GEORGETOWN COLLEGE. This institution, which is pleasantly situated at Georgetown, is under the direction of the incorporated Catholic clergy of Maryland, and is the oldest Catholic seminary in the United States: it was first incorporated in 1799; and in 1815, it received an extension of its privileges from Congress, and was authorized to confer degrees. The college library contains 12,000 volumes. The course of ordinary studies is completed in 7 years. The academic or college year commences on the 15th of September, and ends on the 31st of July; and commencement is near the last of July. The number of students is usually about 140 or 150; a considerable part of them being day scholars. The number of graduates is not great. The number graduated at the commencement of July 25, 1833, was 7.-There are 19 professors and tutors, of whom three are professors of theology. - Rev. Thomas F. Mulledy, President. COLUMBIAN COLLEGE. This institution, founded by the Baptists, and incorporated by Congress in 1821, went into operation in 1822. It has an elevated and pleasant situation to the north of the city of Washington, one mile from the President's House, and 24 miles from the Capitol. Its buildings consist of a college edifice of 4 stories, 117 feet by 46, having 48 rooms for students, a chapel, &c.; another edifice of the same dimensions, but partially erected, which is connected with the first by a building of one story, 80 feet by 40, designed for a refectory; a philosophical hall, and two houses for professors. The college has a good philosophical apparatus, and a library of between 3,000 and 4,000 volumes. The only public aid which it has received was a grant from Congress of $25,000. A preparatory school is connected with the college; — also a medical department. Faculty in 1833. Rev. Stephen Chapin, D. D., President. (Wm. Boulware, A. M., Prof. Anc. Lang. Th. P. Jones, M. D., Prof. Chemistry. Number of students about 50. Annual expenses, exclusive of books and stationery, $ 167. Commencement is on the 1st Wednesday in October. Vacations ;1st, from commencement to the 1st Wednesday in November; - 2d, from the 1st Wednesday in May to the 1st Wednesday in July. Medical Department. Thomas Sewall, M. D., Pr. Anat. & Physiol. Frederick May, M. D., Prof. Obstetrics. Th. Henderson, M.D., Pr. Theo. & Prac. Med. Th. P. Jones, M. D., Prof. Chemistry. N.W. Worthington, M. D., Prof. Mat. Med. James C. Hall, M. D., Prof. Surgery. The medical department was organized in 1824, and a large and commodious building has been erected for the use of the institution in the city of Washington, on Tenth Street, about equidistant from the Capitol and the President's House. The lectures commence on the 1st Monday in November, and continue till the last of February. The fee for the lectures on each branch, is $ 15, or $90 for the whole course; the matriculating fee $5; — graduating fee $20. COLUMBIAN INSTITUTE. The "Columbian Institute for the promotion of the Arts and Sciences," was formed at Washington in 1816, and incorporated by Congress in 1818. It consists of five classes, viz. mathematical sciences, physical sciences, moral and political sciences, general literature, and the fine arts. The annual meeting is held on the last Saturday in each year. XXVI. FLORIDA TERRITORY. GOVERNMENT. WILLIAM P. DUVALL, Governor; first appointed in 1822; term of office expires in April, 1834; . James D. Westcott, Judges. JUDICIARY. Salary. Attorneys. Salary. $2,500 1,500 Marshals. West Florida, J. A. Cameron, $1,500. Geo. Walker. Middle Florida, Th. Randall, James W. Exum. 1,500. XXVII. MICHIGAN TERRITORY. Salary. GEO. B. PORTER, Governor; term of office expires Feb., 1835; . . $2,000 Judges. George Morell, Solomon Sibley, Ross Wilkins, and David Irvine. - Salary of each $1,200. Daniel Leroy, Attorney. Desnoyers, Marshal. Peter XXVIII. ARKANSAS TERRITORY. Salary. JOHN POPE, Governor; term of office expires Feb. 1835; 2,000 Judges. Alex. M. Clayton, Benj. Johnson, Th. P. Eskridge, and Edward Cross. Salary of each $1,200. Samuel C. Roane, Attorney. Elias Rector, Marshal. Most of the following Tables might have been placed with p priety before the division of the Individual States; but it has been fou expedient to insert them here on account of presenting the informat which they contain more recent and complete than could have b done, if they had been introduced earlier. Missouri Vandalia, Jefferson City. Time of the Meeting of the Legislature. 2d Monday in Sept. 1st Wednesday in Jan. 2d Tuesd. in March, 1st Wednesday in June 1st Tuesday in Sept. 2d Thursday in Oct. 2d Mond. in Novem. 1st Wednesday in Jan. Gov. & Sen. in Ap. 1st Wed. May & in Ju Rep. in Ap. & Aug. last Wed. Oct. & in Ja Ist Mond. in April, 1st Wednesday in May In October or Nov. 1st Tuesday in January 2d Tuesday in Oct. 4th Tuesd. in October. 2d Tuesday in Oct. 1st Tuesday in Decem 2d Tuesday in Nov. 1st Tues. in Jan. bienn 1st Monday in Oct. last Monday in Decem In the month of April, 1st Monday in Decem. Commonly in August, 2d Mond. in November 2d Monday in Oct. 4th Monday in Novem 1st Monday in Oct. 1st Monday in Novem 1st Mond. in August, 4th Mond. in October. 1st Mond. in Nov. 3d Monday in Novem. 1st Monday in July, 1st Monday in January 1st Thurs. in Aug. 3d Mond. in Sept. bier 1st Mond. in Aug. 1st Monday in Novem. 2d Tuesday in Oct. 1st Monday in Decem. 1st Mond. in August, 1st Monday in Decem 1st Mond. in August, 1st Mond. in Dec. bien 1st Mond in August 1st Mond, in Nov. bien III. TABLE exhibiting the Governors' Term and Salary, the Num of Senators and Representatives with their respective Terms a Pay, and the Mode of choosing Electors of President and Vi President, in the several States. Electors chosen b 1 211 2.00 G'l Tic 1 242 2.00 95 4.00 District 166 4.00 G'l Tick 2 169 4.00 Legisla 1 263 4.00 G'I Tic * There is no Senate in the Legislature of Vermont; but the Exe tive Council, consisting of the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and Counsellors, elected by the freemen, are empowered to lay before General Assembly such business as shall appear to them necessa also to revise and propose amendments to the laws passed by the Ho of Representatives. †The number of Representatives in the Legislature of Massachus in 1833, was 561; but the number is very variable. The pay of the Senators, in the Legislature of Connecticut, is $ day; that of the Representatives, $1.50. || The Upper House, which forms an independent branch of the Le lature of New Jersey, is styled the "Legislative Council." § Three different modes of choosing the electors of President Vice-President in the different states, are authorized by the Cons tution, viz. by the people by districts, by the people by a general tic and by the state legislatures. The same states have not all unifor adhered to the same mode; and the mode may be varied at the plea |