May 31. At Paris, aged 60, General Maximilian Lamarque, a distinguished officer, and a defender of liberal principles. June 21. In London, in his 88th year, Count Simon Woronzow, a Russian statesman, and for 30 years an ambassador to England. June 23. — At Edinburgh, aged 72, Sir James Hall, F. R. S. E. June 29. - In London, aged 48, Sir James Macdonald, Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands. June. At Florence, aged 82, Sestini, a celebrated antiquary. July 16. At Paris, aged 46, Brué, Geographer to the King. July 17. In London, aged 60, Sir John Carr, well known as a writer of Tours and Travels. July. At Paris, aged 91, Portal, a celebrated physician. Aug. 20. At Hackney, England, aged 62, Thomas Bourne, author of a" Gazetteer of the most Remarkable Places in the world." Sept. 2. At Hackney, aged 51, John Olding Butler, author of a "Geography of the Globe." Sept. 16. Clarke. Classics." --- At Llangollen, Wales, aged 87, Field-Marshal Alured At Paris, Professor Lemaire, Editor of the "Latin Nov. 4. In London, aged 70, Charles Abbott, Lord Tenderden, Chief Justice of the Court of the King's Bench. He was the son of a barber, -born at Canterbury, Oct. 7, 1762, - educated at Oxford, - made a Judge of the Common Pleas in 1816,- and raised to the office of Chief Justice of the King's Bench in 1818. Nov. 15.- Richard Bourke, D. D., aged 65, Bishop of Waterford and Lismore. Dec. 7. - At Bombay, aged 32, Victor Jacquemont, a distinguished naturalist. Dec. 21. - At Sheen in Surrey, England, in his 97th year, Wm. Bray, F. S. A., an eminent antiquary. 1833. Jan. 3. At Portsmouth, England, aged 75, Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Foley. In London, aged 72, Joshua Brookes, F. R. S., &c. At Gottingen, Professor Ernest Schulze. - Near Liverpool, England, aged 78, Gen. Sir Banastre Tarleton. In the American Revolutionary war, he commanded, in the Carolinas, the British cavalry with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Jan. 23. At Teignmouth, England, in his 76th year, Admiral Viscount Lord Exmouth, an eminent commander in the British Navy. Jan 29. At Paris, aged 66, M. Jean-Daniel Kieffer, Professor of Turkish in the College of France. Feb. 4.-At Bedford Cottage, Southampton, England, in his 86th year, John O'Keefe, a dramatic author. Feb. 6. Feb. 6.. In England, the Rev. Edward Cooper, rector of Hamstall Ridgware and of Yoxall, Staffordshire; author of several volumes of Sermons, much esteemed. In London, aged 72, Alderman Robert Waithman, M. P. Feb. 8. At Milton House, near Peterborough, England, in his 85th year, Wm. Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam, formerly President of the Council, &c. Feb. 13. At Florence, in his 79th year, Prince Stanislaus Ponia towski, brother of Stanislaus Augustus, the last king of Poland. He rendered himself illustrious by being the first to emancipate his serfs throughout his extensive estates. March 6. At Norwood, England, aged 52, John Wm. Ward, Earl of Dudley, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs under Mr. Canning, a nobleman noted for talent and eccentricity. -- March 29. At Helston, Cornwall, aged 68, Samuel Drew, a distinguished metaphysical writer, and editor of the Imperial Magazine. April 3. - At Odessa, aged about 35, Nicholas Ipsilanti, a brother of Alexander Ipsilanti, and an officer under him in the Greek revolution. April 11.. In London, in his 89th year, the Rev. Rowland Hill, the celebrated minister of Surrey Chapel. He was the son of Sir Rowland Hill, and uncle to the present Lord Hill. He was admitted to deacon's orders, but never attained any higher rank in the hierarchy. He, however, regarded himself as an Episcopal clergyman, yet maintaining an independent and ambiguous position, being theoretically a Churchman, but practically a Dissenter. He was distinguished for zeal and eccentricity, and had long to contend against religious animosity; but his warm-hearted philanthropy, generous benevolence, and blameless character overcame opposition, and gained him general respect and esteem. He usually spent a considerable part of the summer in visiting various parts of Great Britain, preaching in places of worship of almost every denomination that would admit of his services, and occasionally to large assemblies in the open air. He preached for the last time to an immense audience but three days before his death. April 11. At Florence, in his 72d year, Raffaele Morghen, a celebrated engraver. April 15. In London, aged 52, Thomas Foley, 3d Baron Foley. His life was insured for £200,000. April 16. In London, aged 60, Henry George Herbert, 2d Earl of Carnarvon ; a noblemanof talents; formerly a whig; lately a conservative. April 19. At Iver, near Uxbridge, England, aged 76, James Gambier, Lord Gambier, Admiral of the Fleet, long a distinguished officer in the British navy, and the commander of the fleet which took possession He was formerly known as Marquis of Stafford, but was, on t January, raised to a ducal coronet." His grace was regarded ing one of the largest incomes in Europe,-report affirmed ceeded £300,000 per annum."- New Monthly Magazine. July 28. In London, in his 74th year, William Wilberforce, most celebrated philanthropists of modern times, and whose ous, long-continued, and ultimately successful exertions in fa abolition of the slave-trade, have given him a high rank among factors of the human race. He was born, Aug. 24, 1759, at Hull cated at St. John's College, Cambridge, where he formed an inti William Pitt; was elected a member of parliament for Hull in the county of York in 1784; and in 1787, he brought forward for the abolition of the slave-trade, and the question, after a laborious struggle, was finally carried during the ministry of June 10,1806. In 1797, Mr. Wilberforce published his celebrated cal View," a work which has been translated into most Euro guages, and of which about fifty editions have been printed Britain and America. His remains were consigned to the sam the illustrious dead in Westminster Abbey; and his "funeral cluded the great and the good of all parties." AMERICAN OBITUARY.-1832. Sept. 13. At Detroit, aged 68, the Rev. Gabriel Richard, priest, and a man of extensive learning. He was born at France; came to America after the commencement of the Fre lution; was sent as a missionary to Illinois; went to Detroit and was elected a delegate to Congress in 1823. Sept. 16. At Boston, aged 81, Major Thomas Melville, an active part in the Revolution, and formed one of the Bos party." Oct. 13. At Norfolk, Va., John E. Holt, nearly twenty ye of that borough. Nov. 14. At Baltimore, in his 96th year, Charles Carroll ton, the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independ was born at Annapolis, on the 20th of September, 1737; was from a respectable Irish family; was of the Catholic religio herited a very large estate. He was sent at an early age to St. O educated; thence he was removed to Rheims. After having s civil law in France, he passed over to London and pursued of common law at the Temple; and returned to America at 27. He was soon known as an advocate for liberty, and as |