The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the Year ...: Comprising a Calendar for the Year; Astronomical Information; Miscellaneous Directions, Hints, and Remarks; and Statistical and Other Particulars Respecting Foreign Countries and the United StatesGray and Bowen, 1851 - Almanacs, American |
Beginning and Length of the Seasons | 56 |
Movable Festivals of the Church | 62 |
Mahometan Calendar | 72 |
Darkness of the Nights in 1851 | 85 |
List of Presidents | 105 |
Registers Receivers c in Land | 122 |
Indian Superintendents c 113 | 134 |
Military Geographical Departments 116 | 142 |
Debt of the United States | 165 |
Tonnage of Vessels in Foreign Trade | 174 |
Governments of South Amereca | 297 |