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The government of England is a constitutional hereditary m in which the power of the sovereign is controlled by the infl the aristocracy in the House of Peers, and by that of the demo the House of Commons. The executive authority is vested King; the legislative, in the King and Parliament. The King power of appointing all the great officers of state, and all the e acts of the government are performed in his name; but his m only are responsible for them.

First Lord of the Treasury,
Chancellor of the Exchequer,
President of the Council,
Lord Privy Seal,

Sec. State for the Home Dep.
Sec. State for the Foreign do.
Sec. State for the Colonial do.
First Lord of the Admiralty,
Pres. of the Board of Control,
Post-master General,
Chan. of Duchy of Lancaster,
Paymaster of the Forces,
Chief Sec. of State for Ireland,

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Sir William Horne, kt.

Sir John Campbell 1


Master of the Horse,
Groom of the Stole,

First Commis. of Land Revenue,
Treasurer of the Navy and Vice-
Pres. Board of Trade,

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The Lords Temporal are Peers of the Realm, and are hereditary Counsellors of the Crown: their honors, immunities, and privileges are hereditary. A Peer may vote by proxy: when sitting in judgment he gives his vote not on oath, like a Commoner, but upon his honor. The persons of Peers are for ever sacred and inviolable from arrest and imprisonment for debts, trespasses, &c. They cannot be outlawed in any civil action; nor can any attachment lie against their persons; and they are possessed of various other privileges and immunities.

The number of the Lords Temporal is indefinite, and may be increased at the pleasure of the Crown. The ancient nobility sit in the house by descent; the new-made peers by creation; the 16 representative peers for Scotland, and the 28 representative peers for Ireland, by election · the former are elected for each parliament; the latter for life.

The prerogative which the King enjoys of increasing the peerage at his pleasure, is, when properly exercised, made use of for the purpose of rewarding such as are eminent for their public services; but there are too many instances on record of its application to purposes of favoritism; and not a few to the unworthy one of insuring votes in the


A List of the House of Lords, with the Title, Family Name, Date and the Birth of the present Peer.

The Peers who have a star (*) prefixed to their names voted against the Re 8th, 1831; and those who have a section (§) prefixed, voted in favor of it.

The other Peers whose names are not marked, are such as omitted to vote ceeded or been raised to the peerage since that time.

Wm. P. Amhers
B. Ashburnham
Heneage Finch
Henry Bathurst
J. R. P. Lygon
T. M. F. Berkel
Algernon Percy
G. A. F. Bridger

Brooke & War'k See Warwick
*Brownlow John Cust

Buckinghamsh. G.R.T.H.Hamp

1822 1776 $Camperdown


M Portio

1000 1704

G. A. H. Cavend
G. Cadogan
R. D. 1). Haldar
R. Brudenell
George Howard
H. J. G. Herbert
W. S. Cathcart
J. F. Campbell
John Pitt

G. A. F. Stanho
H. T. Pelham
J. C. Villiers
James Manu

G. Wm Covent
P. L. L. F. Cow
Wm. Craven
Wm. Legge
G. J. West
B. P. Fielding
E. S. Stanley
Wm. Courtenay
Walter F. Scott
Edward Digby
J. G. Lambton
G. O'B. Wyndha
John Scott
G. C. Coningsby
Edw. Boscawen
Washington Shir
C. W. Fitzwillia
H. Fortescue
James Graham
[D. Montrose,S
Charles Grey
Francis North
Philip Sherard
Philip Yorke
H. Lascelles
Charles Stanhope
Dudley Ryder
A. B. S. T. Hill
[M. Downsh. Ir
R. W. P. C. How
F. T. H. Hasting
H. S.F. Strangwa
George Villiers

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P. B. Pellow
G. H. Gordon

G. Leveson Gower
H. Devereux
Henry Hood

J. H. Hutchinson
[E.Donough. Ir.]
F. G. Lake

1815 1773 *De Dustanville
1549 1777 *Delamere
1796 1753 *De Ros

6De Saumerez
De Tabley
18071772 (Dinorben

Geo. Thynne

John Proby

[E.Carrysfort, Ir.] J. C. Brabazon

[E. of Meath, Ire.] F. A. Spencer Richard Meade [E. Clanwm. Ire.] H. Ch. Clifford Henry Bligh

[E. Darnley, Ire.] R. C. S. J. Trefusis Robert Jocelyn [E. of Roden, Ire.] N. Clements

[E. Leitrim, Ire.] V. B. Lawless Charles Abbot H. Wellesley John Crewe Thomas Brand George Ramsay [E. Dalhou. Scot.] Francis Basset Th Cholmondeley H. W. Fitzgerald James Saumarez George Warren Wm. L. Hughes

1797,1757 1821 1767

1264 1792 1831 1757 1826 1811 1831.1767


Th. A. Powis John Loftus [M. of Ely, Ire. John Perceval [E. Egmont, Ire George J. Ludlov [E. Ludlow, Ire John S. Copley Th. Graham Wm. H. Lyttleto


T. Manners Sutt W. Wellesley Po Wm. Lamb [V.Melbourne,I George Gordon [E.Aboyne, Sco Th. Hamilton [E. Hadington, S H. W. Agar Ellis [V. Clifden, Ire H. Willoughby F. N. Conynghan [M. Conyng., Ire J. George Monson H. J. Montagu Sc Charles Moore [M. Drogheda, Ir Henry Bromley H. P. Browne [M. of Sligo, Ire Edward P. Lloyd John Rushout T. H. Skeffington [V. Ferrard, fre James Butler [M.Ormonde, Ire Henry Paget [E. of Uxbridge. Wm. Maule P. C. S. Smythe [V.Strangford, I W. F. H. Petre Wm. C. Plunket G. W. Bampfylde Fred. Ponsonby [E. Besboro', Ire John Ponsonby Algernon Percy Thomas Knox [E. Ranfurly, Ire Thomas H. Lidde J. Thomas Mitfor Thomas Lister George Pitt River George Rodney John Rolle A. J. Primrose [E. Rosebery, S George Boyle [E. Glasgow, S G. W. F. Kinnai [E. Kinnaird, S A. Fitzherbert St.Andrew St.Jo J. G. Spotford

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