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for him, a ring must be put on his hand, and shoes on his feet; the fatted calf must be killed, and they must eat and be merry. Every thought, word, and deed, on the part of the rejoicing parent, seemed to say to his son, "Why did you keep away from me so long in your distress? Why did you not come to me before?"

But if this error of delay is seen in our conduct one towards another, how much more apparent it is in our approaches to our heavenly Father! In trouble we try our strength, we exercise our ingenuity, we have recourse to every expedient, we delay to apply to the strong for strength, and the wise for wisdom, and only go to him as to a last resource, but what is the consequence when we do go to him? Speak, ye who know what the outpouring of the heart at a throne of grace is, and what the abundant consolations are that ye receive. Do you not find the Father of mercies not only ready, but waiting to be gracious? Do you not experience such a fulness in the manifestation of his goodness, (I make the remark reverently,) that it is almost as if he were speaking to you in an audible voice, "Why did you keep away from me so long in your distress? Why did you not come to me before?"

Take this observation of mine, reader, as a new year's gift, and let it be sown as a seed in thy heart, for, haply, watched by a heavenly eye, and watered by a heavenly hand, it may spring up and bring forth fifty, and a hundred fold, to thy comfort and joy.



THE period when a tribe or nation receives its liberty, or the departure of exiles to their native land, are eras which remain fixed on the tablet

of the memory during life, and are handed down as memorials to future generations. So the sacred historian says, that the era of Israel's depar ture from Egypt "is a night never to be forgotten." It was so from various reasons.

1. Their deliverance was the fulfilment of an ancient prediction: "Know of a surety," said God to Abraham, "that thy seed shall be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; and afterward shall they come out with great substance," Gen. xv. 13, 14. The fulfilment of prophecy proves the truth of God's word, and the faithfulness of the Almighty to his promises.

2. Because of the direful catastrophe that befell the Egyptians. At midnight, saith the Lord, will I go out into the midst of Egypt, and all the firstborn in the land shall die. By means of gold the rich can sometimes avert the ends of justice, and flee from the city infected with the plague, but they cannot escape from God when he means to punish; the clefts of the rocks, or the rugged rocks cannot hide them from his omniscient eye. In every habitation, from the palace of the king to the cottage of the humble peasant, was weeping and lamentation on account of the death of their firstborn.

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3. Because of the security the children of Israel enjoyed in the midst of such a great calamity. While the arrows of death were flying thickly around them, they were perfectly safe if they had obeyed the command given by the Almighty. Each family were to take a lamb and slay it, and with its blood to mark the lintels and door-posts of their houses, that when the Lord went through the land, he might pass over those dwellings, whose doors were marked with blood. Thus by the lamb, the lamb's death, and the application of its blood, were the Hebrews saved from death; in like manner we are secure from spiritual destruction by the death of Christ, who, as our "pass-over, is sacrificed for us," 1 Cor. v. 7.

Let us notice some points in which the Paschal lamb was a type of Christ.

slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth," Isa. liii. 7. The lamb was to be free from disease and defect. During the whole period of Christ's life he did no evil, neither was guile found in his mouth, and went about constantly doing good; to his accusers he could say, without fear of contradiction, "Which of you convinceth me of sin?" Jno. viii. 46. Christ was the Lamb, in every respect, "without blemish and without spot," 1 Pet. i. 19.

2. The lamb was slain. In this it prefigured our Saviour, who, in the fulness of time, "poured out his soul unto death." Sacrifices in themselves were of no value in making an atonement for moral guilt, except as viewed by faith in connection with the death of Christ, and as a representation of that death, which he was to die, in future ages, by the offering up of himself on the cross for transgression. The prophet Micah says, speaking of sacrifices in themselves, rivers of oil, and thousands of rams, are not an adequate propitiation for sin. Can it be supposed that the great God, who inhabiteth eternity, and to whom the cattle on a thousand hills belong, would be satisfied, the demands of justice answered, or his anger appeased, simply by the sufferings of innocent victims! Such notions are too gross, and can only be believed by heathen, who suppose their gods to have senses like those of men. Satisfac

1. It was a lamb. Christ in various parts of Scripture is called a Lamb. "Behold," said John, "the Lamb of God;" again, "a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." For innocence, meekness, and gentleness, no creature in the irrational creation can be compared to the lamb; to the very last moment of its existence, even when suffering by the agonies of death, it is quiet and submissive. The whole tenor of Christ's life is an example of holiness, meekness, and affection. "A new commandment," said he, "give I unto you, that ye love one another." The end of his career on earth is pictured | tion to Divine justice for sin explains

out by the prophet Isaiah, in that beautiful passage where he says, "He is brought as a lamb to the

the reasons. God could not pardon sin without a satisfaction, and be just, Heb. ix. 22. Christ was taken

for that satisfaction, Rom. iii. 25, 26. Death being the penalty for sins, Rom. vi. 23, it becomes necessary that Christ, as our Deliverer from its curse, should die, Luke xxiv. 26.

3. The blood of the lamb was not to be poured on the ground, but put in a bason, and sprinkled upon the doorposts; if they had not done so, they would have suffered with the Egyptians in the awful calamity. In like manner, although the blood of Christ has been shed as a sacrifice for sins, yet unless we rely on it as the only means by which we can escape from the wrath to come, and apply it devoutly to our consciences as a guide to our walk and conversation through life, it is of no avail for our salvation, we shall suffer with those who trample it under their feet, and count it an unholy thing. As the "blood of sprinkling" saved every Israelitish family from the death of their firstborn, so the merits of Christ's death secure every believing sinner from the stroke of offended justice and the pains of eternal death. "There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus."



