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view. We have read the book with great pleasure and interest, and view it as about the best history of England we have yet seen for young people. It is full of most taking information, and all put forth in the best possible form to catch and benefit the young reader's mind.

OUR ENGLISH BIBLE. London: 18mo, pp. 192, price 6d.

A most interesting and useful little book, containing a condensed history of our English version of the Bible. Here are striking anecdotes, thrilling scenes, and affecting narratives, all brought out with great force and beauty, and setting forth the struggles of our forefathers to bring to light and circulate abroad the book of truth. To those who cannot read the large and learned work, Anderson's "Annals of the English Bible," this forms a very valuable book, as it really condenses many of its extraordinary details into an amount of room that the most limited in time and purse can readily command.

for observation. The little work before us is a well-written account of them, and cannot fail to be read with pleasure and profit by all our young people.


MY OWN HYMN-BOOK, and SUNDAY SCHOLAR'S COMPANION. Original and Selected. London: Houlston and Stoneman. Royal 32mo, pp. 182.

A very nice selection; beautifully printed, and well got up in every respect.

Religious Tract Society.
gious Tract Society.

These are two beautiful little books. Every subject is illustrated with a fine woodcut, which are really gems of art, and every account enlivened by some anecdote or quotation from travellers; making the whole the most charming little books of their size and price, on scripture natural history, we know of.


18mo, pp. 192, price 6d.

Bunbury. London: R. Wertheim,
Aldine Chambers. 32mo, pp. 28.

A solemn address to young people on the new year, and highly fitted to make them pause, and think, and pray, and so secure a happy progress through the year.

"There is a people dispersed throughout western and central Asia, whose manners and habits of life are, on the one hand, materially distinct from those of the pastoral tribes of the desert (the Bedouins); and, on the other, are more than equally removed from those of the people GREEN'S ILLUSTRATED ALMANAC,

who inhabit towns." This people form the Tahtar tribes, and present

a vast variety of interesting points

for 1849. London: Green.

This is a very beautiful and useful sheet almanac; designed for our

Sunday scholars, and of which each of them should secure a copy. It contains much valuable information, with a text for every day in the year, and is beautifully illustrated by en

gravings of various objects of interest. We cordially wish it a large circulation, and hope it will find its way into every Sunday scholar's home throughout our land.

Chapter of Varieties.


The following lines were suggested by Voltaire's memorable utterance, more than once occurring in his letters to Madame Duffaud, "I hate life, and yet I am afraid to die." "Life do I hate," Voltaire the atheist sighs;

"And yet to die I fear:" nor here he lies.

Strange declaration! passing strange,


Direct impugning of his fatal creed. If God be not "death an eternal sleep,"

The after state, annihilation deep: Why, hating life, its woes and sordid


Why, not to die, heroically, dare? The reason this, -His conscience from within,

Insulted, whispers punishment for sin;

The flippant atheist, worthless feels his lies,

His HEART believing, what his TONGUE denies.

E. H. A.


Luther pronounced pronouns to be the sweetest and most consolatory expressions to be found in the word of God. What, in fact, more tenderly elevating than where the

prophet Isaiah heralds peace and refreshing to the people of Israel? "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God." No longer the "Lord God, the Lord strong and mighty;" but "your God," and "my people." And how marked the difference, between saying, "The Lord is a shepherd," and "The Lord is my shepherd;" between the heathen, who acknowledges God as the Father of all things, and the ransomed of his well-beloved, who behold in the Lord, "Our Father which is in heaven;" between "the Lord will hear me when I call upon him," and "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."


There is a God. He preserves and he can destroy you. Do you daily think of him?

You have a soul. Do you care for it? You care for your body, but do you properly care for your soul?

You are a sinner. Do you know how a sinner can be saved? There is a Saviour. Are you anxious that he may save you? There is an awful hell. Are you seeking to escape it?

There is a glorious heaven. Are you in the way to it? S. S. Teacher.


A daily paper gives the following item, which we hope will operate as a caution to our readers to guard against similar losses:

"Lost! - Yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each secured with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone for ever." American.



