HENRY LEMMING, 9 Calle de la Paz, Madrid. GEO. N. DAVIS, 119 Rua Direita, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Agent for South America. A. ROMAN, San Francisco, California, Agent for the Pacific Coast. STEPHENS & CO., 10 Calle Mercaderes, Habana, Agents for the West Indies. to the Editor any Books or Publications intended for notice. OUR CONTINENTAL CORRESPONDENCE. MAY 15, 1866. PARIS, March 29, 1866. I have been cautious of late in accepting French assertions. I told you the other day one of our We have had some interesting particulars of the penny papers offered M. Victor Hugo $100,000 for domestic life of Chateaubriand which a gentleman the privilege of publishing "The Laborers of the obtained from poor M. Danielo, whose death I re- Sea" in its feuilleton; the real price offered was cently recorded. Chateaubriand's private secretary | 100,000 francs ($20,000). I said some time since M. almost pardoned M. L. Larchey his misfortune in | Mame, of Tours, had made money by the first edition not being a pigeon, and treated him with almost as much confidence as if he wore feathers instead of broadcloth. M. Larchey has given us scraps of M. Danielo's conversations. The most interesting passage relates to Mme. de Chateaubriand: "Another cause of trouble was his wife, whose causticity sometimes annoyed the husband and his secretary. She would tease them both, and say to her husband: You really have no brains, and I really cannot imagine what put it into your head to write.' Danielo said Chateaubriand would reply, with a capital gape: 'Neither can I, my dear, and I am very sorry the idea ever entered my head. I am punished for it as severely as you are. I would I had never written two lines. If you did not inspire me, I would not write another word. At other times Mme. de Chateaubriand would exclaim: 'I have just paid the of the Bible illustrated by Gustave Doré. It was a mistake: the first edition did not entirely cover expenses; M. Mame reckons upon making a great deal of money by the second edition, now in course of publication; but he is not so enthusiastic about M. Doré as might be supposed, and keeps as clear of the latter's illustrated Shakspeare as scalded cats of cold water. An instance of French love of exaggeration came a few days since under my observation. You know M. Doré now asks $100,000 for his illustration of Shakspeare. He was not satisfied with $80,000, at which price it is said Messrs. Hachette were disposed to buy them. It is asserted M. Doré is in negotiation with an English, an American, and a French firm for their purchase. The appearance of the American firm on the field has taken place since a visit paid M. Doré by our taxes; they are outrageous, and make me fu-American publisher; but, as I have reason to know, rious.' 'Patience, dear; we only pay 2,000,500,000 the interview had not the former's illustrated francs taxes, and we are informed France can pay Shakspeare for its object. It is simply an exag 4,000,000,000 francs, and will pay them.' 'Not I! I will not pay them. I will refuse to pay taxes, though they sell my clothes by auction in the street.' 'You seem to me, my dear, to be a legitimist Hampden.' 'You mean to say I am a Republican! What is to prevent me from being so? I have no past political career; I can accept the Republic the moment it appears; and depend upon it you statesmen of the present and past have done and do so many stupid things the Republic will be sure to come.' 'My darling, you have the gift of second sight; you speak and prophesy like the great Druidesses whose voice raised the sea and produced tempests. But, by your refusal to pay taxes nobody would trouble you, nothing would be said to you. I would be put in prison.' 'What do I care for that? You have friends. Besides, you have been in gaol often enough, and that has not killed you." It was notorious Chateaubriand's domestic life was far from being happy; but I did not know before his wife was such a virago. I have heard this week a pleasing anecdote of M. Thiers, He rarely gives dinners, because he eats little and that quickly, and does not like to sit long at table. Until within the last fifteen years he had a guest at his dinner-table the first day of I geration to increase M. Doré's reputation and influ- A rumor about M. Guizot is current which gives great pain to his friends. It is said he will abjure the Protestant religion and become reconciled to Rome Easter Sunday. I am unable to say if this report be built on good ground of truth. A writer recently gave the following excellent sketch of M. Victor Hugo's habits and his friends' ridiculous hero-worship: "While I was yesterday lounging at Lacroix & Co.'s, I noticed on a desk a great many small bits of paper on which I read: To my friend * * * Victor Hugo.' These