The Confession of Faith, the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at Large: Together with the Sum of Saving Knowledge (contain'd in the Holy Scriptures, and Held Forth in the Said Confession and Catechisms) and Practical Use Thereof, Covenants National and Solemn League, Acknowledgement of Sins and Engagement to Duties, Directories, Form of Church-government, & C. Of Publick Authority in the Church of Scotland. With Acts of Assembly and Parliament, Relative To, and Approbative Of, the Same |
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Page 19
... worship , difcipline and government of this kirk . And lastly , it being fo neceffary , and fo much longed for , that the faid , Confeffion be , with all poffible diligence and expedition , approved and eftablished in both kingdoms , as ...
... worship , difcipline and government of this kirk . And lastly , it being fo neceffary , and fo much longed for , that the faid , Confeffion be , with all poffible diligence and expedition , approved and eftablished in both kingdoms , as ...
Page 29
... worship him in an acceptable manner w , and , thro patience and comfort of the Scriptures , may have hope x . IX . The infallible rule of interpreptation of Scipture , is the Scripture itself ; and therefore , when there is a question ...
... worship him in an acceptable manner w , and , thro patience and comfort of the Scriptures , may have hope x . IX . The infallible rule of interpreptation of Scipture , is the Scripture itself ; and therefore , when there is a question ...
Page 30
... thunder of his power who can understand ? d John 4.24 . God is a fpirit , and they that worship him , muft wor fhip him in fpirit and in truth . ' I Tim e1 Tim . 1. 17. Now unto the King eternal 30 Chap . 2 . The Confeffion of Faith .
... thunder of his power who can understand ? d John 4.24 . God is a fpirit , and they that worship him , muft wor fhip him in fpirit and in truth . ' I Tim e1 Tim . 1. 17. Now unto the King eternal 30 Chap . 2 . The Confeffion of Faith .
Page 34
... worship , service or obedience he is pleafed to require of them n . III . In the unity of the Godhead there be three perfons , of one fubftance , power and eternity ; God the Father , God the Son , and God the holy Ghoft o . The Father ...
... worship , service or obedience he is pleafed to require of them n . III . In the unity of the Godhead there be three perfons , of one fubftance , power and eternity ; God the Father , God the Son , and God the holy Ghoft o . The Father ...
Page 71
... worship ye know not what : we know what we worship ; for fal- vation is of the Jews . John 17.3 . And this is life eternal , that they might know thee , the only true God , and Jefus Chrift whom thou haft fent . t2 John 9. Whosoever ...
... worship ye know not what : we know what we worship ; for fal- vation is of the Jews . John 17.3 . And this is life eternal , that they might know thee , the only true God , and Jefus Chrift whom thou haft fent . t2 John 9. Whosoever ...
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Acts affembly againſt alfo alſo baptifm becauſe behold believe bleffed caufe church CHURCH OF SCOTLAND commandment confcience covenant covenant of grace curfe death defire doth earth eternal evil fabbath facrament faid unto faith the Lord falvation fame fanctified Father faved fcripture felf felves fent fervant ferve feven fhalt fhew fhould firft flesh fome foul fpeak fpirit fuch fuffer fure glory God's grace hath heart heaven himſelf holy Ghoft houfe houſe Ifrael Jerufalem John juftified king kingdom kingdoms of Scotland Lord Jefus Chrift Lord thy Lord's mercy minifter moſt nefs obedience ordinances ourſelves perfons Pfal pray prayer prefent promife refurrection righteoufnefs ſhall teftament ten commandments thee thefe themſelves ther thereof thine thofe thou shalt truth underſtanding uſe Wherefore wherein whofoever wife word worship wrath ye fhall