Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1891, by the in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. TYPOGRAPHY BY NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE, BOSTON, MASS. PRESSWORK BY POTTER & POTTER, BOSTON, MASS. Illustrations: George L. Stearns; John Brown, from a Bust by Morse; Stearns, from a Bust by Morse. 497 785 327 Illustrations: Professor Charles W. Eliot; In the Grounds of the Old Cambridge Arsenal; Lieutenant William Lowell Put- Illustrations: Adin Ballou; Mrs. Adin Ballou; "The Old House," Hopedale; The Ballou House; A Corner of Mr. Illustrations: Column from Capitol at Washington; Column from Parliament Buildings, Ottawa; and other illustrations. Illustrations from drawings by Louis A. Holman, and from photographs: Royal Arms in Trinity Church, St. John; Market LYNN, THE CITY OF. Illustrated. LITERATURE OF THE WHITE MOUNTAINS, THE. Illustrated Illustrations: On the Rangeleys; Statue of William King: The Colleges of Maine: Hon. Thos. B. Reed: A Camp in the MUNICIPAL THREAT IN NATIONAL POLITICS, THE. MASTER SHAKESPEARE'S STAR. Illustrated.. MOUNT MANSFIELD. Frontispiece. NOTES OF SOME NEW ENGLAND BIRDS. NATIONAL POLITICS, MUNICIPAL THREAT IN John Coleman Adams 630 634 798 297 364 497 532 717 2 49 138 391 462 532 547 570 575 682 128 NATURAL BRIDGE OF VIRGINIA, THE...... Katherine Loomis Parsons OLDEST HOUSE IN WASHINGTON, THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ILLUSTRATION OF POETRY. PROBLEM OF THE UNEMPLOYED, THE. PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF SCHLIEMANN POOR LITTLE MISS SEVERANCE. Illustrated PARIS CONSPIRACY AGAINST WAGNER, 1861 PURITANISM, THE MESSAGE OF FOR THIS TIME. POLITICS, MUNICIPAL THREAT IN NATIONAL PICTURES, ON FRAMING AND HANGING RISE OF THE SWISS CONFEDERATION, THE SCHLIEMANN, PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF. SWEET SINGER OF THE HOSPITALS, THE Illustrations: A Modern Greek; Heinrich Schliemann; Nauplia; Terra-cotta Pitcher; Gate of the Lions; Sceptres; TELEGRAPH, EARLY DAYS OF THE FIRST LINE OF. Illustrated TOP-DRAWER IN HIGH CHEST, THE....... UNITY, A BRIEF FOR CONTINENTAL VINLAND AND NORUMBEGA? WHERE ARE.. VILLAGE FARMS IN THE WESTERN RESERVE WINTER BIRDS IN NEW ENGLAND.. WALT WHITMAN. Frontispiece Mary E. Brush W. D. McCrackan Charles W. Willard Stephen Vail. 634 708 779 736 450 |