presentation notes are intended to be pasted on the first page of the numerous copies of the 'Laborers every month. He called her la mère Gregorine of the Sea' which the illustrious poet sends to the (Aunt Gregorine). She was the keeper of humble furnished lodgings near the Law School where M. Thiers lived when he came to Paris without a cent in his pocket. He had made up his mind to leave the capital in despair of making his way here. He gave hernotice to quit. She persuaded him to stay, and offered to board and lodge him until he could earn his livelihood. When he became rich his first care was to provide his humble, useful friend a sufficient pension, and to make her dine with him monthly until her death. While repeating this story to you, memory has been busy, and leads me to disbelieve the whole adventure. M. Thiers's first residence here was not near the Law School, but near the Passage Vero Dodat, where he and M. Mignet lived together; besides, he was a lawyer when he came up from Aix, and he brought letters of introduction which secured him at once employment, not very lucrative it is true, but enough to keep him from such humble dependence. The story is told and believed here, so I repeat it to you. press. The same formula is used towards everybody, for great writers, for little writers, and for infinitely little writers. Victor Hugo forgets nobody. The eagle from his lofty eyrie glances to earth and says: 'Don't let us get on bad terms with the ant; it may injure me in its neighborhood.' Ah! if it sufficed to show my admiration for a great poet to prove in every circumstance the sovereign respect raised in me by one of the most potent intellects of the world, with what joy I would enlist in the regiment which has inscribed on its banner Victor Hugo's effulgent name! But alas! enthusiasm for genius avails little; to be admitted into the poet's literary guard one must lavish a great many of his bravos upon everybody and everything about the great man-upon his cousins, his friends, his speaking acquaintances, and accept without reserve talents and the rest, the sublime and the grotesque. One must not discuss such a one because he is Hugo's relation; another must not be joked because he is the great man's friend; a third must be respected because he is the cousin MAY 15, 1866. of the brother of a man who once came very near being introduced to the illustrious writer. I remember one day a friend of Victor Hugo showed me, upon his return from England, a photograph of the poet. 'How do you find him?" he asked. I replied, 'He seems to be getting old.' My friend said, 'You won't say that in a newspaper!" I answered, 'Why not?' and was told, 'Because 'twould be committing a bad deed.' I was still wondering how one could commit a bad deed by saying in a newspaper time no more spared the immortal writer than common mortals, when last year I ate a plain omelette at the Chateau d'Eberstein, near Baden. At a neighboring table was a Parisian publisher and another traveller. It was Victor Hugo. As soon as I recovered from my stupefaction I went towards the publisher and whispered, indicating his companion: 'Isn't that Victor Hugo?' 'No.' 'You are joking, it is he!' 'My dear fellow, think what you please, but you will not make me confess it is Victor Hugo.' 'I beg of you do me the honor to introduce me to the great man. Recently I wrote an article on "Les Miserables," and he sent me his photograph; it does not look like the original, but never mind that; let me thank Hugo for the honor he has done me, an honor I have, it is true, with a great many writers and journalists of high and low degree.' 'Hush, he may hear you!" Then 'tis really Hugo! You confess it at last?" 'Yes, but I beg you do not seem to recognize him, for if you do, he will feel obliged to return instantly to England. Why does not Hugo want to be recognized? You don't comprehend it yet?" 'No.' 'If it was known ill of you in my presence. The page you have been good enough to write about me is excellent and charming, and I thank you for it. Forgive me. VICTOR HUGO." Cardinal Rosti, librarian of the Vatican, is dead. M. Edouard Mazères has departed life. He began life as a play writer, and was for many years the colaborer of Picard, with whom he obtained great successes, which were cruelly punished by an epigram at Picard's death: "Picard is dead, Let's weep Mazères !" He then began to write with Scribe and with M. Empis. After the revolution of 1830, he turned his attention to public life, and became a prefect. His old friends regretted his absence; Bayard more than once said: "Mazères is wrong to quit literature; he would have an excellent place in our sun." The revolution of 1848 proved Bayard right. Mazères was put aside, and he lost everything by the political tempest. He tried to return