Calestia is the unfolding of the spiritual sense of the sacred Scriptures. Another purpose is to make us acquainted with the successive revelations of Divine truth which have in times past been granted to mankind, and also with the history of the successive Churches which have existed at different periods on this earth. Prior to the Christian era, three successive Dispensations or Churches had their rise and fall. Afterwards came the Church founded by the Lord and His disciples; and at this time a fifth Church, predicted as the 'New Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God,' is being established by means of the revelation of the spiritual sense of the inspired Word. The history of these Dispensations or Churches discloses the fact that the human mind has passed through a series of changes, having first, from a condition of primitive ignorance, ascended to one of celestial innocence, purity, and wisdom, and then descended towards what was worldly and sensual, reaching its lowest point of degradation just before the time of the first advent of the Lord Jesus Christ; by means of which event provision was made for man's restoration to the primeval happy condition represented by his eating of the 'tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.' "To some readers these statements may appear to be mere assertions, but not so to those who have accepted one of Swedenborg's most suggestive and characteristic teachings,namely, that underneath the surface of events there exists a series of spiritual causes out of which the events spring. This principle he in the Arcana Calestia applies to man, individually and collectively, in all ages. He shows that each member of a Church is a Church in its least form, and that the same laws which govern the general govern the particular; and therefore the causes which determine the rise and fall of Dispensations or Churches are the same as those which elevate or degrade each individual in his character and destiny." Mr. Swift, in the conclusion of his work, shows the eminently catholic and unsectarian character of Swedenborg's teaching. "As a Christian teacher," he says, "" none could be more catholic than Swedenborg; his teaching indeed is, in his own language, 'The Church of the Lord is with every one who is in a state of reception of charity and faith from the Lord' (AI. 8398). The New Church, which is the New Jerusalem, is formed of those who approach the Lord only, and at the same time perform repentance from evil works (A. R. 69). The Church of the Lord exists in every part of the world; but specifically where the Lord is acknowledged, and the Word is known" (H. D. 244), p. 216. FLOWERS. TALK to me of myself, ye flowers, Show me the use to which my powers Within the chambers of the mind. There reason's eye and love's quick ear He speaks of reverend belief That every human heart Hath symbol in each flower and leaf, Your forms and lovely tints, he saith, Are whispers of that better faith That hath in deeds its roots. Your structure beams in every part, With glorious seed-bound life. Of sorrow doth our life surround, Of flowers from God's own garden-ground Yea, all your time, from bud to seed, Rich gifts that all our ken exceed, All free for all to share. So wisdom's flowers of heavenly truth And pour sweet thoughts for age and youth Thus by your voice, ye silent ones, And blossoms as the rose. J. BEGG. HARK TO THE LARK. Hark to the lark of the dewy lay, D. YOUNG. 95 Chronicle of New Church Events. ITALY.-Professor Scocie in a recent and the fatherless for their support. letter, referring to La Nuova Epoca, makes the following communication:"I must now inform you, my dear friend, that I am obliged to suspend during the coming year (1883) the publication of my periodical La Nuova Epoca, in order to be able to finish the translation and publication of the 2nd vol. of the Vera Christiana Religio. This work is urgent: my health is not strong; my nervous disturbances are getting daily more severe, especially after a somewhat protracted mental exertion; and I feel it incumbent not to fatigue myself beyond measure, in order to avoid if possible the danger which threatens me of becoming permanently an invalid. For this reason I will suspend my periodical in order to complete the translation and publication of the aforesaid work into Italian. When this is done, if my health permits, I will resume my periodical with increased energy, and I trust also under better auspices. I am sure I can rely on your friendship in making known to the friends in England the necessity and expediency of this step, which I find irrevocable." The correspondent to whom we are indebted for this communication adds, that nothing but the strongest necessity could have made the good Professor decide on a course which must be most painful to him, as his heart is in his work-the noble one of propagating the glorious principles of the New Church in Italy. The love he and his amiable wife have for the cause, has made them bear without the slightest murmur, not to say cheerfully, the privation of many little necessaries, so that I hope that the friends of the Lord's New Church in England will in all Christian charity sympathize with the worthy couple. NEW CHURCH ORPHANAGE.-The first report of this excellent institution has been printed, and is now in course of circulation among the members of the New Church. It gives proof of the use which the institution is capable of accomplishing, and by this use, and its possible extension, appeals to all who can sympathize with the widow Two fatherless children have been adopted, and "in this first adoption of children, the Board were happy to be able to adopt the suggestion of the Rev. W. Bruce, that the mother, if a suitable person, should retain the possession and training of the children." The Board has acted wisely in not exhausting its funds in costly buildings, and it cannot be too extensively known that its present mode of operation can be adopted in any part of the kingdom. The uses of the institution may thus, so far as its means admit, be extended throughout the Church, and we hope that a vigorous effort will be made in all our Societies to furnish the means of the most extended usefulness, ACCRINGTON.