Deep as hell I count his error: Let him hear my song.
Brave the captain was; the seamen Made a gallant crew- Gallant sons of English freemen, Sailors bold and true.
But they hated his oppression; Stern he was, and rash; So for every light transgression. Doomed them to the lash.
Day by day more harsh and cruel Seemed the captain's mood; Secret wrath like smothered fuel Burnt in each man's blood.
Yet he hoped to purchase glory- Hoped to make the name Of his vessel great in story Wheresoe'er he came.
So they passed by capes and islands, Many a harbor-mouth, Sailing under palmy highlands
Far within the South.
On a day when they were going O'er the lone expanse,
In the north, her canvas flowing,
Rose a ship of France.
Then the captain's color heightened; Joyful came his speech; But a cloudy gladness lightened In the eyes of each.
Spars were splintered; decks were broken; Every mother's son,
Down they dropped-no word was spoken-Pain thee not each crooked to redress
On the decks, as they were lying,
Were their faces grim;
In their blood, as they lay dying,
Did they smile on him.
Those in whom he had reliance
For his noble name With one smile of still defiance
Sold him unto shame.
Shame and wrath his heart confounded;
Pale he turned, and red,
Till himself was deadly wounded, Falling on the dead.
In trust of her that turneth as a ball; Great rest standeth in little business;
Beware also to spurn against a nalle;
Strive not as doth a crocké with a wall; Deemeth thyself that deemest other's deed, And truth thee shall deliver 'tis no drede.
That thee is sent receive in buxomness;
The wrestling of this world asketh a fall; Here is no home, here is but wilderness: Forth, pilgrim, forth! O beast, out of thy stall!
Look up on high, and thank thy God of all ; Waiveth thy lust and let thy ghost thee lead, And truth thee shall deliver 'tis no drede.
HOUGH Nature weigh our talents and dispense
To every man his modicum
Asseveration blustering in your Makes contradiction such an hopeless case; In every tale they tell, or false or true, Well known or such as no man ever knew,
And conversation, in its bet- They fix attention, heedless of your pain, With oaths like rivets forced into the brain;
May be esteemed a gift, and And even when sober truth prevails throughnot an art,
Yet much depends, as in the They swear it till affirmance breeds a doubt. tiller's toil, A Persian, humble servant of the sun, On culture and the sowing of Who, though devout, yet bigotry had none, Hearing a lawyer grave in his address With adjurations every word impress, Supposed the man a bishop, or, at least, God's name so much upon his lips, a priest, Bowed at the close with all his graceful airs, And begged an interest in his frequent prayers.
Words learned by rote a parrot may rehearse, But talking is not always to converse.
There is a prurience in the speech of some: Wrath stays him, or else God would strike them dumb;
His wise forbearance has their end in view; They fill their measure and receive their due. The heathen lawgivers of ancient days- Names almost worthy of a Christian praise Would drive them forth from the resort of
And shut up every satyr in his den. Oh, come not ye near innocence and truth, Ye worms that eat into the bud of youth! Infectious as impure, your blighting power Taints in its rudiments the promised flower.
Oaths terminate, as Paul observes, all strife; Some men have surely, then, a peaceful life. Whatever subject occupy discourse— The feats of Vestris or the naval force-
Ye powers who rule the tongue, if such there are,
And make colloquial happiness your care, Preserve me from the thing I dread and
A duel in the form of a debate;
The clash of arguments and jar of words, Worse than the mortal brunt of rival swords, Decide no question with their tedious length, For opposition gives opinion strength, Divert the champions prodigal of breath, And put the peaceably disposed to death. | Oh, thwart me not, Sir Soph, at every turn, Nor carp at every flaw you may discern ; Though syllogisms hang not on my tongue, I am not surely always in the wrong;
'Tis hard if all is false that I advance :
A fool must now and then be right by chance. Not that all freedom of dissent I blame; No; there I grant the privilege I claim. A disputable point is no man's ground;
Knows what he knows as if he knew it not, What he remembers seems to have forgot, His sole opinion, whatsoe'er befall, Centring at last in having none at all.
