Eduet 768.02.215 1857. April. 25. Edne T1028,02 mrs. hathaniel A. Haven jr. of Portsmouth. n. 6. ADVERTISEMENT. THE want of a system of Rhetoric upon a concise plan and at an easy price will, it is presumed, render this little Volume acceptable to the public. To collect knowledge, which is scattered over a wide extent, into a small compass; if it has not the merit of originality, has at least the advantage of being useful. Many, who are terrified at the idea of travelling over a ponderous volume in search of information, will yet set out on a short journey in pursuit of science with alacrity and profit. Those, for whom the following Effays are principally intended, will derive peculiar benefit from the brevity, with which they are conveyed. To youth, who are engaged in the rudiments of learning; whose time and attention must be occupied by a variety of fubjects; every branch of science should be rendered as concife, as possible. Hence the attention is not fatigued, nor the memory overloaded. That a knowledge of Rhetoric forms a very material part of the education of a po-lite scholar must be univerfally allowed. Any attempt therefore, however imperfect, to make so useful an art more generally known, has claim to that praise, which is the reward of good intention. With this the Editor will be fufficiently fatisfied; since being ferviceable to others is the most agreeable method of becoming contented. with ourselves. Perfonification and Apoftrophe Comparison, Antithesis, Interrogation, Exclamation, and other Figures of Speech ... ..... .... ..... |