OF FIRST EDITIONS, AND BOOKS PRINTED IN THE BOOKS PRINTED AT THE ALDINE PRESS; AND GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS; Which are now Selling, at the affixed Prices, BY PAYNE AND FOSS, BOOKSELLERS, PALL-MALL. PRICE 1S. LONDON: PRINTED BY WRIGHT AND MURPHY, 31, LITTLE QUEEN-STREE г, HOLBORN. FIRST EDITIONS, AND BOOKS PRINTED IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. LOT 1 ABANO, BANO, Petri de, de Venenis, &c. 4to. inlaid, 18s. Patavii, per Mattheum Cerdonis de Windischgrez, 1487 2 Æsopi Fabulæ cum ejusdem vita per Maximum Planudem, edente Bono Accursio Pisano, Græce, 4to. Editio Princeps, fine copy, 5l. 5s. sine ulla nota. 3 Æsopi Fabulæ, cum Vita, Gr. Latine, per Remicium facta, 4to. 17. 1s. Mediolani, Zarotus, 1476 4 Esopi Fabulæ, Lat. per Panagathum Vincentinum, 4to. not mentioned by any Billiographer, 10s. 6d. per Baptistam de Farfengo, 1492 5 Æsopi Fabulæ, Latine, per L. Vallam; et Fabulæ, Lat. per Luc. Abstemium, 4to. 10s. 6d. Venet. Tridino, 1495 There is no account of an earlier edition of these Fables than that of 1499. 6 Æsopi Fabulæ, Latine et Italice, Tuppi, fol. excessively rare. Several of the cuts in this copy are coloured. Neapoli sine Typographo, 1485 7 Tuppo Vita et Favole di Esopo, 4to. with wood cuts Venet. Manfredi, 1492 8 Alberti, Leonis Bapt. de Re Ædificatoria, fol. Editio Princeps, with a dedication by Politian to Lorenzo de Medici, Al. 15. Florent. Alamanni, 1485 9 Alberto Magno Libro delle Vertu delle Erbe, 4to. 7s. 6d. Venet. Monferrato, 1495 10 Anthologia Græca, Litteris Capitalibus impressa, 4to. Editio Princeps; the Epistle of Lascaris is reprint; russia, fine Florent. Alopa, 1494 copy, 14l. 14s. 11 Antonino Interrogatorio, 4to. 7s. 6d. Firenza, Francisco da Dino, sine anno B |