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Page 15
... taken notice of , and make no part of the complex ideas we frame of those animals . Take the air but for a minute from the greatest part of living creatures , and they pre- sently lose sense , life , and motion . This the necessity ...
... taken notice of , and make no part of the complex ideas we frame of those animals . Take the air but for a minute from the greatest part of living creatures , and they pre- sently lose sense , life , and motion . This the necessity ...
Page 20
... take notice , that general certainty is never to be found but in our ideas . Whenever we go to seek it elsewhere in experi- ment , or observations without us , our knowledge goes not beyond particulars . It is the contemplation of our ...
... take notice , that general certainty is never to be found but in our ideas . Whenever we go to seek it elsewhere in experi- ment , or observations without us , our knowledge goes not beyond particulars . It is the contemplation of our ...
Page 42
... taken notice of ; nor doubt of their truth , when he does take notice of them . But if men will call propositions identical , wherein the same term is not affirmed of itself , whether they speak speak more properly than I , others must ...
... taken notice of ; nor doubt of their truth , when he does take notice of them . But if men will call propositions identical , wherein the same term is not affirmed of itself , whether they speak speak more properly than I , others must ...
Page 49
... take notice , that universal propositions , of whose truth or falshood we can have certain knowledge , con- cern not existence ; and farther , that all particular affir- mations or negations , that would not be certain if they were made ...
... take notice , that universal propositions , of whose truth or falshood we can have certain knowledge , con- cern not existence ; and farther , that all particular affir- mations or negations , that would not be certain if they were made ...
Page 73
... take equals from equals , the re- mainder will be equals , a maxim which possibly she never heard or thought of ? I ... notice be taken thereof : it being natural for the mind ( forward still to enlarge its knowledge ) most ...
... take equals from equals , the re- mainder will be equals , a maxim which possibly she never heard or thought of ? I ... notice be taken thereof : it being natural for the mind ( forward still to enlarge its knowledge ) most ...
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The Works of John Locke: Philosophical Works, with a Preliminary Essay and ... John Locke,James Augustus St John No preview available - 2016 |
Common terms and phrases
abstract ideas affirmed agreement or disagreement aqua regia arguments assent axioms body called capable centaur cerning certainty chimera clear cogitative colour complex idea connexion consider demonstration deny depend diadroms discourse discover distinct ideas doubt earth equal errour eternal evidence examine existence faculties falshood farther fusible gism give gold hath impossible inquiry intermediate ideas intuitive intuitive knowledge Julius Cæsar knowledge ledge less light malleable matter maxims men's ment mentation mind motion names natural philosophy nature neral never nexion nominal essence observe opinions ourselves pains particles particular perceive perception principles probability produce proofs propo qualities rational real essence reason received revelation rience sciences Secondly self-evident sense signified simple ideas sitions soever sort species stand substances suppose syllogism take notice things thought tion true understanding universal propositions unquestionable truths verbal whereby wherein whereof whilst whole words
Popular passages
Page 136 - Reason is natural revelation, whereby the eternal Father of light, and fountain of all knowledge, communicates to mankind that portion of truth which he has laid within the reach of their natural faculties. Revelation is natural reason enlarged by a new set of discoveries, communicated by God immediately, which reason vouches the truth of, by the testimony and proofs it gives, that they come from God...
Page 203 - I have mentioned mathematics as a way to settle in the mind a habit of reasoning closely and in train; not that I think it necessary that all men should be deep mathematicians, but that having got the way of reasoning, which that study necessarily brings the mind to, they might be able to transfer it to other parts of knowledge as they shall have occasion.30 For in all sorts of reasoning every single argument should be managed as a mathematical demonstration; the connection and dependence of ideas...
Page 26 - ... neither oblique, nor rectangle, neither equilateral, equicrural, nor scalenon ; but all and none of these at once. In effect, it is something imperfect, that cannot exist; an idea wherein some parts of several different and inconsistent ideas are put together.
Page 195 - ... supple and his natural parts not any way inferior. The legs of a dancing-master and the fingers of a musician fall as it were naturally without thought or pains into regular and admirable motions. Bid them change their parts, and they will in vain...
Page 127 - Thou art, of what sort the eternal life of the saints was to be, which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive.
Page 67 - But yet, if after all this any one will be so sceptical as to distrust his senses, and to affirm that all we see and hear, feel and taste, think and do, during our whole being, is but the series and deluding appearances of a long dream, whereof there is no reality...
Page 196 - ... and practice. I do not deny that natural disposition may often give the first rise to it ; but that never carries a man far without use and exercise, and it is practice alone that brings the powers of the mind as well as those of the body to their perfection.
Page 300 - Heat is a very brisk agitation of the insensible parts of the object, which produces In us that sensation, from •whence we denominate the object hot; so what in our sensation is heat, in the object is nothing but motion.
Page 64 - ... deserves the name of knowledge. If we persuade ourselves that our faculties act and inform us right concerning the existence of those objects that affect them, it cannot pass for an ill-grounded confidence: for I think nobody can, in earnest, be so sceptical as to be uncertain of the existence of those things which he sees and feels.
Page 188 - Temples have their sacred images, and we see what influence they have always had over a great part of mankind. But, in truth, the ideas and images in men's, minds are the invisible powers that constantly govern them ; and to these they all universally pay a ready submission.