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The travelling clinic accomplishes a twofold task. It undertakes immediate relief work, which is of inestimable value, as it frequently goes to villages which are many miles away from the nearest doctor or chemist and where the inhabitants, when seriously ill, generally die for want of proper care. But even more important is the work of instruction carried on by this dispensary on wheels. Within three months more than 1,000 mothers have been taught how to wash and feed their infants and how to nurse them when sick. It is difficult to over-estimate the value of this instruction in a country where ideas on these subjects were less than rudimentary.

The following is a typical list of cases treated during a month's work :

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HE Rockefeller Foundation has published a review of the work undertaken in 1920. These activities, which fall under nineteen separate heads, have been carried out in part by the Foundation, but chiefly through its departmental agencies- the International Health Board, the China Medical Board and the Division of Medical Education.

Grants to Canada. - The principal activity of the Foundation has been to assist and develop medical schools in various parts of the world. Mr. Rockefeller having expressed the hope that aid might be rendered to Canadian medical schools, a study was undertaken with a view to making appropriations. It was ascertained that the chief medical centres in Canada are Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec and Halifax. In this connection an interesting comparison was established between the United States and Canada in respect to medical schools and doctors. It was found that whereas in the United States there is a medical school for every 1,125,000 inhabitants, in Canada there is one for every 900,000. As regards the medical students, the proportion is in the United States I for every 8,000 population, and in Canada 1 to 3,700. The situation, however, is reversed when it comes to doctors, the proportion being 1 to 720 in the States and I to 1,050 in the Dominion.

It is estimated that Canada needs 300 new doctors each year. This number can easily be supplied by the existing medical schools, providing their resources are increased. It is also necessary in Canada, as in the United States, that a way be found to distribute physicians more widely and to bring preventive medicine, hospital care, and medical and nursing service within the reach of the too generally neglected rural population.

After it had been decided which of the Canadian institutions should be aided, each of the latter was asked to prepare its own plan of future development. Towards the realisation of these plans the Rockefeller Foundation made the following contributions: to Dalhousie University, Halifax, $500,000; to the medical school of McGill University, Montreal, $ 1,000,000; to the medical school of Toronto University $1,000,000, and to the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, $ 500,000, which was supplemented by government grants. In addition to this, the University of Alberta, which is expanding its course from a partial to a full curriculum, was granted $ 25,000, and an equal amount was accorded to the newly organised University of Montreal, which is a

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Physiology, Chemistry and Anatomy Buildings of the new Peking Union Medical College.

French Catholic institution, for its pre-medical courses. The Foundation has also made an appropriation of $ 2,000,000 for medical education in Canada, the interest of which is to be devoted to annual subsidies, fellowships, etc., pending the distribution of the principal.

Educational Work in China.-In Peking the Rockefeller Foundation is constructing and equipping a medical school and hospital of a perfected type. The principal objects which this institution has in view are the following: to conduct a thorough and practical undergraduate course for physicians, to provide in due time graduate training for men and women who wish to devote themselves to laboratory work, clinical specialties and teaching, to offer short courses for physicians who desire to keep abreast of progress in medical knowledge and skill, to afford reasonable opportunities for research, especially with reference to diseases peculiar to the Far East, and to help to extend throughout the Orient a popular knowledge of medicine and public health. A pre-medical school is also connected with this institution, which bears the name of the Peking Union Medical College. Enrollment for the academic year 1919-1920 was as follows: premedical school 3, medical school (one class) 7, graduate courses 2, total 43. For the following year, 1920-21, the total was 79.

It is expected that the Peking Union Medical College, which will maintain close relations with Europe and North America, will exercise great influence throughout China and in time become a rallying point for medical training and research for the entire Far East. The College will receive visiting professors from abroad, who will reside there for periods.

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In carrying out its plans in China, the Rockefeller Foundation is aiding many" strategically situated" hospitals for the most part under missionary auspices to improve their buildings and equipment and to increase the number of their doctors and nurses. Thirty-one institutions of this kind were aided during 1920. Through its China Medical Board, the Foundation has made appropriations to numerous colleges in China for pre-medical courses, besides providing scholarships for Chinese missionary doctors.

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Following up yellow fever. In conformity with the plan announced last year, the Rockefeller Foundation made an investigation of yellow fever conditions on the west coast of Africa. A commission left the United States in May, being joined by representatives of the British Government and an English bacteriologist. In Nigeria, Sierra Leone, the Belgian Congo, Senegal, the Gold Coast and Dahomey, where the commission spent fifteen weeks, no actual cases of yellow fever were encountered. Available records and the reports of local physicians seem to indicate that yellow fever had existed on the coast, but, for a time at least, had been driven into the back country. Owing to the great extent of country to be investigated and the local difficulties, the commission recommended that another group be sent to the west coast for a more prolonged study of the situation.

Yellow fever conditions in Mexico show considerable improvement, and there is every reason to hope that the sources of infection in Yucatan and southern Mexico will in course of time be brought under control.

1 See Bulletin of the League of Red Cross Societies, vol. II, No, 1, Page 40.

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