IV. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARIES. Name. Cong. 18162 1816 2 1808 5 145 574 11,000 1824 3 31 100 3 24 Lex'gton, S. C. Lutheran, 1832 2 2 18211 3,000 1,800 30 1,000 22 50 6,000 Cincinnati, O. Do. 18293 Bangor Theol. Sem. Bangor, Me. 1812 3 136 619 There are Roman Catholic Theological Seminaries at Baltimore and near Emmittsburg, Md., at Charleston, S. C., near Bardstown, and in Washington County, Ky., and in Perry County, Mo. V. MEDICAL SCHOOLS. Name. Maine Medical School, Place. Brunswick, N. Hampshire Med. School, Hanover, Med. Dep. Columbian College, Fairfield, 3d Thurs. in Aug. Philadelphia, 7 5 190 1st Mond., Nov. 6 121 9 368 6 150 6 6 30 3 40 7 150 Augusta, 3d Mond, Oct. VI. LAW SCHOOLS. At Cambridge, Mass., 2 professors and 50 students; at New Haven, Ct., 2 professors and 31 students; at Litchfield, Ct.; at Philadelphia, Pa.; at Baltimore, Md.; at Williamsburg and Staunton, Va.; at Lexington, Ken, 1 professor and 39 students; and at Cincinnati, Ohio, with 4 professors. [183 ARIMME TAD VII. COLLEGES IN TH 18 17 179 176 174 177 175 178 180 189 180 17 18 17 18 18 18 18 Under the direction of Baptists (*): Episcopalians (†): Methodists (†): Catholics ( ↑ Undergraduates, not including medical, theological, and law students. Several colleges, not included in this table, have been recently established in New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Alabama, which are noticed under these different states. 8,500 10,500 2,000 2,500 6,000 5,350 8,920 3,700 1,150 Commencement. First Wednesday in September. Last Wednesday but one in Aug. Last Wednesday in September. 5,000 1,200 1,000 1,200 1,600 2,300 1,200 1,000 2,500 300 400 200 1,200 6,000 4,500 EXPLANATION. 2d, from the ni 1. Com., 3 weeks;-2. Friday after 3d Wed. Dec., 8 weeks; Friday after 3d Wed. May, 2 weeks. 1. Com., 4 weeks;-2. Last Wed. Nov., 9 weeks. 1. Com., 4 weeks;-2. last Mon. Dec., 61-2 weeks;-3. Thur preceding the last Wed. May, 2 1-2 weeks. 1. Com., 4 weeks; -2. 1st Wed. Jan., 8 weeks. 1. Com., 4 weeks;-2. 1st Wed. Jan., 7 weeks;-3. 3d Wed. I 2 weeks. 1. Wed. preceding 25th Dec., 2 weeks;-2. 1st Wed. April, 2 we -3. preceding Commencement, 6 weeks. 1. Com., 4 weeks;-2. Wed. after 3d Wed. Dec., 6 weeks ;-3 Wed. May, 3 weeks. 1. Com., 6 weeks; -2. 2d Wed. Jan., 2 weeks; -3. 1st Wed. M 4 weeks. 1. Com., 4 weeks; -2. last Friday in Dec., 2 weeks;-3. 2d Fri in May, 3 weeks. 1. Com., 6 weeks; -2. 1st Wed. Jan., 2 weeks;-3. last V April, 4 weeks. 1. Com., 7 weeks;-2. Thursday before Christmas, 2 weeks; Thursday before 12th April, 3 weeks. 1. Wed. before Christmas, 7 weeks; -2. preceding com., 5 wee 1. Com. to the 1st Monday in October. 1. Com., 6 weeks;-2. in Dec. 4 weeks;-3. in April, 4 weeks. 1. Com., 5 weeks;-2. 3d Wed. Dec., 4 weeks;-3. 3d Wed. A 4 weeks. 1 Com., 6 weeks; -2. at Christmas and New Year, 2 weeks ;- 1. Com., 6 weeks;-2. 1st Thurs. after 2d Tuesday April, 5 we 1. Month of October;-2. Month of May. 1. Good Friday, 10 days;-2. Last Wed. July to 1st Mond. Sept. 3. Dec. 23 to 1st Mond. Jan. 1. Com. to the 1st Monday in Sept. 1. July 1 to August 16. 1. Com. to the last Monday in October. 1. Month of October:-2. Month of May. 1. Com. to 3d Wed. May; -2. 3d Wed. Oct. to 3d Wed. Nov. 1. Com., 6 weeks;-2. Dec. 15, 4 weeks. 1. Month of December; -2. in April, 3 weeks. 1. July 1 to the 1st Monday in October. 1. Com., 1 week ;-2. Wed. before 2d Monday Nov. to Jan. 1 ;April 1 to April 15. 1. Com. to the 3d Monday in October. 1. Com., 4 weeks;-2. Dec. 20 to Jan. 10. 1. Com., 5 weeks;-2. 3d Wed. March, 5 weeks. 1. Com., 5 1-2 weeks;-2 1st Wed. April, 5 1-2 weeks. 1. Com., 4 weeks;-2. 1st Thursday April, 4 weeks. 1. Com. to 1st Mond. Nov.;-2. 2d Mond. March, 6 weeks. 1. Com. to Thurs. after 3d Wed. Oct.;-2. After a session o weeks, 4 weeks. 1. Com., 6 weeks;-2. in Feb. 21 weeks from 1st vacation, 4 we 1. Com. to the 1st of February. 1. Com., 6 weeks; -2. Wed. after 2d Tuesday April, 4 weeks. 1. Month of May;-2. Month of October. 1. Com., 6 weeks;-2. Wed. before Dec. 25, 2 weeks; Vacations of Bowdoin College: 1st. from 3 |