My daughter, Penelope, has just looked | Sit and comb their beautiful hair, over my shoulder to see what I have done. THEY WILKIE COLLINS. AFTER THE BALL. HEY sat and combed their beautiful hair Their long bright tresses one by oneAs they laughed and talked in the chamber there After the revel was done. Idly they talked of waltz and quadrille, Robe of satin and Brussels lace, Knots of flowers and ribbons too, Scattered about in every place, For the revel is through. And Maud and Madge, in robes of white, Those wonderful waves of brown and gold, Then out of the gathering winter chill, All out of the bitter St. Agnes weather, While the fire is out and the house is still, Maud and Madge together Maud and Madge, in robes of white, The prettiest nightgowns under the sun, Curtained away from the chilly night, After the revel is done Float along in a splendid dream To a golden gittern's tinkling tune, Flashing of jewels and flutter of laces, Tropical odors sweeter than musk, And one face shining out like a star, One face haunting the dreams of each, And one voice, sweeter than others are, Breaking into silvery speech, Telling, through lips of bearded bloom, Two and two, they dreamily walk, While an unseen spirit walks beside, J JAMES AND HORACE SMITH. AMES SMITH was born in 1775, and died in 1839; his brother Horace was born in 1779, and died in 1849. On the rebuilding of the Drury Lane Theatre, in London, in 1812, the gifted brothers conceived the idea of composing a set of "Rejected Addresses," purporting to have been written for the opening night by the principal poets of the day. The work was issued anonymously, and met with great success, from the verisimilitude of the parodies. Among them that of Wordsworth, here presented, was declared by the critic Jeffrey to be a flattering imitation of the poet's style in the Lyrical Ballads. Wordsworth succeeded in discomfit ing his enemies, and rose to greater heights of poetry. Many of the abused ballads also became very popular. WILLIAM EDMONDSTOUNE AYTOUN. ter GIFTED Scotch poet, one of his finest poetical productions is "Edinburgh afFlodden," describing the reception of the news of that disastrous battle, which was fought in 1513, and in which the Scotch king, James IV., was killed. Professor Aytoun was born in the year At the 1813, and died August 4, 1865. time of his death he was professor of rhetoric and belles-lettres in the University of Edinburgh, which position he had held for twenty years. WHO ARE THE BLEST? PENN TO HIS FAMILY. SELECTED FROM A LETTER TO HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. TO HIS WIFE. Y DEAR WIFE: Remember thou wast the love of my youth, and much the joy of my life the most beloved as well as most worthy of all my earthly comforts; and the reason of that love was more thy inward than thy outward excellencies, which yet were many. God knows, and thou knowest it, I can say it was a match of Providence's making; and God's image in us both was the first thing, and the most amiable and engaging ornament in our eyes. Now I am to leave thee, and that without knowing whether I shall ever see thee more in this world take my counsel into thy bosom, and let it dwell with thee in my stead while thou livest. . . And now, my dearest, let me recommend to thy care my dear children, abundantly beloved of me as the Lord's blessings and the sweet pledges of our mutual and endeared affection. Above all things endeavor to breed them up in the love of virtue, and that holy plain way of it which we have lived in, that the world in no part of it get into my family. I had rather they were homely than finely bred as to outward behavior; yet I love sweetness mixed with gravity and cheerfulness tempered with sobriety. Religion in the heart leads into this true civility, teaching men and women to be mild and courteous in their behavior—an accomplishment worthy indeed of praise. Next, breed them up in love one of another; tell them it is the charge I left behind me, and that it is the way to have the love and blessing of God upon them. Sometimes separate them, but not long, and allow them to send and give each other small things to endear one another with. say Once more I tell them it was my counsel they should be tender and affectionate one to another. For their learning be liberal. Spare no cost, for by such parsimony all is lost that is saved; but let it be useful knowledge, such as is consistent with truth and godliness, not cherishing a vain conversation or idle mind. But ingenuity mixed with industry is good for the body and the mind too. I recommend the useful parts of mathematics, as building houses or ships, measuring, surveying, dialling, navigation, but agriculture is especially in my eye: let my children be husbandmen and housewives-it is industrious, healthy, honest and of good example-like Abraham and the holy ancients, who pleased God and obtained a good report. This leads to consider the works of God and nature, of things that are good, and diverts the mind from being taken up with the vain arts and inventions. of a luxurious world. Rather keep an ingenious person in the house to teach them than send them to schools, too many evil impressions being commonly received there. Be sure to observe their genius, and do not |