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Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1833,


in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.




Printer to the University.


ENCOURAGED by the approbation, which our labors have hitherto received, we offer to the public the 5th volume of the American Almanac. For explanations of the astronomical department, we would refer the reader to Mr. Paine's Preliminary Observations. There will also be found in the course of the volume, such explanations and remarks relating to other portions, as make it unnecessary here to say much respecting them.

Complete lists of the Members of the American Congresses, from the year 1765 to the present time, are given in this volume. A list of the Members of Congress from 1774 to 1778, has never before, so far as we know, been published. This list has been carefully formed from the "Journals of Congress"; but these Journals do not furnish such information as to insure entire accuracy with respect to dates. Mr. Force's "National Calendar" for 1829 contains a list of the Members of Congress under the Constitution, from 1789 to 1827, on a different plan from that of the list here inserted; and the correspondent who prepared the latter, was not aware of the existence of the former, till he had completed his undertaking.

It will be seen that a Miscellaneous Department, and also a department for brief Obituary Notices, have now been introduced; and we hope that they will be regarded as an improvement of the plan of the work.

The space allotted to the notices of Individual States, in this volume, is chiefly occupied by an account of education and literary institutions in the several states; and the quantity of materials on these topics demanding insertion, has been so considerable as to render it necessary to exclude other useful matter; although the volume has been somewhat enlarged.

We would renew the expression of our grateful acknowledgments to our friends in the different parts of the country, who have been so good as to forward information for the improvement of this work; and we respectfully solicit a continuance of their fa


In the next volume we propose to give, in addition to other matters, a view of the financial institutions of the country, viz. banks, insurance companies, and savings banks; also of periodical literature, including newspapers and other periodical publications, on a plan, which is exemplified in this volume in relation to Massachusetts (see page 169); and on these topics, particularly, information is desired.

Cambridge, Massachusetts,

October 18, 1833.

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