Pectoris affectus: aut verum, aut æmula veri No. INDEX TO THE LETTERS. Page 293 I. FROM MR. POPE, requesting Mr. Spence to return his valence of Free-thinking in the University of Oxford; IV. From DR. EDWARD YOUNG.-Introducing Thomson V. From STEPHEN DUCK.-Account of an interview be- 296 298 Ibid. 300 301 303 VII. From THE SAME.-On the same subject VIII. From LORD MIDDLESEX.-On the same subject. IX. From MR. SPENCE TO HIS MOTHER: from Turin, Account of the representation of a Mystery, entitled The Damned Soul. This representation is also mentioned by Gray in one of his Letters . 305 X. From THE SAME TO THE SAME.-Humorous account of 308 XI. From THE SAME TO THE SAME.-Account of Andrey, a tors. 310 XII. From HORACE WALPOLE.-Professions of friendship and enclosing Verses by Pope. 313 XIII. From THE EARL OF ORFORD (Sir R. Walpole), TO COL. No. XIV. From MR. W. CARR TO MR. SPENCE.-Account of Page . . 315 drowned persons XVI. From THE SAME.-Demosthenes' cure for stammering-Essayed.-Origin of the term Quack XVII. From THE REV. GLOSTER RIDLEY.-Dr. Lowth's Poem the Judgment of Hercules.-The Samothracian Mysteries.-The Cabiri 316 318 320 XVIII. From THE SAME.-with part of his Poem in Imita- 325 XX. From MR. EDWARD ROLLE. Superstitious story of deaths foretold by passing through a church porch 327 XXI. From MR. WHEELER.-Account of Mr. Keirl, The Man of Ross XXII. From MR. ROBERT DODSLEY. Observations on Retirement . 328 331 XXIII. From THE SAME.-Enclosing a Love Song XXIV. From MR. ROBERT WOOD.-Account of his intended tour in Greece-soliciting hints from Mr. Spence 334 XXV. From DR. ROBERT LOWTH, from Turin.-Account of the death of Count Richa XXVI. From THE SAME.-Princess of Carignan.-Sig. Paderni. Preparations for publishing the Antiquities of Herculaneum.-Sig. P.'s opinion of the Polymetis 335 337 XXVII. From STEPHEN DUCK.-Appointed chaplain to a regiment of dragoons, his verses to his censors on that occasion XXVIII. From THE SAME.-Further particulars of the Man of Ross XXIX. From HORACE WALPOLE.-Translation of Illam quicquid agit, from Tibullus.-Inscription on a 339 340 342 XXX. From MR. EDWARD ROLLE.-Gipsy prediction.Addition to salary of the Poetry Professor at Oxford.-Increase of students at New College. 344 No. XXXI. From THE SAME, from Mayence-Passage of the XXXII. From MR. HOOKE, JUN.-Enclosing verses to Mr. Spence &c. . XXXIII. From DAVID HUME.-Account of Mr. Blacklock, XXXIV. From MR. ROBEBT HILL.-Thanks for Mr. Spence's benevolence, and enclosing an Enquiry into the Nature of Apparitions. XXXV. From MR. JONES.-Invitation to Welwyn from Dr. Young, and promise of particulars relating to the Life of Richardson XXXVI. From LORD MELCOMBE TO DR. YOUNG.-En closing Verses to him, and an Ode XXXVII. From SIR ALEXANDER DICK.-Return of Spring. XXXVIII. From THE SAME.-His Illness and Recovery.- XXXIX. From THE SAME.-Cause of the spontaneous ments of Criticism growth of Mushrooms XL. From THE SAME.-Dr. Armstrong.—Mr. Black- XLI. From DR. JOSEPH WARTON.-Death of the War- Page 345 349 350 355 356 357 360 363 366 368 XLII. MR. SPENCE TO DR. WARTON.-Miscellaneous |