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Should he own and support them by his providence in this ceremonial worship; it would be in effect to deny himself as the true Meffiah, as the great antitype to which all that shadowy difpenfa

not fent to the Gentiles but to the house of Ifrael. The highest and most convincing light was fet before them. The strongest means were used to excite their belief in him; but all was to little purpose; as a nation they rejected him,tion pointed. which caufed him, when he faw the evil that must come upon them, to weep over Jerufalem saying, "O Jerufalem, Jerufalem thou that killeft the prophets and ston-than such a space as infinite wif.

eft them which are fent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together even as an hen gathereth her brood under her wings and ye would not."

When the divine Redeemer had

finished his work, arifen from the

dead and afcended to heaven ;When the holy spirit was fent on the day of pentecoft, in such a miraculous manner, and the apoftles endowed with power from on high to work miracles in the name of Jefus, and had gone through the land of Ifrael preaching the gofpel and that people still continued to reject it; - When all the defigns of that typical difpenfation and temple worship were answered, the antitype or substance to which they pointed having come, it became improper, in the nature of the cafe, they should be continued longer under the divine protection and approbation.

The Meffiah having come and plainly taught the way of truth and life, a new and glorious light arose and shone in full splendor on the church, before which all the shadows of the Jewish state and temple worship must of course pass away. But the Jews, continuing in unbelief and endeavoring still to support the temple service, what could even human reafon expect from the head of the church in fuch a cafe ?

Could divine benevolence to the church and to the world of mankind say, that the temple and Jewish state should continue longer

dom faw best, to give them opportunity to repent and believe?

Would it not be prefering a less to a greater good, the shadows and darkness of that difpenfation, to the clear light of the gospel, bring much darkness the church and thus greatly injure the world of mankind in the all important concerns of salvation?


Doth it not then appear, that what has been done in the deftruction of that nation and temple,

though in itself dreadful, was a

work of great benevolence to the church and to the world of mankind; and necessary to be done to give a clear and full demonftration that the Messiah has actually come; that he reigns king in Zion and in the midst of his enemies having all power in heaven and earth?

There arifes likewife from these events a very strong evidence that the Jewish and Christian scriptures are true; and this evidence has been a growing one from the deftruction of the temple to the prefent day.

We are likewife taught, how dreadful are the confequences of rejecting the light and evidence of divine truth, which so clearly thine in the gospel difpenfation; either from the prejudices of our own hearts, or from any pre-conceived opinions.

Our light is greater, in many

refpects than the Jews could have, and yet how dreadful, and how long have divine judgments been upon that nation for rejecting the light they had !


BOUT the year 1785, as

I am informed, there was some special attention to religion among this people, and about ten or twelve perfons, in confequence of it were received into the church. I do not learn that there has been any other feason of special atten

Through the family of Abraham God has instructed mankind from the early ages of the world, to the present day. He has made ❘tion, till of late, in this place

vifible and temporal things, as they respected that nation and church, typically inftruct the world in events to come, and in the great ❘ concerns of eternity. He gave them laws with dreadful penalties which should take place even in this world if they broke them. They have broken them, and the awful fulfilment of divine threatenings to that people, stands as a certain pledge and earnest before our eyes, that God is unalterably true to his word, and will, from the perfection of his nature, fulfil all his threatenings on the finally impenitent through eternity.





fince its fettlement. In the year
1795 I became connected with
this people.
The church was
then small, and after that time
it decreased in numbers by reason
of deaths and other removals.
Sometimes an inftance of hopeful
converfion took place, but in gen-
eral, a very great degree of care-
leffness, as to eternity, prevailed
among the people. Very few
were found disposed to appear
professedly on the Lord's fide.
The riches, honors and pleasures
of the world feemed to be the
great objects of pursuit, while the
concerns of the foul were very
much forgotten. Errors and
immorality gained ground. To
many who professed to believe the
fcriptures to be the word of God,

the fundamental doctrines of reli-
gion were disgustful. Family
prayer was very unfashionable.
The house of God was much for-
faken on the fabbath, especially if
the weather was unpleasant, and
when a lecture was preached on
another day the preacher faw little
elfe but empty pews and the walls
of the house. The youth spent
much precious time at balls, which
were encouraged by many of the
old. The members of the church,
althe' they, in general, appeared

TO hear of the sovereign grace of God, displayed in caufingthenumerous revivals of religion in our land and in other parts of the world, affords joy to every benevolent heart. It is a pleasing confideration that there is such a monthly publication as the Evangelical Magazine, in which narratives of religious revivals, as well as other useful matter, may be recorded for the benefit of present ❘ to be lovers of Christ's caufe, yet became too remiss as, to church difcipline and watchfulness over each other.

and future generations. I now present you the following narrative of a late work of God in this place, and if you should think proper to publish it, may God grant that none may read it in vain.

