August 13. At Nashville, Tenn., in his 43d year, William Gibbes Hunt, editor of "The National Banner," formerly of Boston. He was graduated at Harvard University in 1810, and was a man of learning, talents, and worth. August 29. - At Pawtuxet, R. I., Capt. Thomas Hollis Condy, aged 77; an officer of the Revolution. Aug. 29. — At Newburgh, N. Y., Dr. William Meade, a mineralogist. August 31. — In Virginia, in his 65th year, Dr. Aylett Hawes. August. At West Bridgewater, Mass., aged 85, Daniel Howard, formerly a judge of the County Court. Aug. - At Jamaica, N. Y., in his 87th year, Egbert Benson, a man much respected for his private virtues and public services, eminent as a statesman and jurist. Sept. 4. At Kittanning, Pa., in his 89th year, Robert Orr, formerly judge in the Court of Common Pleas. Sept. 13. At Baltimore, Peter Worthington, an African, supposed to be upwards of 110 years of age. Sept. 15.— At Lowell, Mass., Warren Colburn, aged 40, author of excellent treatises on Arithmetic and Algebra, and other valuable books of education. He was graduated at Harvard University in 1820, and greatly respected for his talents and excellent character. Sept. At Delaware, Ohio, John W. Campbell, judge of the United States District Court of Ohio. Sept. At Lexington, Ken., aged 78, General Robert Breckenridge. Sept. At Georgetown, D. C., in his 87th year, the Rev. Stephen B. Balch, D. D. Sept. At Salisbury, N. C., Leonard Henderson, chief justice of North Carolina. Sept. At Randolph, Vt., Calvin Edson, called the "living skeleton." His weight, at the time of his death, was stated to be only 45 pounds. Sept. - At New Orleans, the Rev. Leon de Neckere, D. D, Catholic Bishop of New Orleans. Roman Sept. 12. A Convention, styled "The Union and State Rights Convention," having been in session several days at Columbia, S. C., adjourn to Dec. 10, after having submitted an Address to the people of South Carolina, and adopted the following among other resolutions : "Resolved, That while we deprecate nullification, as founded on principles subversive of the Constitution, we would willingly and cordially unite with our fellow-citizens of the free-trade and state-rights party of this state, on any ground which promises a redress of our grievances, without involving a violation of the Constitution of the United States. "Resolved, That in case of the concurrence of the states of Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, this Convention do earnestly recommend to the citizens of this state to meet in their several districts, and elect delegates to attend a general meeting of the citizens of the said states in convention, to take into consideration the grievances under which we labor, and the means and measures of redress. "Resolved, That we solemnly pledge ourselves to adopt, abide by, and pursue such measures in relation to our grievances as the said Convention shall recommend. "Resolved, That a committee of nine be appointed to correspond with their fellow citizens of the said states, and in case of their concurrence in the proposed convention, to give notice of the time and place of holding the same, and fix a day for the election of delegates from the several districts of this state, and that a majority of the acting members of the committee be authorized to supply any vacancies in their number as the same may occur." 19. The adherents of Don Miguel attack Oporto and are repulsed, after a sharp contest, with considerable loss on each side. 21. A note is delivered to the London Conference, containing the absolute refusal of the King of Holland to accede to the treaty offered him by the Five Powers. 21. Attack upon Oporto, by Don Miguel, in which he is repulsed with 27. A battle is fought at Galeneta, Mexico, between Gen. Montezuma with an army of 5,000 men, and Gen. Bustamente with 3,500 men, in which the former is completely defeated. 29. Report of the Sanatory Commission of Paris published, stating the number of deaths in the city, from Cholera, between March 26 and August 30, to have been 18,000. 30. The Spasmodic Cholera appears at Cincinnati, Ohio. Change in the Spanish Ministry. The late Prime Minister, M. Calomarde, is sent into exile, and M. Zea Bermudez is appointed in his place. OCTOBER. 7. Gen. Santander inaugurated as President of New Grenada. 