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then bring its centre, which is in the intersection of the aforesaid wire, and graduated edge of the moveable meridian, under the strong brass meridian as before, and set the horary index to that XII, on the equator which is most elevated.

PROBLEM XXXIII. To rectify for the zenith of any place.

After the first rectification, screw the nut of the quadrant of altitude so many degrees from the equator, reckoned on the strong brass meridian towards the elevated pole, as that pole is raised above the plane of the broad paper circle, and that point will represent the zenith of the place.

Note. The zenith and nadir are the poles of the horizon, the former being a point directly over our heads, and the latter, one directly under our feet.

If, when the globe is in this state, we look on the opposite side, the plane of the horizon will cut the strong brass meridian at the complement of the latitude, which is also the elevation of the equator above the horizon.


In the year 1679, J. Moxon published a treatise on what he called "The English Globe; being (says


he) a stable and immobile one, performing what the ordinary globes do, and much more; invented and described by the Right Hon. the Earl of Castlemaine." This globe was designed to perform, by being merely exposed to the sun's rays, all those problems which in the usual way aresolved by the adventitious aid of brazen meridians, hour indexes, &c.

My father thought that this method might be useful, to ground more deeply in the young pupil's mind those principles which the globes are intended to explain; and by giving him a different view of he subject, improve and strengthen his mind; he therefore inserted on his globes some lines, for the purpose of solving a few problems in Lord Castlemaine's manner.

It appears to me, from a copy of Moxon's publication, which is in my possession, that the Earl of Castlemaine projected a new edition of his works, as the copy contains a great number of corrections, many alterations, and some additions. It is not very improbable, that at some future day I may republish this curious work, and adapt a small globe for the solution of the problems.

The meridians on our new terrestrial globes being secondaries to the equator, are also hour circles, and are marked as such with Roman figures, under the equator, and at the polar circles But there is a difference in the figures placed to the same hour circle; if it cuts the IIId hour upon the polar circles, it will cut the IXth hour upon the equator, which is six hours later, and so of all the rest.

Through the great Pacific sea, and the intersection of Libra, is drawn a broad meridian from pole to pole; it passes through the XIIth hour upon the equator, and the VIth hour upon each of the polar circles; this hour circle is graduated into degrees and parts, and numbered from the equator towards either pole.

There is another broad meridian passing through the Pacific sea, at the IXth hour upon the equator, and the IIId hour upon each polar circle; this contains only one quadrant, or 90 degrees; the numbers annexed to it begin at the northern polar circle, and end at the tropic of Capricorn.

Here we must likewise observe, there are 23 concentric circles drawn upon the terrestrial globe within the northern and southern polar circles, which for the future we shall call polar parallels; they are placed at the distance of one degree from each other, and represent the parallels of the sun's declination, but in a different manner from the 47 parallels between the tropics.

The following problems require the globe to be placed upon a plane that is level, or truly horizontal, which is easily attained, if the floor, pavement, gravel-walk, in the garden, &c. should not happen to be horizontal.

A flat seasoned board, or any box which is about two feet broad, or two feet square, if the top be perfectly flat, will answer the purpose; the upper surface of either may be set truly horizontal, by the help of a pocket spirit level, or plumb-rule, if you raise or depress this or that side by a wedge or two as the spirit level shall direct; if you have a meridian line drawn on the place over which you substitute this horizontal plane, it may be readily transferred from thence to the surface just levelled; this being done, we are prepared for the solution of the following problems.

It will be necessary to define a term we are obliged to make use of in the solution of these problems, namely, the shade of extuberancy: by this is meant that shade which is caused by the sphericity of the globe, and answers to what we have heretofore named the terminator, defining the boundaries of the illuminated and obscure parts of the globe; this circle was, in the solution of some of the foregoing problems, represented by the broad paper circle, but is here realized by the rays of the sun.

PROBLEM XXXIV. To observe the sun's altitude, by the terrestrial globe, when he shines bright, or when he can but just be discerned through a cloud.

Elevate the north pole of the globe to 661⁄2 degrees; bring that meridian, or hour circle, which passes through the IXth hour upon the equator, under the graduated side of the strong brass meridian; the globe being now set upon the horizontal plane, turn it about thereon, frame and all, that the shadow of the strong brass meridian may fall directly under itself; or, in other words, that the shade of its graduated face may fall exactly upon the aforesaid hour circle: at that instant the shade of extuberancy will touch the true degree of the sun's altitude upon that meridian, which passes through the IXth hour upon the equator, reckoned from the polar circle; the most elevated part of which will then be in the zenith of the place where this operation is performed, and is the same whether it should happen to be either in north or south latitude.

Thus we may, in an easy and natural manner, obtain the altitude of the sun, at any time of the day, by the terrestrial globe; for it is very plain, when the sun rises he brushes the zenith and nadir of the globe by his rays; and as he always illuminates half of it, (or a few minutes more, as his globe is considerably larger than that of the earth) therefore, when the sun is risen a degree higher, he must necessarily illuminate a degree beyond the zenith, and so on proportionably from time to time.

But, as the illuminated part is somewhat more than half, deduct 13 minutes from the shade of extuberancy, and you have the sun's altitude with tolerable exactness.

If you have any doubt how far the shade of extuberancy reaches, hold a pin, or your finger, on the globe, between the sun and point in dispute, and where the shade of either is lost, will be the point sought.

When the sun does not shine bright enough to cast a shadow. Turn the meridian of the globe towards the sun, as before, or direct it so that it may lie in



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