"DID you hear of my alarm the other evening?" asked an old gentleman. "No, I did not," replied Mr. M-; "what occasioned it?" "It was a great mercy I had not remained on the common all that dark night, last week. As I came from Mr. C-'s, where I had spent an hour or two, we observed it was particularly dark, and he wished me to have a lantern,

but I replied, 'No, I do not need a light; I could find my way home with my eyes shut.' The door closed, and on I went, supposing I was all right; but after a considerable time I found I was all wrong-for I had taken the wrong turning. I stood still for a moment, not knowing which way to go, or what to do; all was as dark and silent as the grave; I never was so bewildered in my life. After some little time, I heard footsteps, and calling out, I ascertained that a man and his wife were passing near me -walking towards the common. asked where I was, and found that I had come a long distance out of my way; but the poor man, very kindly, requested his wife to stand still, while he put me all right again. It was a most fortunate circumstance for me that the man happened to be passing, for I should very likely have wandered about all night in the dark."


Ah, I thought, as I listened to our friend's account, how many I have known who took the wrong turning, and never found their way home again! There was Henry Davis, as promising a young man as ever entered a sabbath school, and every body expected he would prove a useful, zealous, consistent Christian; but he got into the society of a dangerous set, whose creed was, "Live as we list, and go to heaven at last." Alas! poor Harry, he did run well, but he was hindered-he took the wrong turning! Then there was Mary Bell, a teacher in the third class, as neat and sedate and consistent a young girl as you would meet in a day's walk. A distant relative died, and left her a little heap of the yellow dust, and all at once Mary was seen in fine gay ribbons, and flowers in full bloom! This attracted to her side one of the most idle of all the worthless lads in the village; and, despite of all her friends' advice, she married him; but, very soon, poor Mary found to her cost that she had taken the wrong turning! Then there was Emma Mildmay again: for some time after she left the school, she was always in her place when the doors of the temple were open, and the teachers were anxiously watching her movements, hoping to see some evidence of a change of heart; but alas, after paying a short visit to a distant friend, she returned, so metamorphosed one hardly knew her again! She had become so grand, and was so bedizened, she seemed like another person; and, while looking at her, one could almost believe in transmigration. She attended the house of God only now and then, after this marvellous change, and very soon was lost to us altogether, and took her place among the gay and the foolish. Poor Emma, she most certainly took the wrong turning!

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Then one feels ready to weep at the recollection of George Harvey; once, how near he seemed to the kingdom of heaven! Brought up by pious parents, whose great fault was over-indulgence; when they were laid in the grave, George forgot all their warnings, and neglected God and God's commands. The world got into his heart, and his gay companions allured him into all forbidden paths; if you talked to him of those who were gone to heaven, he would weep like a child, and say, he knew he was going the wrong way, but he would not be persuaded to retrace his steps; he was cut off in the midst of his days, exclaiming, that he "was lost for ever and for ever." We fear, indeed, he took the wrong turning, both in time and at the end of his earthly pilgrimage. Ah, so it is, those who walk in the broad road will find a sad turning at the end of their journey; they will not only have to take a turning in the dark, but into the dark. "Well, but the old gentleman found a guide to help him into the right path again." Yes, and there are plenty of guides about the "highways and hedges," to help poor bewildered wanderers who have lost themselves in the wrong road; but the worst part of the matter is, they do not think they have taken the wrong turning; they are on the common, going far away from the home of heaven, but they will not believe it; and, we fear, too many will fall over the precipice of time, into the abyss of endless woe, before they will be convinced of their mistake. Alas, once THERE, the turnings will be ended for ever; there will be no returning, however much desired; "the smoke of their torment goeth up for ever and ever." From the Mother's Friend.


WHAT wonders have been accomplished by this short expression,

which is full of power, and opens the

way to complete success in every

good undertaking! It is the duty of

every individual to occupy some prominent part on the stage of life. Man was not made to idle away his time in inactivity; to pass through life and die, without having accomplished any good for the human family. Be something: press forward in this jostling world; be resolved, for

"Experience teaches us

That resolution's a sole help at need."

Never admit of discouragement or a desponding feeling; though the heavens appear stormy, and the future dark and ominous, nerve yourself with renewed energy to the work, resist every temptation, do your duty, alike regardless of friends and foes, and your own actions will illumine your own path, the bright star of hope will mount up above the world, leading you on to success and usefulness. Said a spectator to one of

Napoleon's generals, on the evening preceding an important battle, "You will not succeed to-morrow. God will not help you." The general, with a significant glance of his eye, pointed to his thousands of soldiers spread out before him like a solid wall, their bayonets glistening in the sunlight, presenting a spectacle highly terrific. "It may be so," said he, "but I have found out that God helps the heavy battalions." He only knew that the well-directed charge of his battalions sent death and havoc into the ranks of the enemy. Christians, "God helps the heavy battalions;" or, in other lan

guage, "God helps those that help

themselves." Then unfold thine

arms; awake to holy actions. If

thou hast done wrong heretofore, retrieve thyself by doing right hereafter. Said an English artist, "Nothing is denied to well-directed diligence." A little boy once entered a celebrated school in the North of England, and was placed in a class far beyond his years and apparent abilities; his dulness made him an object of derision and contempt. But he, nothing daunted, devoted his hours of play, and not a few of the hours of sleep, to study; he knew that "Learning by study must be won;

'Twas ne'er entail'd from sire to son."

By close application and diligent research he soon shot ahead of his companions, and in after years became the greatest scholar in all Europe; and at the present day none pronounce the name of Sir William Jones but with feelings of respect and veneration. Sir Isaac Newton

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