her husband Fulk, Count of Anjou, the father, by a former marriage, of the English Plantagenets. 394. When did Saladin take the country and city of Jerusalem? A.D. 1187. 395. When was the siege of Acre? A.D. 1191. 396. What two youthful kings distinguished themselves at the taking of Acre? Philip Augustus, and Richard Plantagenet; the first English and French kings who fought under the same banners. 397. What was the fate of Richard, after his departure from Palestine? He embarked for Europe, where he long pined in captivity, and found a premature grave. 398. When did Frederic, grandson of Barbarossa, make a crusade? A.D. 1228. 399. Who was St. Louis? Louis the Ninth, king of France; the prince of the middle ages who most successfully laboured to restore the prerogatives of the crown. Twenty-eight years after his death, he was canonised at Rome. 400. Who shared his captivity in Egypt? The noble and gallant Joinville. 401. When was Damietta taken by the French? A.D. 1249. 96 LOSS OF ANTIOCH-EDWARD THE FIRST. 402. What ransom did Touran Shaw demand for Louis? The restitution of Damietta, and four hundred thousand pieces of gold. His soldiers received their liberty, and the generous victor sent his prisoner a robe of honour. 403. Where did Louis the Ninth die? Before Tunis, in the seventh Crusade, A.D. 1270. 404. Who were the Mamelukes of Egypt? Sultans of the Baharite and Borgite dynasties, and their forces. These Mamelukes numbered twenty-five thousand; they held the treaty of Selim the First, with the republic, as the great charter of their liberties, and had twenty-four beys, or military chiefs, who were succeeded, not by their sons, but by their servants. 405. When was Antioch lost? A.D. 1268. It was occupied and ruined by Bondocdar, sultan of Egypt and Syria. 406. What maritime towns successively fell into the hands of the Mahometans? Laodicea, Gabala, Tripoli, Berytus, Sidon, Tyre, and Jaffa, and the stronger castles of the Hospitalers and Templars. 407. What English king defended Acre from the invasion of the Moguls? Edward the First, during the lifetime of his father Henry: he assumed the cross; and at the head of a thousand soldiers, the future conqueror of Wales and Scotland delivered Acre from a siege. 408. When did the Moslems retake Acre and the Holy Land? A.D. 1291, under the command of the sultan Khalil. CONSTANTINOPLE AND THE BYZANTINE COURT. 97 409. What was the state of Constantinople and the Byzantine court in the twelfth century? The revolution which dethroned Andronicus, exalted Isaac Angelus, a prince descended from the same imperial dynasty. 410. Who usurped the sovereignty of the empire of the Greeks? Alexius Angelus, brother of Isaac. 411. Where were the first foundations of Venice laid? In the island of Rialto; where the Venetians had sought obscurity, when they fled from the fallen cities of the continent. 412. In what year did the French form an alliance with the Venetians? A.D. 1201, in the reign of Henry Dandole, Duke of Venice. 413. What was the object of this alliance? The deliverance of Jerusalem, a Crusade formed by the French; and these new allies left Venice, A.D. 1202. 414. What city was the first besieged? Zara, a strong city of the Sclavonian coast, which had renounced its allegiance to Venice, and implored the protection of the king of Hungary. 415. Name the prince who sought an alliance with these Crusaders, Alexius, the Greek prince, who desired their assistance for his own restoration and his father's deli verance. K 98 SIEGE OF CONSTANTINOPLE. 416. In what year was Constantinople besieged and conquered? A.D. 1203, July 18th; when Isaac Angelus and his son Alexius were restored to the throne. 417. Who deposed Alexius and his father? Mourzouple, a prince of the house of Ducas, was the leader of the rebellion against the king. 418. When was the second siege? A.D. 1204. 419. Was the city abandoned to pillage? The victors sacked the capital of its treasures; plundered its temples, and destroyed the works of art and libraries by fire. 420. Between what nations was the empire divided? The French and Venetians. 421. Whom did they elect emperor? Baldwin. 422. How were the Greek provinces divided? One-fourth only was added to the Greek emperor's domain, and the remainder was appropriated by the Venetians. 423. Who was Theodore Lascaris? Emperor of Nice, A.D. 1204. He was signalised in the sieges of Constantinople, and elected by the soldiers as their king. He established his residence at Nice. 424. When was the Bulgarian war? A.D. 1205. Baldwin I. was defeated and made prisoner, and afterwards barbarously murdered by his captors. PETER, COUNT OF AUXERRE. 425. Who succeeded Baldwin? 99 His brother Henry; a prince whose character was not unequal to his arduous situation. He had fought valiantly at the siege of Constantinople, and beyond the Hellespont; and his courage was tempered with a degree of prudence and mildness unknown to his impetuous brother. 426. Where did Henry die? At Thessalonica, in the defence of that kingdom and the infant son of his friend Boniface. 427. Who succeeded him? Peter of Courtenay, Count of Auxerre, husband of Yolande, the sister of the deceased monarch. He passed the Alps with the assistance of Philip Augustus, and pope Honorius the Third crowned him emperor; but by his untimely death the throne was vacant, though long ignorance of his fate delayed the proclamation of a new emperor. 428. To whom did the crown descend? To the princes, sons of Yolande and Peter the elder; Philip, preferring the substance of a marquisate to the shadow of an empire, resigned all claim in favour of his brother Robert, who was crowned by the patriarch in the cathedral of St. Sophia. 429. Who governed during the minority of Baldwin, the third son of Yolande? John of Brienne, to whom the public voice and the judgment of Philip Augustus had given Mary, queen of Jerusalem, the daughter of Isabella and Conrad of Montferrat, and the grand-daughter of Almeric. 430. When did the Greeks recover Constantinople? A.D. 1261. |