to the stage; but during eighteen years' absence he lost the tone of dramatic literature. Scribe himself, who kept constantly on the stage, began to lose it. New men appeared, bringing with them new dramatic methods. Therefore, although M. Mazères appeared on the scene of his old successes, the Gymnase, with a beautiful comedy, Le Collier de Perles,' it failed to please the general public. He wrote another comedy which was not more successful, and then he abandoned hope of retrieving fortune by his pen. He might, it is said, have re-entered political life after the Coup d'Etat, had not conscientious scruples re Hugo was at Baden, the Government, to avoid mis-strained him. Poverty pressed hard upon him, understanding with its neighbors, would have him carried to the frontier. Therefore you agree to seem not to know Victor Hugo is here, and especially to avoid speaking to him.' I was saddened by this interdiction, a simple earth-worm like me does not willingly renounce talking, were it but for an instant, with a man of genius. When I was alone I said to myself: A great man has come to visit this little country, and the government, instead of receiving him with proper courtesy, would arrest him and send him to the frontiers! What an abomination! In the evening before Conversationhall nothing was talked of but Victor Hugo; ten or twelve people had seen him during the day. In the saloons everybody met, saying: 'Hugo is here!" The Commissary of Police heard it, and he exclaimed: What, Victor Hugo here!" I felt sure he was going to run to the Grand Duke, when, to my great astonishment, he added: 'I'd give ten florins to see him!' I said to myself: If a Baden Commissary of Police would give ten florins to see a great poet, the reason is his government has offered 1000 florins for the poet's arrest. But he added: 'Ay! I would willingly give ten florins to see the great man; what genius he has; I have just read "Les Miserables," it is superb!"" M. Victor Hugo read this article, and at once wrote its author the following adroit note: "Sir-If my good fortune should some day bring you to Guernsey, you will see I would have been happy to shake your hand at Baden. I have never in my life thought of the Baden gendarmes, for I do not think them in the service of petty bad humors. The Duke of Baden is known to me only by his extreme politeness. If I did somewhat run away from Baden, en, 'twas because there were too many people there. A long absence from Paris has made me reserved and shy; I feel ill at ease in crowds, and I fly them. As for the select few, especially those few represented by men like you, I love and I seek them. It is true I likewise love my friends, and I defend them, and I should be angry if anybody spoke and at last he was driven to accept a pension on the Emperor's privy purse. The clouds which darkened the last part of his life saddened and embittered his character. He thought himself treated badly. He thought the French comedy should play his works oftener (he had two works which still keep possession of the stage 'Le Jeune Mazi and Chacun de son Coté), and it seemed to him the French Academy ought to have given him a seat. He was repeatedly a candidate, and once came near being elected, but fortune deserted him afterwards, and he obtained at subsequent elections only one vote, which was given by M. Viennet. Herr A society has been formed here to bring out a new translation of the Bible. M. Amedée Thierry presided at the last meeting, and a Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Hebrew clergyman respectively promised to do all they could to further this design. There were some 3,000 persons present. Grosse, a Berlin publisher, has been sentenced to a month's imprisonment for insulting the French Emperor, in a novel published by him, and entitled "Louis Napoleon, or the Struggle between Destiny and the Imperial Crown.".... The publishing office of the Dramatic Authors and Composers will be opened between the 1st and 15th of May; the two agents are M. Louis Lacour, a librarian of Ste. Genevieve Library, and M. Felix Delore, Secretary of the Lyrical Theatre. Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte, the learned philologist, is now here; he has just returned from a residence of several months on the frontiers of Spain, where he has been engaged in investigating the formation of the Basque dialect. . The Academy of Moral and Political Science has decided no memoir sent in to compete for the prize offered for the best memoir on paper currency merits the prize offered. M. Trécul has been elected (the vote stood Trécul 39, Chatin 14) a member of the botanical division of the Academy of Sciences in the place of the late M. Chatin... M. Poupart Davyl, the printer of M. Proudhon's MAY 15, 1866. Bible, whose sentence to imprisonment I recently|jected by John Peter Lange, D. D., who was born mentioned, has had his sentence entirely remitted. near Elberfeld, in 1802. In 1841 he succeeded ... ... ... M. Lacroix, the publisher of M. Victor Hugo's later works, has just paid the latter $50,000 on account. Messrs. Ticknor & Fields, the eminent Boston publishers, have made arrangements by which they will receive in advance proof sheets of the best English magazines in order to cull their most interesting articles for "Every Saturday," their weekly periodical. Louis A. Godey, Esq., editor of the "Lady's Book," Philadelphia, is in town; he is on his way to Italy; on his return he will make a longer stay in Paris. Mr. Geo. S. Appleton, of the firm of Messrs. D. Appleton & Co., the well-known publishers of New York, is also in town. M. Sainte Beuve has delivered his opinion in the controversy raised respecting the letters alleged to be by Marie Antoinette, which M. Feuillet de Conches published in his "Memoirs of a Curiosity Hunter." Although it is delivered with all the precautions the French, and especially M. Sainte Beuve, take to avoid committing themselves, he evidently thinks M. Feuillet de Conches was imposed on, and the Germans are right when they declared these letters forgeries. I note an odd phrase, which sets one to thinking, in M. Sainte Beuve's last article. He is commenting on this sentence: "and where she believes she repays herself for the fatigue she believes she has felt during the rest of the day." He says: "If this is not pure negligence, it is delicately expressed." The experienced critic cannot discover whether it be a fault to te shunned or a beauty to be admired! While I touch these intellectual discussions, I may mention another debate closed. The Museum of Sovereigns in the Louvre contains gold, adorned with glass, ornaments of a sword which tradition says belonged to Chilperic, King of the Franks. The Imperial Library possesses fragments of jewels of the same style and epoch which were found at Gourdon in 1845. M. Jules Labarte attributed these relics to Byzantine art when he treated of them in the first volume of his "History of Industrial Arts." Antiquarians previously were unanimously agreed these relics were made by Western artists. An ardent controversy ensued, and had not ended when the Retrospective Museum opened its doors. Among the objects sent to that exhibition was an ear-ring, which, in style, labor, and matter, was precisely like the relics above mentioned, as attributed to Merovingian art. There was a Greek inscription on the back of the ear-ring which clearly demonstrated its Byzantine origin. G. S. NOTES ON BOOKS AND BOOKSELLERS. LANGE'S COMMENTARY. If it is possible that any of our readers, lay or clerical, are unacquainted with the merits of this work, they will probably thank us for calling attention to it, even with a brevity far inadequate to its importance. It is in course of publication by Scribner & Co., New York, and is probably the most elaborate and exhaustive biblical work which has appeared during the present century. The plan is quite novel. The general purpose, as the American editor states, is to furnish a comprehensive theological commentary which shall satisfy all the theoretical and practical demands of the evangelical ministry of the present generation, and serve as a complete exegetical library for constant reference; a commentary learned yet popular, orthodox and sound yet unsectarian, liberal and truly catholic in spirit and aim, combining with original research the most valuable results of the exegetical labors of the past and present, and making them available for the practical use of ministers and the general good of the church. It was pro Strauss as Professor of Theology in the University of Zürich, and continued there until 1854, when he received a call to the University of Bonn, where he still remains. A sketch of him will be found in the first volume of the commentary, also in chapter 35 of Schaff's "Germany, its Universities, etc." In the preparation of the work, Dr. Lange is assisted by a number of the distinguished evangelical divines and pulpit orators of Germany, Switzerland, and Holland. The different books of the Old and of the New Testament are assigned to different editors, but their labors are all fashioned upon the same general plan. Among the names of these different commentators are those of Oosterzee, Lechler, Kling, Schmoller, Schenkel, Auberlen, Moll, Fronmüller, Cassel, Bähr, Moll, and Nägelsbach. The American reprint, which is undertaken with the approval and aid of Dr. Lange, reproduces the comments in separate volumes as well as in a collected form, under the general supervision of Dr. Philip Schaff, whose eminent fitness for such a duty will be universally acknowledged. The