The Odyssey of HomerG. Richards, 1903 - 380 pages |
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address'd Alcinoüs Amphinomus Antinoüs arms Atrides attend beneath bless'd blood bower brave breast breath Calypso coast coursers cries crown'd Cyclops death decreed deed deep descends dire divine dome doom'd dreadful Dulichium E'en Eumæus Euryclea Eurylochus Eurymachus eyes fair falchion fame fate father feast flies goddess gods grace grief guest hand haste hear heart Heaven hero honours Icarius Ithaca Jove king labours Laërtes land lord maid Medon Melanthius mighty mind Minerva monarch native Neptune night nymph o'er palace Pallas pass'd peers Phemius Pisistratus press'd prince Pylos queen race rage realms rejoin'd replies rise rites roll'd round royal sacred sails sate shade shining shore sire skies soft sorrows soul Sparta spoke stranger suitors swain Swift Taphian tears Telemachus thee Theoclymenus thou throne toils touch'd train Ulysses vengeance vessel wandering waves wine woes wretch youth