shall be liable to the same deductions as are prescribed by the first sec tion of this act. SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That until the 30th day of June, 1842, the duties imposed by existing laws, as modified by this act, shall remain and continue to be collected. And from and after the day last aforesaid all duties upon imports shall be collected in ready money; and all credits now allowed by law, in the payment of duties, shall be, and hereby are abolished; and such duties shall be laid for the purpose of raising such revenue as may be necessary to an economical administration of the Government; and from and after the day last aforesaid, the duties required to be paid by law on goods, wares, and merchandise, shall be assessed upon the value thereof at the port where the same shall be entered, under such regulations as may be prescribed by law. SECT. 4. And be it further enacted, That in addition to the articles now exempt by the act of the 14th of July, 1832, and the existing laws, from the payment of duties, the following articles imported from and after the 31st day of December, 1833, and until the 30th day of June, 1842, shall also (be) admitted to entry, free from duty, to wit: bleached and unbleached linens, table linen, linen napkins, and linen cambrics, and worsted stuff goods, shawls, and other manufactures of silk and worsted, manufactures of silk, or of which silk shall be the component material of chief value, coming from this side of the Cape of Good Hope, except sewing silk. SECT. 5. And be it further enacted, That from and after the said 30th day of June, 1842, the following articles shall be admitted to entry, free from duty, to wit: indigo, quicksilver, sulphur, crude saltpetre, grindstones, refined borax, emory, opium, tin in plates and sheets, gum Arabic, gum Senegal, lac dye, madder, madder root, nuts and berries used in dyeing, saffron, tumeric, woad or pastel, aloes, ambergris, Burgundy pitch, cochineal, camomile flowers coriander seed, catsup, chalk, coculus indicus, horn plates for lanterns, ox horns, other horns and tips, India rubber, manufactured ivory, juniper berries, musk, nuts of all kinds, oil of juniper, unmanufactured rattans and reeds, tortoise shell, tin foil, shellac, vegetables used principally in dyeing and composing dyes, weld, and all articles employed chiefly for dyeing except allum, copperas, bichromate of potash, prussiate of potash, chromate of potash, and nitrate of lead, aquafortis, and tartaric acids. And all imports on which the first section of this act may operate, and all articles now admitted to entry free from duty, or paying a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad valorem, before the said 30th day of June, 1842, from and after that day may be admitted to entry subject to such duty, not exceeding twenty per centum ad valorem, as shall be provided for by law. SECT. 6. And be it further enacted, That so much of the act of the 14th day of July, 1832, or of any other act as is inconsistent with this [1 act, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed; Provided, That not herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the passage, or subsequent to the said 30th day of June, 1842, of any act or from time to time, that may be necessary to detect, prevent, or p evasions of the duties on imports imposed by law, nor to preven passage of any act, prior to the 30th day of June, 1842, in the co gency either of excses or deficiency of revenue, altering the rat duties on articles which, by the aforesaid act of the 14th day of 1832, are subject to a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad rem, in such manner as not to exceed that rate, and so as to adjus revenue to either of the said contingencies. Table showing the Frogressive Reduction of Duties made on the important articles of import by the above Act of Congress. [Fro Pennsylvania Inquirer.] 1833. 1835. 1837. 1839. 1841. Per ct. Dec.31. Dec.31. Dc. 31. Dc. 31. Dc.31. J ad r val'm. 1-10th. 1-10th. 1-10th. 1-10th. half of e excess p per ct. a Brazier's Rod, Spike Rod, Sheet, Hoop, Slit, or Rolled Iron, 3 cents per lb. equal to average Pig Iron, 50 cents per cwt. equal to Bar Iron, rolled, $1,50 per cwt. equal to Bar Iron, hammered, 90 cents per exhibiting the Value of every Description of Imports from, and rts to, each Foreign Country, during the Year ending the 30th mber, 1832. ia. sia Hen and Norway dish West Indies mark -nsey, Jersey, &c. altar er British Colonies se Towns ace on the Atlantic ace on the Mediterranean, nch W. Indies & Am. Colonies ti in on the Atlantic in on the Mediterranean nilla and Philippine Islands er Spanish West Indies ugal leira er Portuguese African ports zil Dlatine Republic li De of Good Hope XX. Table showing the Federal or Representative Population, the Share in the Proceeds of the Public Lands, the Militia in 1831, the Revolutionery and Invalid Pensioners in 1832, in each State. A bill to appropriate, for a limited time, the proceeds of the Public Lands, by dividing them among all the States according to their Federal Population, was introduced into the Senate by Mr. Clay; and it passed both houses of Congress just before the close of the last session; but it did not receive the signature of the President. The annual proceeds were estimated at $3,000,000, from which 15 per cent. were to be deducted as an additional dividend for the State in which the land is situated: $450,000 (or 15 per cent.) from 3,000,000 leaving $2,550,000 to be divided among the several States, in shares as exhibited in the above Table. |