THE GOOD FRUIT OF THE UNCORRUPT TREE. Luke 6. 43, part 44.-For a good tree bringeth not forth cor- HONOUR TO DEPARTED EXCELLENCE AN INCITE- Preached on the death of his late Majesty. Proverbs 10. 7.-The memory of the just is blessed : but the THE DOING OF RIGHTEOUSNESS IN REFERENCE TO THE PRACTICE OF LIBERALITY, AND TO Preached to a Parochial Benefit Society, in 1820. SERMON XIV. THE INTEREST TAKEN BY CELESTIAL BEINGS IN Preached on the Festival of Epiphany. Ephesians 3. 10.-To the intent that now unto the principa- ........ .Page 357 ERRATA. Page 113, line 21, instead of direliction, read, dereliction. Page 148, line 7, instead of Creature, read, Creator. Pages 381 and 382. Omit the paragraph beginning, If, in this de- When, in this devotion to their Maker, the faithful feel themselves SERMON I. Christianity the only true liberty. Preached in 1818. John 8. 34. Verily, verily I say unto you: whosoever committeth sin, is the servant of sin. HEN the Jews were told by our Saviour WH that they should know the truth, and the truth should make them free; they despised the promise, because they thought it offered them nothing, which they did not before possess. They said they were Abraham's seed— they were born free, and never were in bondage to any man. They were, indeed, Abra B ham's Christianity the only true liberty. ham's seed; and although in subjection to the Roman government, they retained their ancient institutions, and were governed by their own laws; so that they preserved an appearance of political liberty. But, the liberty meant by our Saviour was a moral or spiritual liberty; a liberty, which would enable them to perform the duties, and pursue the ends, of their being. Of this liberty they were unhappily destitute. Like most other hardened violators of God's law, they did not know, or did not consider that, he who committeth sin, is the servant of sin. This truth however, our Lord declared to them; and, as it is a truth very important and little regarded, I intend, with the divine permission, to employ the present discourse to prove and illustrate it. But first, it may be proper to open the subject, and draw your attention to it, by a brief exposition of a rather difficult passage in the verses following my text. The words are these: The servant abideth not in the house forever; but the son abideth forever. If the son, therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. Christianity the only true liberty. esteem I know, said our Saviour, that you yourselves highly; because you are the descendants of Abraham, and chosen by God from among all people, that he might establish his name, and his worship among you; for this reason, you claim to yourselves that spiritual freedom, of which I am now speaking. But let me assure you, the advantages of living under the laws and institutions of Moses, are not sufficient to give you freedom from the dominion of sin. The authority of Moses, who was but a servant, was intended to continue only till the son of God should come, to assume the authority of his Father. If you submit to his authority, faithfully embracing his doctrine, you will be fully instructed and empowered to live in obedience to his commands, under the perfect law of liberty. The great truths, which you will learn in the Gospel dispensation, will unfold to you the will, and the mercies, and the goodness of God; the sufficient means of salvation, with the full hope of everlasting glory. It will not only disclose to you the will of God, but give you a heart to love, and power to practice it. The B 2 |