7. Gen Pedraza, having been invited by Gen. Santa Anna to return to Mexico and assume the administration of the government, arrives at Vera Cruz. 8. Otho proclaimed and installed king of Greece at the palace of Preysing in Bavaria. 11. A new French Ministry formed, with Marshal Soult at its head. 14. Treaty concluded between the United States and Naples. 15. Earl Grey directs a circular to be sent to all the foreign ambassadors, in London, acquainting them with the resolution of the British Cabinet to eject the Dutch, vi et armis, from the citadel of Antwerp. 22. Convention between France and England, signed at London, to carry into effect the Treaty relative to the Netherlands concluded Nov. 15, 1831. 24. The 150th anniversary of the landing of Wm. Penn is celebrated at Philadelphia. 25. The Queen of Spain appointed Regent during the King's indisposition, and a complete change made in the Ministry. 25. An act passes in the Legislature of South Carolina, (in the Senate by a vote of 31 to 13, and in the House of Representatives, by a vote of 96 to 25,) requiring a " Convention of Delegates of the people of that state to assemble at Columbia on the 3d Monday of Nov., then and there to take into consideration the several acts of the Congress of the United States, imposing duties on foreign imports for the protection of domestic manufactures, or for other unauthorized objects; to determine on the character thereof, and to devise the means of redress; and further, in like manner to take into consideration such of the acts of said Congress, laying duties on imports, as may be passed in amendment of, or substitution for, the act or acts aforesaid, and also all other laws and acts of the government of the United States, which shall be passed or done for the purpose of more effectually executing and enforcing the same." 1834.1 CHRONICLE OF EVENTS, 1832. 323 NOVEMBER. 2. An order issued by Government to prohibit furnishing ardent spirits to the army of the United States. 2. Four Bishops of the Episcopal Church consecrated at New York; viz. of Vermont, New Jersey, Kentucky, and Ohio. 5. A conspiracy at Madrid in favor of Don Carlos discovered. 6. Grand Festival in Sweden in honor of Gustavus Adolphus, it being the 200th anniversary of the battle of Lutzen. 6. An Order in Council is published in "The London Gazette," laying an embargo on all Dutch vessels. 7. The Duchess of Berri, who had for some time been making efforts to excite insurrection in the western departments of France in favor of her son, is arrested. — In the documents afterwards published in relation to her, there was a declaration made by Dr. Deneux, her confidential physician, that she was the lawful wife of Count Luchesi Palli, son of the Neapolitan Prince of Campo Franco. 12. An Anti-Tariff Convention meets at Milledgeville, Georgia, consisting of 134 delegates. 13. The French army (75,000) under Marshal Gerard enters Belgium. It marched directly forward and encamped before Antwerp; and hostilities commenced on the 30th, by the Dutch garrison firing on the besiegers. 18. A violent eruption of Mount Etna. The town of Bronte, containing 10,000 inhabitants, destroyed, but with the loss of few lives. 19. An attempt is made to assassinate the King of France. 19. The French Chambers commence their session. 19. A Convention of Delegates of the state of South Carolina assemble at Columbia and pass an Ordinance (by a vote of 136 to 26, to take effect on the 1st of February, 1833, unless the acts of Congress imposing duties on imports should be repealed), declaring and ordaining, "that the several acts and parts of acts of the Congress of the United States, purporting to be laws for the imposing of duties and imposts on the importation of foreign commodities, and now having actual operation and effect within the United States, and more especially An act entitled an act in alteration of the several acts imposing duties on imports approved on the 19th of May, 1828, and also an act entitled an act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports approved on the 14th of July, 1832,' are unauthorized by the Constitution of the United States, and violate the true meaning and intent thereof, and are null, void, and no law, nor binding upon this State, its officers, or citizens; and all promises, contracts, and obligations made and entered into, or to be made or entered into with the purpose to secure the duties imposed by the said acts, and all ju |