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" I wash'd. The table in fair order spread, They heap the glittering canisters with bread; Viands of various kinds allure the taste, Of choicest sort and savour, rich repast! "
The Works of the Greek and Roman Poets - Page 60
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The Odyssey of Homer, Volume 4

Homer - Epic poetry, Greek - 1806 - 230 pages
...capacious size. 151 They wash. The tables in fair order spread, The glitt'ring canisters are crown'd with bread ; Viands of various kinds allure the taste, Of choicest sort and savour; rich repast! ' 155 While Eteoneus portions out the shares, Atrides' son the purple draught prepares. And now (each...
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The Odyssey of Homer, Volume 3

Homer - Greek poetry - 1806 - 236 pages
...With carpets spread; a footstool at my feet. The golden ew'ra nymph obsequious brings, Replenish'd from the cool translucent springs; With copious water the bright vase supplies 435 A silver laver of capacious size. I wash'd. The table in fair order spread, They heap the glitt'ring...
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The Odyssey, tr. by A. Pope. To which is added, The battle of the frogs and mice

Homerus - 1807 - 488 pages
...fate. The golden ewer a maid obsequious brings, Replenish'd from the cool, trauslucent springs; 180 With copious water the bright vase supplies A silver laver of capacious size: They wash. The tables in fair order spread, They heap the glittering canisters with bread : Viands...
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The Odyssey, tr. by A. Pope

Homerus - 1807 - 408 pages
...With carpets spread ; a footstool at my feet. The golden ew'ra nymph obsequious brings, Replenish'd from the cool translucent springs; With copious water the bright vase supplies • 435 A silver laverof capacious size. I wash'd. The table in fair order spread, They heap the glitt'ring...
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Pope's Homer's Iliad and Odyssey ; Dryden's Virgil and Juvenal ; Pitt's ...

Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 792 pages
...translucent springs: With copious water the bright vase supplies A silver laver of capacious size. 1 wash'd. The table in fair order spread, They heap...Of choicest sort and savour, rich repast ! Circe in vain'invites the feast to sbare; Absent I ponder, and absorb in care : While scenes of woe rose anxious...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Pope's Homer's Iliad ...

Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 774 pages
...With carpets spread ¡ a footstool at my feet. The golden ewer a nymph obsequious brings, Replcimh'd from the cool translucent springs: With copious water...bright vase supplies A silver laver of capacious size. 1 wash'd. The table in fair order spread, They heap the glittering canisters with bread: Viands of...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper;: Pope's Homer's ...

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1810 - 762 pages
...relate, 'haply conscious, of his father's fate, "he golden ewer a maid obsequious brings, eplenish'd from the cool, translucent springs; With copious water the bright vase supplies . silver laver, of capacious size : Tiey wash. The tables in fair order spread, Tiey heap the glittering...
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The Odyssey, tr. by A. Pope. To which is added, The battle of the frogs and mice

Homerus - 1818 - 434 pages
...fate. The golden ewer a maid obsequious brings, Replenish'd from the cool, translncent springs ; ISO With copious water the bright vase supplies A silver laver of capacious sue : A 9 They wash.- The tables in fair order spread, They heap the glittering canisters with bread:...
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The British poets, including translations, Volume 83

British poets - 1822 - 348 pages
...relate, If haply conscious, of his father's fate. The golden ewer a maid obsequious brings, Replenish'd from the cool translucent springs; With copious water...bright vase supplies A silver laver, of capacious size : They wash. The tables in fair order spread, They heap the glittering canisters with bread : Viands...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope ...: To which is Prefixed the Life of ...

Alexander Pope - 1826 - 396 pages
...fate. The golden ewer a maid obsequious brings, Ilrplenish'd from the cool, translucent springs; 130 j ulging lie own ill-nature, hut ouly punishing that of others. As to his poem : They wash. The tables in fair order spread, They heap the glittering canisters with bread : Viands...
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