Sri Aurobindo: The Hour of God : Selections from His WritingsSri Aurobindo (1872-1950), A Pioneer Of IndiaŭS Freedom Movement, Poet, Seer And The Exponent Of Integral Yoga, Visualises The Possibility Of Humanity Fulfilling Its Evolutionary Destiny Through A Process Of Transformation. All The Works Of Sri Aurobindo, His Reflections On Aspects Of Culture And Education Have Been Included Here, To Introduce His Profound Vision To The Reader. |
The Hour of God | 5 |
The Divine Life | 30 |
Life and Yoga | 77 |
The Threefold Life | 90 |
The Systems of Yoga | 99 |
The Synthesis of the Systems | 108 |
The Message of the Gita | 116 |
Conditions for the Coming of a Spiritual Age | 139 |
Summary and Conclusion | 164 |
A Postscript Chapter | 171 |
The National Value of Art I | 189 |
The National Value of Art III | 196 |
The National Value of Art VI | 204 |
A Preface on National Education II | 211 |
The Powers of the Mind | 217 |
Simultaneous and Successive Teaching | 224 |
The Advent and Progress of the Spiritual Age | 151 |
The Religion of Humanity | 158 |
SenseImprovement by Practice | 231 |
Common terms and phrases
action activities aesthetic ancient animal beauty become body Brahmanas civilisation common consciousness cosmic created creation culture delight Dharma divine egoism element emotional endeavour energy eternal evolution evolutionary evolved existence experience expression faculties feeling force freedom gnostic Godhead greater harmony heart higher highest human idea ideal Ignorance imperfect Inconscience India Indian individual infinite inner instrument integral integral Yoga intellectual intuitive Kalidasa knowledge labour light living Mahabharata manifestation mankind Mantra material Matter means mental method mind movement Nature object organised outer outward perfection philosophic physical poet poetic poetry possible principle progress Puranas Purusha race realisation Reality religion religious result Rig-veda Rishis Sannyasin Sanskrit Sayana secret seeks sense social society soul spiritual spiritualised Sri Aurobindo Supermind supramental supreme symbol Synthesis of Yoga things thought transcendent true truth turn unity universal Upanishads Veda Vedantic Vedic vision vital whole Yaska Yoga