thinketh that his riches will render him immortal. By no means. He shall surely be cast into Al Hotama. And who shall cause thee to understand what Al Hotama is? It is the kindled fire of God; which shall mount above the hearts of those who shall be cast therein. Verily it shall be as an arched vault above them on columns of vast extent. CHAPTER CV. INTITLED, THE ELEPHANT; REVEALED AT MЕССА. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. HAST thou not seen how thy Lord dealt with the masters of the elephant? Did he not make their treacherous design an occasion of drawing them into error; and send against them flocks of birds, which cast down upon them stones of baked clay; and render them like the leaves of corn eaten by cattle? CHAPTER CVI. INTITLED, KOREISH; REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. For the uniting of the tribe of Koreish; their uniting in sending forth the caravan of merchants and purveyors in winter and summer; let them serve the LORD of this house; who supplieth them with food against hunger, and hath rendered them secure from fear. CHAPTER CVIL. INTITLED, NECESSARIES; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. WHAT thinkest thou of him who denieth the future judg ment as a falsehood? It is he who pusheth away the orphan; and stirreth not up others to feed the poor. Woe be unto those who pray, and who are negligent at their prayer: who play the hypocrites, and deny necessaries to the needy. CHAPTER CVIII. INTITLED, AL CAWTHAR; REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. VERILY we have given thee al Cawthar. Wherefore pray unto thy Lord, and slay the victims. Verily he who hateth thee shall be childless. CHAPTER CIX. INTITLED, THE UNBELIEVERS; REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. SAY: O unbelievers, I will not worship that which ye worship; nor will ye worship that which I worship. Neither do I worship that which ye worship; neither do ye worship that which I worship. Ye have your religion, and I my religion. CHAPTER CX. INTITLED, ASSISTANCE; REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. WHEN the assistance of God shall come, and the victory; and thou shalt see the people enter into the religion of Gon by troops: celebrate the praise of thy Lord, and ask pardon of him; for he is inclined to forgive. CHAPTER CXI. INTITLED, ABU LAHEB; REVEALED AT МЕССА. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. THE hands of Abu Laheb shall perish, and he shall perish. His riches shall not profit him, neither that which he hath gained. He shall go down to be burned into flaming fire; and his wife also, bearing wood, having on her neck a cord of twisted fibres of a palm-tree. CHAPTER CXII. INTITLED, THE DECLARATION OF GOD'S UNITY; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. SAY, God is one God; the eternal God: he begetteth not, neither is he begotten: and there is not any one like unto him. CHAPTER CСХІІІ. INTITLED, THE DAYBREAK; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. SAY, I fly for refuge unto the Lord of the daybreak, that he may deliver me from the mischief of those things which he hath created; and from the mischief of the night, when it cometh on; and from the mischief of women blowing on knots; and from the mischief of the envious, when he envieth. CHAPTER CXIV. INTITLED, MEN; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. SAY, I fly for refuge unto the LORD of men, the king of men, the God of men, that he may deliver me from the mischief of the whisperer who slyly withdraweth, who whispereth evil suggestions into the breasts of men; from genii and men. THE END. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY H. O. HOUGHΤΟΝ. |