CHAPTER XCIV. INTITLED, HAVE WE NOT OPENED; REVEALED AT MECCA IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. HAVE we not opened thy breast; and eased thee of thy burden, which galled thy back; and raised thy reputation for thee? Verily a difficulty shall be attended with ease. Verily a difficulty shall be attended with ease. When thou shalt have ended thy preaching; labor to serve God in return for his favors; and make thy supplication unto thy LORD. CHAPTER XCV. INTITLED, THE FIG; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. By the fig, and the olive; and by mount Sinai, and this territory of security; verily we created man of a most excellent fabric; afterwards we rendered him the vilest of the vile except those who believe, and work righteousness; for they shall receive an endless reward. What, therefore, shall cause thee to deny the day of judgment after this? Is not GOD the most wise judge? CHAPTER XCVI. INTITLED, CONGEALED BLOOD; REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. READ, in the name of thy LORD, who hath created all things; who hath created man of congealed blood. Read, by thy most beneficent LORD; who taught the use of the pen; who teacheth man that which he knoweth not. Assuredly. Verily man becometh insolent, because he seeth himself abound in riches. Verily unto thy LORD shall be the return of all. What thinkest thou as to him who forbiddeth our servant, when he prayeth? What thinkest thou; if he follow the right direction; or command piety? What thinkest thou; if he accuse the divine revelations of falsehood, and turn his back? Doth he not know that GOD seeth? Assuredly. Verily, if he forbear not, we will drag him by the forelock, the lying, sinful forelock. And let him call his council to his assistance: we also will call the infernal guards to cast him into hell. Assuredly. Obey him not: but continue to adore God; and draw nigh unto him. CHAPTER XCVII. INTITLED, AL KADR; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. VERILY we sent down the Koran in the night of al Kadr. And what shall make thee understand how excellent the night of al Kadr is? The night of al Kadr is better than a thousand months. Therein do the angels descend, and the spirit of Gabriel also, by the permission of their LORD, with his decrees concerning every matter. It is peace until the rising of the morn. CHAPTER XCVIII. INTITLED, THE EVIDENCE; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. THE unbelievers among those to whom the scriptures were given, and among the idolaters, did not stagger, until the clear evidence had come unto them: an apostle from GOD, rehearsing unto them pure books of revelations; wherein are contained right discourses. Neither were they unto whom the scriptures were given divided among themselves, until after the clear evidence had come unto them. And they were commanded no other in the scriptures than to worship GOD, exhibiting unto him the pure religion, and being orthodox; and to be constant at prayer, and to give alms; and this is the right religion. Verily those who believe not, among those who have received the scriptures, and among the idolaters, shall be cast into the fire of hell, to remain therein forever. These are the worst of creatures. But they who believe, and do good works; these are the best of creatures: their reward with their LORD shall be gardens of perpetual abode, through which rivers flow; they shall remain therein forever. GOD will be well pleased in them; and they shall be well pleased in him. This is prepared for him who shall fear his LORD. CHAPTER XCIX. INTITLED, THE EARTHQUAKE; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. WHEN the earth shall be shaken by an earthquake; and the earth shall cast forth her burdens; and a man shall say, What aileth her? On that day the earth shall declare her tidings, for that thy LORD will inspire her. On that day men shall go forward in distinct classes, that they may be hold their works. And whoever shall have wrought good of the weight of an ant, shall behold the same. And whoever shall have wrought evil of the weight of an ant, shall behold the same. CHAPTER C. INTITLED, THE WAR-HORSES WHICH RUN SWIFTLY: WHERK IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. BY the war-horses which run swiftly to the battle, with a panting noise; and by those which strike fire, by dashing their hoofs against the stones; and by those which make a sudden incursion on the enemy early in the morning, and therein raise the dust, and therein pass through the midst of the adverse troops: verily man is ungrateful unto his LORD; and he is witness thereof: and he is immoderate in the love of worldly good. Doth he not know, therefore, when that which is in the graves shall be taken forth, and that which is in men's breasts shall be brought to light, that their LORD will, on that day, be fully informed concerning them? CHAPTER CI. INTITLED, THE STRIKING; REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. THE striking! What is the striking? And what shall make thee to understand how terrible the striking will be? On that day men shall be like moths scattered abroad, and the mountains shall become like carded wool of various colors driven by the wind. Moreover he whose balance shall be heavy with good works, shall lead a pleasing life: but as to him whose balance shall be light, his dwelling shall be the pit of hell. What shall make thee to understand how frightful the pit of hell is? It is a burning fire. CHAPTER CII. INTITLED, THE EMULOUS DESIRE OF MULTIPLYING; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. THE emulous desire of multiplying riches and children employeth you, until ye. visit the graves. By no means should ye thus employ your time: hereafter shall ye know your folly. Again, By no means: hereafter shall ye know your folly. By no means: if ye knew the consequence hereof with certainty of knowledge, ye would not act thus. Verily ye shall see hell: again, ye shall surely see it with the eye of certainty. Then shall ye be examined, on that day, concerning the pleasures with which ye have amused yourselves in this life. CHAPTER CIII. INTITLED, THE AFTERNOON; REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. By the afternoon; verily man employeth himself in that which will prove of loss: except those who believe, and do that which is right; and who mutually recommend the truth, and mutually recommend perseverance unto each other. CHAPTER CIV. INTITLED, THE SLANDERER; REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. WOE unto every slanderer, and backbiter: who heapeth up riches, and prepareth the same for the time to come! He |