In the year 1799 revivals of religion took place in fome neighbor ing towns, of which we often heard and concerning which, men- | extirpation of even the form of

religion. Christians were sensible that it was with us a time of extremity, and doubtless were often telling Jesus of their forrows. And glory be to the riches of fovereign grace, the Lord appeared for us in a time of great need. The revival, evidently began among Christians. They were anxious concerning the ftate

tion was sometimes made in public. But every thing folemn and important seemed to have no lafting effect. At this time, the minds of a great part of the people were much agitated with the fear of lofing the title of their lands, they being claimed by certain patentees. Their property appeared to engross the attention, and many feemed to fear the lofs of a little ❘ of religion and doubtless were en

earth, more than the loss of eter- dowed with an uncommon spirit nal glory. Religious conferences of fervent prayer for the advancewere appointed, and it was hoped ment of Chrift's cause. On the by the friends of Zion, that the | first sabbath in October, two difcloud of divine influence would courses were preached on the mifspread from neighboring towns eries of hell, and by what has fince over us, and that we might share | transpired, it appears that the in the blessings of the spirit. But all means were found to be ineffectual and God's children were left in mourning, and furrounded with difcouragements. They re alized the truth of these words in the prophecy of Amos, "I cauled it to rain upon one city and caused it not to rain upon another city: one piece was rained upon and the piece whereupon it rained not withered." At length, the controversy refpecting the landsley. was brought to a termination, but not fo favorably as the people ho- | little concerning their expectations.

minds of feveral persons were on that day much impressed. I appointed a conference to be at my house in the evening, in hopes people might be disposed to attend; and to the great joy of God's friends, a much larger number ap. peared than was expected. This was a folemn meeting, and gave some encouragement to hope that God was about to cause a fhaking among the dry bones of this val. Christians were animated with the thought; but they faid

ped. They felt the ftroke; but, it is to be feared, viewed not the hand of providence. Still temporal things were the principal subjects of converfation, and nothing special, of a religious nature, ❘ appeared. The church continued to decrease in numbers, so that in September 1801, but eleven male members remained. Our prof-❘ pect was exceedingly dark. It feemed, that unless God should interpofe by his Spirit, the love ❘ use of in the beginning of the revi

Another conference was appoint.. ed: At this the numbers were still greater, and the appearance of many gave evidence of something uncommon upon their minds. Conferences were continued, and the numbers and folemnity gradually increased, until the folemnity became general and until the awakening arose to a great height.

of the blessed Jesus would, very foon, cease to be publicly com. memorated, and that the enemies of God would foon rejoice in the

There was no uncommon providence, nor any new means made

val; but the same kind of providences with which the people were before visited, and the fame truths which they before heard

think at the same time that thou-
sands live to old age in fin, as stu-
pid almost as beasts. Although
not many who were members of
these schools, have made a public
profeffion as yet, still it is to be
hoped that numbers of them have
been made the adopted children of
God. The manner in which the
awakening was introduced into
one of the schools, was very re-
markable. A female, between
eleven and twelve years of age,
when she was on the road, became
suddenly poffefsed of the thought
that she must die, and then was
led to reflect on her fins.
was in great distress of mind, and
continued so for some weeks. The
rest of the school witnessed it and
became folemnized. Great fer-
vice was rendered these schools by
the religious inftructions of their
teachers, who were much engaged
to promote the spiritual welfare
of their pupils. One of these
teachers hoped he had formerly
embraced religion; the other ob-
tained a hope after he took the
school. The month of February
was a remarkable month.

