , in the Dhammapada , already appears ...
Page xxx
... Brahman , without form and without suffering ( tato yad uttarataram tad arûpam anâmayam , Svet . Up . 3 , 10 ) , the Buddhists too , in their ideal dreams , imagined four other worlds towering high above the worlds of Brahman , which ...
... Brahman , without form and without suffering ( tato yad uttarataram tad arûpam anâmayam , Svet . Up . 3 , 10 ) , the Buddhists too , in their ideal dreams , imagined four other worlds towering high above the worlds of Brahman , which ...
Page xxxi
... Brahmans , of not rising in their pre- sence , and of not inviting them to be seated . Buddha replied , " Brahman , I do not see any one in the heavenly worlds nor in that of Mâra , nor among the inhabitants of the Brahma - worlds ...
... Brahmans , of not rising in their pre- sence , and of not inviting them to be seated . Buddha replied , " Brahman , I do not see any one in the heavenly worlds nor in that of Mâra , nor among the inhabitants of the Brahma - worlds ...
Page xxxii
... Brahman , and the four of Arûpa , are to be found there . The uni- verse is represented ( v . 126 ) as consisting of hell ( niraya ) , earth , heaven ( svarga ) , and Nirvâna . In v . 44 we find the world of Yama , the earth , and the ...
... Brahman , and the four of Arûpa , are to be found there . The uni- verse is represented ( v . 126 ) as consisting of hell ( niraya ) , earth , heaven ( svarga ) , and Nirvâna . In v . 44 we find the world of Yama , the earth , and the ...
Common terms and phrases
Anavatatta Anuruddha Ariya asked became become a Rahan Benares Bhikshu birth Brahman Brâhmana Buddha Buddhaghosha Buddhist Burmese Burnouf called CHAPTER cloth daughter death Devala Dhamma Dhammapada disciples Edited elephant English evil deeds existence F. J. FURNIVALL Fausböll gave Getavana monastery girl gold Gotama GRAMMAR happiness hell homage hundred India kalpas Kassapa Khugguttara King Udena king's Kulla-Panthaka Language live Lokatissa Lord and master lord Sariputta Lotus Magandiya Mahādūta Mahākāla Mâra means Mittapindaka Nat country Nat-King Nat's Nibbāna Nirvâna nobles offering Pakkekabuddha palace Pâli Parā Para Taken parables preached the law priesthood priests princess probationer Pyathat queen Rahanda Rahans replied rice Rishi Royal Royal Asiatic Society sacred Samavati Sanskrit Sariputta Savatthi Savatthi country saying sense sewed slaves Sotapatti Sramana STORY thabet thou thought thousand Thugyuè Thuthe Thuthe's translated Udena verse Vipassana wife wise words yoganas young
Popular passages
Page lvi - All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage.
Page cxxxvii - Watching his speech, well restrained in mind, let a man never commit any wrong with his body! Let a man but keep these three roads of action clear, and he will achieve the way which is taught by the wise.
Page 2 - Bosanquet, Esq. — VIII. On the existing Dictionaries of the Malay Language. By Dr. HN van der Tuuk. — IX. Bilingual Readings : Cuneiform and Phoenician. Notes on some Tablets in the British Museum, containing Bilingual Legends (Assyrian and Phoenician).
Page 16 - Lesley. — MAN'S ORIGIN AND DESTINY, Sketched from the Platform of the Sciences, in a Course of Lectures delivered before the Lowell Institute, in Boston, in the Winter of 1865-6. By JP LESLEY, Member of the National Academy of the United States, Secretary of the American Philosophical Society. Numerous Woodcuts. Crown 8vo.
Page cxliii - He who says what is not, goes to hell ; he also who, having done a thing, says I have not done it. After death both are equal, they are men with evil deeds in the next world. 307. Many men whose shoulders are covered with the yellow gown are ill-conditioned and unrestrained; such evil-doers by their evil deeds go to hell.
Page 3 - TRAVELS OF FAH-HIAN AND SUNG-YUN, Buddhist Pilgrims, from China to India (400 AD and 518 AD ) Translated from the Chinese. By Samuel Beal, BA , Triu.
Page xcii - If a man commits a sin, let him not do it again; let him not delight in sin: pain is the outcome of evil. 118. If a man does what is good, let him do it again; let him delight in it: happiness is the outcome of good.
Page xciii - Let no man think lightly of evil, saying in his heart, It will not come nigh unto me. Even by the falling of water-drops a water-pot is filled; the fool becomes full of evil, even if he gather it little by little. 122. Let no man think lightly of good, saying in his heart, It will not come nigh unto me.
Page clxiv - Brahmana worships the sacrificial fire. 393. A man does not become a Brahmana by his platted hair, by his family, or by birth; in whom there is truth and righteousness, he is blessed, he is a Brahmana.