the peace, and holiness, and joy of man. He closes with these remarks: "It is delightful to contemplate what numbers have lived and died in the faith of Christ. Each of these has been, and is, a solemn witness for the gospel. Multitudes now on earth, and countless millions gathered ་ us as a cloud of witnesses, a multitude no man can number, out of every tribe, and kindred, and people.' Their voice is as the voice of many waters, and as the sound of mighty thunders.' The murmur of unbelief and the clamour of falsehood are drowned in it; and eternity shall be filled with their joyful testimony, together in heaven, from all genera-Thou art worthy, for thou hast retions, during the last eighteen hun- deemed us by thy blood.'" dred years, combine their testimony. HARTFIELD; or, Emily at School. They embraced its doctrines, reposed London: Religious Tract Society. on its promises, obeyed its laws, and Another volume from the pen of exemplified its spirit. It found them the author of Emily Grey, previously in most dissimilar circumstances, yet it blessed them all. Some were naked noticed in this work, and admirably fitted to direct and counsel young savages, in brutish ignorance and loathsome degradation; and others girls at school. We commend the were blessed with all the energies, and work to our young ladies' establishrefinement, and luxuries of civiliza- ments, as one well adapted to do tion and learning. Amongst them were good to their inmates. philosophers, who could traverse the region of the stars; and peasants, who but imperfectly uttered their mother tongue: monarchs, who lived in palaces, and sat on thrones; and beggars, who lived in the hovel or on the dunghill: children, whose first accents were in hymns of praise to Jesus, and hoary-headed sinners, who, bowing beneath the weight of years and crimes, came to Christ for the stay of their last days on earth ADDRESSES TO YOUNG MEN. By Altogether excellent, and deserving of large circulation amongst young men. REAL JOY; a New Year's Address to Young Men, from the Young Men's Christian Association. London: Religious Tract Society. We seem rather out of season in noticing this Address, but it is fitted for all seasons, and calculated to do good whenever and wherever circulated. CHILDREN'S BOOKS. By HELEN S. HERSCHELL. Third Though we have put this work under "Children's Books," we feel it is hardly fitted for a very little child. It would seem to us much more suited to some who have reached their teens, or to young people of above the age of twelve. To them it is calculated to be most useful, to give rise to a habit of reflection, and to lead, if under religious influence, to much beneficial thought and proper feeling. SCRIPTURE MOUNTAINS. London: Religious Tract Society. A most beautiful, instructive, and charming little book, full of information, giving much scriptural illustration, and conveying, by good descriptions and admirable engravings, right ideas of some of the most interesting spots to be found upon the wide surface of the earth. Chapter of Varieties. DANCING. The Rev. Albert Barnes, in an article in the "New York Evangelist," on the inconsistency of dancing, makes the following forcible appeal to those addicted to the practice: "Dear youth! candidate for heaven! The ball room is not far from the grave; and from the scenes of hilarity in the one you will soon go to the gloom of the other. The ball room is not far from the eternal world-but oh, how unlike are the scenes in the one to those of the other! The one is not a place of preparation for the other. It is not the place which God has appointed as that in which youth should prepare for the world of glory. No one by the amusements of a ball room has been made fit for heaven, nor do any of its pleasures form the mind to enjoy God. Why, then, should the precious season of probation be wasted in such scenes ? Why, amidst its amusements, should the hope of everlasting life be endangered? Remember that you dance over the grave; remember that the moments wasted thus will be reviewed when you stand at the bar of God, and far on in that eternal world to which you go. Then, no wasted season can be recalled, and if the soul is lost you can never, never recover the opportunity of salvation which you once enjoyed." It is surprising what fascinations the ball room has for its votaries— fascinations which the solemnities of death will not remove. We know a lady who attended a ball in this city a few weeks since, on an exceedingly stormy night. The daughter of a SCRAPS OF NATURAL HISTORY. AN OLD TREE.-Baron Humboldt, the great traveller, mentions a tree, the cypress, which he saw in Mexico, that was 118 feet in circumference! This would be about 36 feet in diameter. The tree is supposed to be 4000 years old. THE EYES.-It has been demonstrated that each fibre in the retina of the eye, or expanded optic nerve, cannot exceed the size of the 32,400th part of a hair. THE BEE. That within so small a body should be contained apparatus for converting the "virtuous sweets which it collects into one kind of nourishment for itself, another for the common brood, a third for the royal, glue for its carpentry, wax for its cells, poison for its enemies; honey for its master, with a proboscis almost as long as the body itself, microscopic in its several parts, telescopic in its mode of action, with a sting so infinitely sharp that, were it magnified by the same glass which makes a needle's point seem a quarter of an inch, it would yet itself be THE TABERNACLE.-ITS SERVICES. As we have already seen, the Tabernacle was the one authorized place of worship in the ancient Jewish church. There God came down to meet and commune with his people, to receive their worship, hear their vows, and answer their requests. There smoked the sacrifices; there rose the incense; there pleaded the priest. To Israel the Tabernacle was the grand meeting place with God; the doorway to his treasuries; the gate of mercy. Of the services here our space forbids us to speak as fully as we could like. They were all of the most interesting, instructive, and important character; and most of them splendid, striking, and imposing. These are to be divided into regular and occasional. Of the first we may mention Every morning at nine o'clock, ("the third hour,") and every evening at three o'clock, (" the ninth hour,") the people assembled BIBLE CLASS MAGAZINE.] [MAY, 1849. F for worship. A lamb at each service was slain, and burnt by a slow fire; a bread and drink offering of strong wine was presented with it; and while the people were solemnly engaged in prayer, the priest went within the Tabernacle and burned incense on the golden altar, Exod. xxix. 38-40; Lev. vi. 9-18; Numb. xxviii. 1-8. 2. The weekly services, which were held all on the sabbath days, and were equal to the daily, but in addition to them, Numb. xxviii. 9, 10. 3. The monthly services connected with the beginning of each month, when two young bullocks, one ram, and seven lambs of a year old, together with a kid for a sin offering, and a suitable bread and drink offering, were added to the daily sacrifice, Numb. xxviii. 11-14; and, 4. The yearly services connected with their great annual festivals: viz., (1.) The paschal lamb, offered at the beginning of their sacred year. (2.) The first fruits, on the feast of pentecost. (3.) The services at the ingathering of the fruits of harvest. And, (4.) Those of the great day of atonement or expiation. At all of these services many priests and Levites attended; and we can well imagine that the burning of sacrifices, the offering of incense, and the imposing rites connected with them, together with the rich performance of music by the Levites, joined by many thousands of the people, must have made most imposing, invigorating, and delightful scenes. And we do not wonder at the rapture with which they are spoken of by David and others who mingled in them. The occasional services were very numerous. They were connected with various private and other circumstances springing out of the condition of the people at the time; such as the fulfilment of vows, the answers to prayers, the cleansing of lepers, the deliverance from dangers, the recovery from sickness, the commission of sins, and other individual and private cases coming under the prescription of certain rites to be performed; and the more public and national matters of the consecrations of priests, the celebrations of victories, and the gatherings for special humiliation and confession before God. All the sacrifices and offerings presented at these times are to be ranged under the distinct heads of bloody offerings, unbloody meat offerings, and drink offerings. Under the first came the various kinds of fire offerings, as the burnt offerings the peace |