several volumes are, however, revised and edited by different gentlemen, who supply further notes, references, or criticisms. Among the American editors, in addition to Schaff, are Shedd, Yeomans, Schäffer, Poor, Starbuck, Hackett, Lillie, Kendrick, Day Mombert, Lewis, Hurst, and others. In turning to the volumes we first find introductions, both critical and homiletical, to the Bible as a whole, to each particular book, and to each section. Then we have various readings and emendations of the text, explained and justified by critical foot-notes. To this succeeds the commentary itself, the peenliarity of which is that it is divided into three distinct departments. The first of these contains exegetical and critical notes, which are intended to explain the words and phrases of the text, and to clear up, if possible, every difficulty which presents itself to the critical student, according to the principles of grammatico-historical exegesis. The second department is headed Leading Dogmatical and Ethical Thoughts, or Doctrinal and Practical, and presents under a number of distinct heads the fundamental doctrines and moral maxims contained or suggested by the text. The third department is entitled Homiletical Hints or Suggestions, which is intended practically to apply the exposition and understanding of the text to all classes and conditions of society. It contains reflections, themes, suggestions, even catchwords, gathered from the whole body of homiletic commentators, Continental, English, and American. We are aware of the insufficiency of this general indication of the plan of this great work, but if it stimulates the reader to a personal examination of it for himself, our object will be accomplished. Three books of the New Testament, "Matthew," "Mark," and "Luke," treated in this style, have already appeared in this country. "Matthew" is prepared by Dr. Lange, and re-edited here by Dr. Schaff; "Mark" also is prepared by Dr. Lange, and re-edited by Dr.Shedd; "Luke" is prepared by Dr. Oosterzee, Professor of Theology in the Univerity of Utrecht, and re-edited by Dr. Schaff and Rev. C. C. Starbuck. The publication of so elaborate a work is regarded as an event of the greatest importance even in Germany; and in this country, where all the results of recent German criticism are thus compactly and cheaply brought together for the first time, it possesses a special value. We are not surprised that the enterprise has met with such general favor. Scribner & Co. deserve thanks for introducing this great work to us in such an improved form. They have printed the sixth MAY 15, 1866. thousand of the first volume, which appeared, we believe, but little over a year ago, and the second volume, which has just been completed, is going off rapidly with large advanced orders. It will undoubtedly become the great commentary of the time. THE ROUND TABLE is a first class literary journal, and bids fair to become permanently successful. It is certainly the best thing of the kind ever attempted in this country, and should be encouraged by all who have any taste for literature. Librarians, publishers, and booksellers will find the "Round Table" a most useful journal. It is published at 132 Nassau Street, New York. MR. ROBERT H. JOHNSTON, of the firm of Robert H. Johnston & Co., New York, visits Europe at the close of this month in order to increase the foreign facilities of his house. Mr. Johnston goes abroad every year for the purpose of making personal selections of additions to his already extensive stock. His importations of fine books are very heavy, and by this means as well as by general enterprise and attention he has deservedly secured a custom of the first class in its department. THE American Tract society during the last year, as appears by its annual report, has issued in all 141 new publications, of which 37 are volumes, and has printed during the year 726,880 volumes, or 2,420 per day: 7,898,142 publications. Total send, the publisher of the American edition of "Braithwaite's Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery," will hereafter add an Appendix to each number containing a summary of the important medical features of American journalism, comprising a summary of every discovery or improvement in medicine and surgery in the United States during the preceding six months. Augustus K. Gardner, M.D., late Prof. of Diseases of Females in the New York Medical College, will personally edit this additional "Half-Yearly Digest of the Medical Sciences" in the United States. It is intended also to furnish in each number a complete list of the medical works published in this country or abroad during the previous six months, with the price affixed, and with a very brief indication of their aim and char acter. THE SIZE OF TRADE CATALOGUES.