Rove where you please: 'tis common all Where men of judgment creep and feel their
Discourse may want an animated "No!" To brush the surface and to make it flow; But still remember, if you mean to please, To press your point with modesty and ease. The mark at which my juster aim I take Is contradiction for its own dear sake: Set your opinion at whatever pitch, Knots and impediments make something hitch;
Adopt his own, 'tis equally in vain : Your thread of argument is snapt again; The wrangler, rather than accord with you, Will judge himself deceived, and prove it too. Vociferated logic kills me quite :
A noisy man is always in the right;
I twirl my thumbs, fall back into my chair, Fix on the wainscot a distressful stare, And when I hope his blunders are all out Reply discreetly, "To be sure. No doubt."
Dubius is such a scrupulous good man! Yes, you may catch him tripping if you can. He would not with a peremptory tone Assert the nose upon his face his own; With hesitation admirably slow He humbly hopes, presumes, it may His evidence, if he were called by law To swear to some enormity he saw, For want of prominence and just relief, Would hang an honest man and save a thief. Through constant dread of giving truth of fence,
He ties up all his hearers in suspense,
The positive pronounce without dismay, Their want of light and intellect supplied By sparks absurdity strikes out of pride; Without the means of knowing right from
They always are decisive, clear and strong; Where others toil with philosophic force Their nimble nonsense takes a shorter course, Flings at your head conviction in the lump, And gains remote conclusions at a jump; Their own defect, invisible to them, Seen in another, they at once condemn, And, though self-idolized in every case,
Hate their own likeness in a brother's face. The cause is plain and not to be denied: The proud are always most provoked by pride;
Few competitions but engender spite, And those the most where neither has a right.
The point of honor has been deemed of use To teach good manners and to curb abuse; Admit it true, the consequence is clear: Our polished manners are a mask we wear, And at the bottom barbarous still and rude;
We are restrained, indeed, but not subdued. The very remedy, however sure, Springs from the mischief it intends to cure, And savage in its principle appears, Tried, as it should be, by the fruit it bears. 'Tis hard, indeed, if nothing will defend Mankind from quarrels but their fatal end,
That now and then a hero must decease That the surviving world may live in peace. Perhaps at last close scrutiny may show The practice dastardly and mean and low- That men engage in it compelled by force, And fear, not courage, is its proper source, The fear of tyrant custom, and the fear Lest fops should censure us and fools should
At least to trample on our Maker's laws And hazard life for any or no cause, To rush into a fixed eternal state Out of the very flames of rage and hate, Or send another shivering to the bar With all the guilt of such unnatural war, Whatever use may urge or honor plead, On reason's verdict is a madman's deed. Am I to set my life upon a throw Because a bear is rude and surly? No! A moral, sensible and well-bred man Will not affront me, and no other can.
interview their route the same,
The repetition makes attention lame;
We bustle up with unsuccessful speed,
On all the vestiges of truth attend, And let them guide you to a decent end. Of all ambitions men may entertain, The worst that can invade a sickly brain Is that which angles hourly for surprise And baits its hooks with prodigies and lies. Credulous infancy or age as weak Are fittest auditors for such to seek Who to please others will themselves dis-
Yet please not, but affront you to your face. A great retailer of this curious ware, Having unloaded and made many stare,
Can this be true?" an arch observer cries.— Yes; rather moved, I saw it with these eyes."—
"Sir, I believe it on that ground alone; I could not had I seen it with my own. A tale should be judicious, clear, succinct, The language plain and incidents well linked. Tell not as new what everybody knows, And, new or old, still hasten to a close; There, centring in a focus round and neat, Let all your rays of information meet: What neither yields us profit or delight Is like a nurse's lullaby at night.
The pipe with solemn interposing puff Makes half a sentence at a time enough; The dozing sages drop the drowsy strain, Then pause and puff, and speak and pause again.
Such often, like the tube they so admire, Important triflers, have more smoke than fire.
And in the saddest part cry, "Droll in- The emphatic speaker dearly loves to oppose,
The path of narrative with care pursue, Still making probability your clue,
In contact inconvenient, nose to nose, As if the gnomon on his neighbor's phiz, Touched with a magnet, had attracted his.
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