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the press-into Turkey, and it will be Turkey no longer.' IF is this powerful wand which is now diffusing the beams of light over South America, and preparing the citizens of Caraccas for the enjoyment of liberty. But to work all its wonders, this magician must be left at liberty; it must not, like the necromancers of old, be circumscribed within a circle. • The ample earth its area, and the arch of heaven its dome.'


Our readers will recollect that we published in the 2d number of this work, a report of the Humane Society respecting the Bridewell, Taverns, &c. accompanied with some observations of our own, which might perhaps be considered as reflecting upon the keeper of that prison. When we first read that report, we certainly felt indignant at the representation there given; though we were ignorant where the blame was justly imputable. Meeting soon after with a person recently liberated, we received the information to which we alluded. Our observations, however, were intended to apply particularly to the turnkeys, for whose conduct the keeper could not always be accountable. We have since been informed that the money mentioned to have been paid for certain privileges, was for provisions actually furnished the prisoner from the keeper's table. It is an easy matter to cavil upon this subject, and whether a quid pro quo was in this case really given or not, it is not our province to enquire. We are sensible of the arduous situation in which the keeper of this prison is placed, that it is a very unthankful office, and that few criminals, who are confined there for punishment, ever leave it well satisfied. So far as our former strictures went to implicate the keeper of the Bridewell, we are satisfied they were incorrect, and that a change of the system. by the legislature, is the only way to remedy the evils com-. plained of.


This number concludes the Theophilanthropist. It may perhaps be resumed at a future period. Previously to its commencement, several gentlemen had volunteered to write for it, which subsequent circumstances prevented. The work, therefore, is composed of less original matter than was first contemplated; but perhaps it is not the less valuable on that account, as the extracts are chiefly from works of the greatest merit, and which are not easily acquired in this country..

The enquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil may be ranked among the first productions of literature; only one, and that a very indifferent edition, of which has ever been published in America, and that is now out of print. The Book, or Koran, of Mahomet, about which so much has been said, and so little known, even by the clergy of our country, the pith and marrow of which is here given, must be considered a desirable acquisition by all those who are curious to know the tenets of so large a portion of the human species as now embrace its doctrines. The moral parts of the Koran, which are all that in any religion can possibly be of the least service to mankind, either here or hereafter, are collected in a compact form, which precludes the labor of wading through two large folio volumes, containing much mystical and theological nonsense. A knowledge of the Mahometan system, may be deemed important, as tending to blunt that rancorous prejudice, which bigotry engenders in the mind of ignorance against those of different religious persuasions. As to the more miscellaneous parts of the publication, the proprietors flatter themselves they have not been considered uninteresting. They propose uniting to the work, Thomas Paine's examination of the Prophecies, and his essay upon the origin of Free Masonry, which will extend the volume to 482 pages. These pamphlets may be obtained at the places where the Theophilanthropist has usually been sold.

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Bonaparte and the Church,


Barlow's letter to Cheetham on the life of Thos. Paine, 364

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Shewing by what operation of the mind a Dream is produced in sleep, and applying the same to the account of Dreams in the

New Testament;

With an APPENDIX containing my

Private Thoughts of a Future State,

And REMARKS on the Contradictory Doctrine in the Books of MATTHEW and MARK.






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