-To the Editor of AMERICAN LITERARY GAZETTE AND PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR: In your number for October 2, 1865, page 238, under "Notes and Queries," is a brief article that I wish you would reprint. It is a proposition from some sensible person that publishers "should agree on a uniform size for their circulars or book lists." I think both readers and dealers would be glad if they would do this; and I beg leave to suggest that the size of the CIRCULAR AND GAZETTE is probably as good as any. One of the largest houses in the world-the Harpers-issue their trade list on a printed in forty-one years 20,740,673 volumes, 279, page nearly the size in question, and we submit it 367,055 publications. Printed of the "American Messenger," 154,167 monthly; "Botschafter," or "Messenger" in German, 29,375; "Child's Paper," 308,666; total periodicals, 492,208 monthly. Publications on the Society's list, 3,658, of which 728 are volumes, besides 3,750 in 141 languages ap to the trade and the reading public, if it is not much more convenient for reference than the thick 18mo. and catechism style of some publishers, and the inconvenient folio and 4to. sheets of others. The facility with which they, if uniform in size, could be arranged, alphabetically or otherwise, and laid aside for reference, is a very important consideration. Will you please call the attention of those interested, and oblige a country BOOKSELLER. W. B. KELLY, Dublin, has just issued "The Sham Squire; the Rebellion in Ireland and the Informers four vols. small 8vo., price $16. It is a valuable of 1798," third edition, with many important addiand curious work upon early English literature. tions, hitherto unpublished documents, and conIt has not been stereotyped, and only a sufficient temporary illustrations, by W. J. Fitzpatrick, bio proved for circulation abroad. Gratuitous distribution for the year, $59,953,37. COLLIER'S ACCOUNT OF RARE BOOKS. - Mr. Francis and Messrs. Scribner & Co., New York, have just ready a limited edition of this important work in number have been printed to supply the probable demand; those desiring copies therefore are requested to make early application. Seventy-five copies have been printed in a superior manner on large paper, price $32. COMIC AUTHORSHIP. -The peculiar success which the works of Artemus Ward, Orpheus C. Kerr, Private Miles O'Reilly, and other humorous authors, have met with, has induced their fortunate publisher, Mr. Carleton, of New York, to gather together the writings of another American humorist, yclept Josh Billings, whose queer letters, quaint proverbs, and bright sayings have been floating through the newspapers very extensively. The book is about ready for publication, and will be richly illustrated grapher of Archbishop Whately, Lady Morgan, Bishop Doyle, and Lord Cloncurry. The former editions of the work have attracted commendation abroad, and the interest in Irish affairs will doubtless secure increased attention for the revised edition. SHAKSPEARIAN. - Messrs. Hurd & Houghton have in press, and will soon publish, a small volume of Essays entitled "Shakspeare's Delineations of Insanity, Imbecility, and Suicide," written by Dr. A. O. Kellogg, Assistant Physician at the State Lunatie Asylum, Utica, N. Y. Part 1st treats of the Insane-Lear, Hamlet, Ophelia, etc. Part 2d treats of the Imbeciles-Bottom, Malvolio, Pistol, Bardolph, Nym, Dogberry, Launce, Caliban, etc. Part with comic drawings by various artists. Mr. Carle-3d, of Suicide-Othello, etc. These essays seek to ton will publish at the same time a new English novel that is having a great run in London just now, entitled " Beyminstre," by the author of "The Silent Woman." SPORTING. - The President of the New York Sportsman's Club-Mr. Robert B. Roosevelt, an American gentleman of wealth and leisure-is now in England, where he has excited much admiration of Yankee skill and dexterity, and rather astonished the sporting fraternity by his displays of fly-fishing and riffe-shooting. He has just written, and Mr. Carleton, of New York, will soon publish, a work entitled "The Game-Birds of the North." BRAITHWAITE'S RETROSPECT. - Mr. W. A. Town exhibit a phase of the intellectual character of the great dramatist which has been little considered hitherto. They have heretofore appeared from time to time, during the last few years, in the "American Journal of Insanity." LITERATURE OF THE CUISINE. -No doubt remembering the old proverb that "There is reason in roasting eggs," and the philosophical aphorism that "Man is the only animal that roasts eggs," Miss Georgina Hill, an English writer, has published a volume, entitled "How to Cook or Serve Eggs in a Hundred Ways." She says that in the circle of French cookery no less than 685 ways of preparing eggs are recognized. |