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CHAP. 157. PHRYGIA. - The Ancient Phrygians - Ninna-
cus Tantalus - Gordius,
CHAP. 158. Midas-Gordius II. - Otreus - Gordius III.
-The Lydian Conquest,....
CHAP. 159. Famous Men of Phrygia - Æsop-Epictetus, 300
History of Cyprus - The Phoenicians - The Greeks - The
Romans Modern History - The Crusaders- The Vene-
tians The Turks- Famous Men of Cyprus,
CHAP. 161. RHODES.-Settlement of the Greeks in this
Island Rhodian Revolutions - Government of the Ro-
mans-The Knights of Rhodes - The Turks - Famous
Men of Rhodes - Cos- Famous Men of this Island,..... 304
CHAP. 162. CHIOS.-The Greeks of Chios-The Genoese

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Chinese Language,.

CHAP. 234. Chinese Literature,..
CHAP. 235. Arts and Inventions-



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Great Wall-Canal,... 468
CHAP. 236. Religion-Its Rites and Ceremonies - Joss-
houses, Idols, &c.,......
CHAP. 237. Character of the Chinese-Their Institutions, 474

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HISTORY, in its general meaning, signifies an ac- into the causes and consequences of events, the fac count of some remarkable facts which have happened ulty of penetration is sharpened, the attention of the within the knowledge of man, arranged in chronologi- mind is fixed, and the comprehension enlarged. From cal order, together with the causes which preceded them, and the various effects which they have produced, as far as can be discovered. The word is of Greek derivation, and, in its primitive use, denoted literally, in that language, a search after curious things, or, a desire of understanding and rehearsing such things as we have seen. But the signification of the term is now much more extensive, and we apply it as well to knowledge gained from others, as to that obtained from our own observation.

this source, the student acquires the power of quick discernment and accurate discrimination. It is a great, but prevalent mistake, to imagine that history is calculated to enlighten the judgment only on those subjects which are connected with the welfare of great communities. It is almost in an equal degree capable of affording lessons of wisdom bearing on individual utility and comfort.

In this respect, the advantages of written history are more important than those which we derive from our History, at the present day, is regarded as a very own individual observation and experience: for, alimportant branch of polite literature. Few accomplish- though the impressions made by the latter may be ments are more highly valued than an accurate knowl- more vivid, and, probably, more permanent, yet the edge of the histories of different nations; and hardly knowledge derived from history is more correct, and, any literary production is held in greater esteem than consequently, a better guide to us in our intercourse a well-written history. The advantages which may with the world. The examples presented by history be derived from this study are various and important. are generally complete; the whole picture is before It is equally attractive to the popular and the philo- us; whereas, in real life, every scene opens slowly, sophical mind; the former it interests by the excite- and we consequently see but a small part at a time; ment of novelty-the latter by the usefulness and hence, we are liable to be deceived in our estimate importance of the general principles deduced from the of men and things. facts which it records. It improves the best faculties of man, and furnishes him with the most important species of knowledge.

We may easily judge of the importance of the study of history to the attainment of knowledge in general, and of political knowledge in particular, when we By the study of history we do not merely furnish reflect, that the most exalted understanding is nothing our memories with a naked catalogue of events, but we more than a power of drawing conclusions and formgain, also, a knowledge of the mechanism of society, ing maxims of conduct from known facts and experiof the reciprocal influence of national character, laws, ments. The mind of man itself being necessarily and government; and of those causes and circum- barren of these materials of knowledge, they can be stances that have acted in producing and advancing, obtained only by experience. But the wisdom that is or destroying and retarding, civil and religious liberty, gained by the experience of one man, or of one age, and the various branches of science and literature. It leads to a knowledge of man in his social relations, and exhibits the various operations of different systems of polity on human happiness.

A still higher use of history is to improve the understanding, and strengthen the judgment. By searching

must be very scanty and dearly purchased. How slow, then, must have been the progress of mankind in wisdom and improvement of all kinds, before a method of recording facts was invented, by which the people of one age could be made acquainted with the knowledge of their ancestors!

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