made a very different impression. I great and manifold sins, and to None can, therefore, rationally attribute the awakening to any thing short of the power of him who worketh all things according to the counsel of his own will. At a crowded conference, January 28th 1802, one who is a head of a family, voluntarily arose and acknowledged, that although he had formerly obtained a hope that he had religion, he had been very unfaithful in regard to family prayer, instructing and warning his family and other duties. He faid he had tried to quiet confcience by excuses; but ftill something within would often tell him these excuses would not answer his purpose, and he could not remain at ease. He faid he was convinced that it was in vain to plead any excuse, that he felt condemned, and that he had wounded his own foul; but that he begged God's forgiveness, and was determined to go forward in the strength of the Lord, and to endeavor to live devoted to the service of God. He warned others not to follow his finful example if they regarded their own peace, or the honor of Christ's caufe. He was followed | gion appeared indeed to be the



principal business to which people attended, and it was almost the only subject of conversation. Almost every day, new inftances of conviction and hopeful converfion took place. The Lord then made a short work of it. It was then more common that convie

by several others to the like import. Some of these perforis were leading characters in the town, whohave fince made a public | profeffion of religion and continue engaged in the cause of God. At the conference last mentioned, every perfon appeared folemnized, and many were exceedingly affect-tion was sudden, distress extreme, and relief foon given. Such numbers came to our religious conferences, that when we met near the center of the society, the people could not be accommodated in any dwelling houfe or school house. We therefore were obli

ed. From that time, the work increafed. Conferences were more crowded, although there were se veral in a week, and in different parts of the society. In February, two of our schools were greatly folemnized. It was very affecting to fee children almost rea-ged to meet in the meeting house dy to fink under a fenfe of their in cold evenings, for a confiderable time: In one instance we ad journed thither after we had begun exercifes in a dwelling houfe, finding it impoffible for the people to be accommodated. It was supposed that five hundred perfons assembled at fome evening meetings. At a dwelling house nearly two miles from the meetinghouse, where we often met, it was fuppofed that between four and five hundred sometimes assembled in the evening. On fabbath days our house of worship was filled, and there was such folemnity and fuch fixed and univerfal attention, as cannot be defcribed; and fuch as perhaps, never was conceived by any who have not witnessed like scenes. About this time, fundry remarkable inftances of hopeful converfion took place, which not only rejoiced the hearts of Zion's friends, but aftonished oppofers.

flect on his manifold fins, until his fius appeared to him a burden infinit by greater than that of the traveller, He found no relief until, as he hopes, his heart was changed by the irrefiftible influence of the holy spirit. His wife also, about the fame time, became convicted and hopefully converted.. To hear these perfons converfe was peculiarly affecting. Another than who was not only very careless about religion, but had declared he would never enter our houfe of public worship, and had kept his word as to this for many years, was struck under fudden conviction. His wife having before obtained a hope, propofed joining the church. He was then led to reflect on his own ftate and situation. The idea of being left to go down to hell, while numbers of his neighbors and even his wife had fet out for heaven, caufed him to tremble. His fins arose before him like mountains, and his distress of mind was very great. At length he obtained a humble hope in the mercy of a fovereign God. Since that time one of his children has been a fub

Two or three of which I will now relate. A man about fifty four years of age, who, not only had lived a very careless life, but was openly much opposed to the gofpel plan of salvation, and to the work of God in the revival, was brought under deep convic. ❘ject of the work. tion in a fudden manner.

There Another perfon was much opposed to the fovereignty of God and other doctrines connected with it. He did not believe them, but in cafe they were true, he believed they were very cruel and unreasonable. He determin-, ed never to bow to them, and thought that if he should ever become a Christian, he could never join a church that believed them. He was however brought under conviction. He then saw those doctrines to be true, but hated them. He obferves, that he often wished himself annihilated, and that he had fuch oppofition of heart to the sovereignty of God, that

came into his house a traveller with a burden upon his back: the family were about to fet down at the table: the stranger was invited to eat: when they arose from table and were withdrawing, the stranger said, " don't let us forget to give God thanks:" he then gave thanks and, departed. The man of the house felt reproved and confounded. The words of the stranger were fastened upon his mind by the power of God. He was led to reflect on his wicked ness in being unmindful of God, in neglecting prayer and thankfgiving. He was alfo led to re

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