obtain authentic information will sometimes prove ineffectual; the best guides that can be found will sometimes lead astray; and one will sometimes copy errors which he has no means of detecting. It has been our endeavor to give to every matter that comes within the plan of the work a correct and fair representation, unbiased by local or party prejudice; and we always receive with gratitude the friendly assistance of those who are so kind as to furnish us with the means of correcting errors or supplying defects. In the next volume, in addition to the usual variety of miscellaneous matters, and a further notice of some topics that are left incomplete in this, we purpose to give a view of the ecclesiastical statistics of the different religious denominations in the United States, together with the number of clergy, the provision made for their support, &c., and also an account of some of the most important benevolent institutions and societies, which form so prominent a feature in the modern movements and state of society. Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 10, 1834. Alabama,-Government; Judiciary; France Government; Cham Peers; Chamber of Deputies istry 21 Georgia Government; Judi Banks, &c.; Rail-roads Governors of the several States Parliament; Newspapers; Ju Judic 30 Hauser, Caspar 5 Heber, Richard 6 Huntington, Gen. Ebenezer 300 Illinois- Government; Judic Banks; Newspapers 330 Imports and Exports, United St 4 Indiana - -Government; 253 Intercourse with Foreign Nation 262 Jebb, Bishop 146 Jefferson's Ten Rules of Life Banks, &c.; Newspapers, &c Legislatures of the several Stat 326 Life-Annuity and other Tables 87 Literary and Miscellaneous Jou 322 Lloyd, Edward . 6 Louisiana - Government; Ju Bank; Newspapers 258 Magazines in 1810 13 Maine-Government; Judiciar Banks; Newspapers, &c. 265 Mars, illuminated portion of his 317 Martin, Wm. D. Florida -Government; Judiciary; Banks; 303 Maryland - Government; Ju Banks, &c.; St. John's Newspapers and Journals. 5 Massachusetts-Government; ry; School Fund; Banka; In Companies; Newspapers; Po Journals, &c. Medical Journals |