-On Jan. 4th, 5th, and 6th, a second sale of work, and Christmas tree, were held in the schoolroom, in aid of the fund for the building of a new school. Last year the sale realized about £500, which sum has in the meantime been augmented to £634, and the nett proceeds of the sale of work just held amount to about £340. Mr. Bury inaugurated the bazaar, and referred to the early history of the present school and its erection in 1836, at which time it was almost the largest in the town. The Rev. Chas. Williams (Baptist) also addressed a few words of kindly sympathy and encouragement, and spoke of his friendship with many ministers and friends of the Society. BIRMINGHAM.-The Wretham Road Society in this town continues to maintain the cheerfulness and attractiveness of its services. At Christmas the church was elaborately decorated, the music appropriate, and the services warmly appreciated. The Society is also quietly progressing towards the completion of a plan of decorative woodwork and plastering for the lectureroom, and for the removal of the remaining debt upon the church buildings-£1200 having been recently paid on this account. LONDON (ARGYLE SQUARE).-The offertory at this church continues to render useful aid in the collection of its finances. The amount collected in the months of July, August, September, and October, was £81, 3s. ild. In the month of October 1882, there were three special services, which somewhat increased the usual amount. The number of the communicants during the past year gave an average of forty-seven, and the offertory for benevolent purposes at the last five celebrations amounted to £8, 2s. 5d. The members, with few exceptions, are believed to be communicants, but are to attend at each monthly celebration. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE (CAMBRIDGE STREET). We are glad to be able to report, that since the erection of the new temporary iron church on the large plot of ground lately purchased by this Society, the attendance at the services has been very encouraging, and that there is every prospect of good work being done for the Church here in the future. During the series of opening services, which extended from July 9 to September 3, several interesting lectures and discourses were delivered by various ministers, which not only gave great satisfaction to the members of the Church, but also attracted the attention of many strangers, who have up to the present time continued to attend our meetings. On Sunday, September 10, the leader of the Society, Mr. H. M'Lagan, resumed his ministerial duties; and will continue to officiate until April, when the Rev. J. R. Boyle of Hull, who has accepted the invitation of the Society to become its minister, will commence his ministry. A soiree was held on January 18, at which time, besides various selections of sacred and secular music, vocal and instrumental, etc., an address was read from the newly-elected minister, who, on account of indisposition and other engagements, was unable to be present in person. At the last quarterly meeting several new members were added to the list. We may also remark that the sum of £3000, bequeathed by the late Joseph Wilkinson, Esq., the interest of which is to be devoted to the minister's salary, is now in the hands of Conference; and of the further sum of £2700, granted by Mr. Henry Wilkinson towards the building of a place of worship, £1800 will be paid over to Conference about February 4, and the remainder as soon as possible afterwards. It is to be hoped that with such ample pecuniary resources at their command, the members of the New Church in this city will in the future accomplish a great work in the dissemination of the heavenly doctrines of the New Jerusalem. PAISLEY.-A course of nine Sunday evening lectures, on "Death and Man's State Hereafter," by the Rev. Laurence Allbutt, B. A., was concluded here on December 17. The average attendance was most satisfactory, ranging from 106 to 170 respectively. Many inquiries have been made as to the doctrines by strangers coming to the services, and several have borrowed books from the library. Many tracts have been distributed. It is intended to continue evening service in place of afternoon service till, at least, the end of March. Appropriate Christmas services were held on Sunday, December 24, the evening service being for children. About 160 children and adults were present. The annual Christmas Sunday school soiree passed off with the usual success on Tuesday, December 26. Obituary. Removed to the spiritual world on January 7, in the fifty-first year of her age, Alice, the beloved wife of Henry Haworth of Sisclough Terrace, Waterfoot, Rossendale. Up to thirty years of age she attended the Wesleyan Chapel in that town; but at that same time, along with her husband, she attended a course of lectures delivered by the Rev. W. Woodman at Newchurch in reply to Mr. Bradlaugh. They both began to read, and soon became ardent receivers of New Church theology. They were members of the New Church Society, which had a brief existence at Newchurch; and afterwards of another, which lived for some time at Bacup. Since its dissolution they have attended the Wesleyan Chapel, but continued to be delighted readers of the Morning Light and other New Church publica tions. For two months she suffered from a complication of diseases, which she bore with patience and fortitude, resignedly awaiting the call of her Lord and Master. |