The father of this great man was a wheelwright, in a sequestered Austrian village, and exercised besides the functions of sexton and organist to the village church. He had a fine tenor voice, was fond of his organ, and of music in general. On one of those journeys which the artizans of Germany often undertake, being at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, he learned to play a little on the harp; and on holydays, after church, he used to take his instrument while his wife sang. The birth of Joseph did not alter the habits of this peaceful family. The little domestic concerts came round every week; and the child, standing before his parents, with two pieces of wood in his hands, one of which served him as a violin, and the other as a bow, constantly accompanied his mother's voice. Haydn, when loaded with years and with glory, often recalled the simple airs he had sung-so deep and indelible an impression had those first melodies made on his soul.


A little boy, six years old, whose father had recently died, had gone to bed one evening, when his mother sat by the nursery fire, weeping at the remembrance of her loss. She supposed her son was asleep; but after a little time he raised his head, and said, "Mamma, won't God be willing to be your husband?" "Why, my dear," said his mother, "how came you to think he would?" "Because you say, now that papa is gone to heaven, God will be my father, and I don't see why he won't be willing to be your husband." -Facts for Boys.


Aristhenes wondered at mankind, that in buying an earthen dish, they were so careful to sound it lest it had a crack, yet so careless in choosing friends as to take them flawed with vice.

I saw a graceful rose bush. The humming bird made low music amid its bloom, and the gay butterfly flitted around its loveliness, but I observed that the bee only extracted honey from it. All men enjoy the Divine mercy, but the Christian only derives blessedness therefrom.

He who can once doubt whether

he should rejoice in his friend's being happier than himself, may depend upon it that he is an utter stranger to friendship. Cowper.


Yes, the Bible is, indeed, a dangerous book, but for whom? It is

dangerous for infidelity, which it confounds; dangerous for sin, which it curses; dangerous for the world, which it condemns; dangerous for Satan, whom it dethrones; dangerous to false religions, which it unmasks; dangerous, ay, highly dangerous to every church that dares withhold it from the people, and whose criminal impostures and fatal illusions it brings to light.-Adolphe Monod.

"ALL THINGS ARE READY." All things are ready; all things requisite to a noble feast. Let us a little improve the metaphor.

from the participation of these comforts, behold there is a "fountain opened;" come and wash in it, that being purged from an evil conscience, by the blood of Jesus, you may, with humble confidence, compass God's altar.

4. There are servants ready to attend you; and those are the ministers, whose work it is to direct you to the table, and "to give every one their portion of meat in due season, rightly dividing the word of truth." They are not masters of the feast, but only stewards, and "your servants for Christ's sake."

tation, and have found a hearty welcome. Why then should your place be empty? Let the communion of saints invite you into communion with Christ.

1. There is a house ready for the 5. There is much company already entertainment of the guests, the gos-come; many have accepted the invipel church, wisdom's house, which she hath built upon seven pillars. God hath set up his tabernacle among men, and the place of his tent is enlarged, and made capacious enough, so that though the table has been replenished with guests, yet still there is room.

2. There is a table ready spread in the word and ordinances, like the table in the temple on which the shewbread was placed, a loaf for every tribe. The Scripture is written, the canon of it completed, and in it a full declaration made of God's good will towards men.

3. There is a laver ready for us to wash in, as at the marriage feast at Cana there were six water pots set for purification. Lest sense of pollutions contracted should deter us

6. A blessing is ready to be craved. He is ready to bless the sacrifice. The great High Priest of our profession, ever living to intercede for us, and attending continually to this very thing, is ready to command a blessing upon our spiritual food.

7. The Master of the feast is ready to bid you welcome; as ready as the father of the prodigal was to receive his repenting, returning son, whom he saw when "he was yet a great way off." God's ear is open to hear, and his hand open to give.

8. The provision is ready for your entertainment. Matthew Henry.

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In our former paper we described the construction and general arrangements of the "Tabernacle in the Wilderness." We now come to speak about its furniture. Part of this belonged to the "Outer Court," part to the "Holy Place," and part to the "Holiest of all." We shall leave that of the "Outer Court" and the "Holiest of all" for our next descriptions, and take up that of the "Holy Place."

Three pieces of furniture stood in the Holy Place: the altar of incense (1), the table of shewbread (2), and the golden candlestick (3).

In the centre, and immediately before the vail that divided from the Holiest of all, stood a small and elegant altar, called "the altar of incense," Exod. xxx. 1-10. It was made of BIBLE CLASS MAGAZINE.] C FEBRUARY, 1849.

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