PALEMON AND LAVINIA. AVINIA once had friends, deprived of all, Of every stay, save inno A native grace Of evening, shone in tears. cence and Heaven, She with her widowed moth- And poor-lived in a cottage woody vale, By solitude and deep-surrounding shades, Her form was fresher than the morning rose pure As is the lily or the mountain snow. Or when the mournful tale her mother told star wild, So flourished blooming and unseen by all The pride of swains Sprung in his bosom, to himself unknown; For still the world prevailed, and its dread laugh, Which scarce the firm philosopher can scorn, Should his heart own a gleaner in the field, And thus in secret to his soul he sighed : 66 What pity that so delicate a form, By beauty kindled, where enlivening sense And more than vulgar goodness seems to dwell, Should be devoted to the rude embrace Of some indecent clown! She looks, methink, Of old Acasto's line, and to my mind His aged widow and his daughter live, Whom yet my fruitless search could never find. Her rising beauties flushed a higher bloom, And thus Palemon, passionate and just, Poured out the pious rapture of his soul: 'And art thou, then, Acasto's dear remains― She whom my restless gratitude has sought So long in vain? O heavens! the very same The softened image of my noble friend rain years? Beat keen and heavy on thy tender Diffuse their warmest, largest influence, Romantic wish! would this the daughter Though vast, were little to his ampler were!" When, strict inquiring, from herself he found Then blazed his smothered flame, avowed and bold; And as he viewed her, ardent, o'er and o'er, Love, gratitude and pity wept at once. Confused and frightened at his sudden tears, heart, The father of a country-thus to pick But ill-applied to such a rugged task; thine If to the various blessings which thy house Has on me lavished thou wilt add that bliss, That dearest bliss, the power of blessing thee !" Here ceased the youth; yet still his speak- | For rhetoric, he could not ope ing eye In sweet disorder lost, she blushed consent. The lonely moments for Lavinia's fate, Of setting life shone on her evening hours, HE JAMES THOMSON. HUDIBRAS'S LOGIC. E was in logic a great critic, A hair 'twixt south and south-west side, In mood and figure he would do. His mouth but out there flew a trope; But when he pleased to show't, his speech Which learned pedants much affect: SAMUEL BUTLER, THE WELL-BRED MAN. FROM THE GERMAN OF GOETHE. WELL-BRED carriage is difficult to imitate; for in strictness it is negative, and it implies a long-continued previous training. You are not required to exhibit in your manner anything that betokens dignity, for by this means you are like to run into formality and haughtiness you are rather to avoid whatever is undignified and vulgar. You are never to forget yourself, are to keep a constant watch upon yourself and others, to forgive nothing that is faulty in your own conduct, in that of others neither to forgive too little nor too much. Nothing must appear to touch you, nothing to agitate; you must never overhurry your self, must ever keep yourself composed, retaining still an outward calmness whatever storms may rage within. The noble character at certain moments may resign himself to his emotions; the well-bred man, It is clear, then, that to seem well-bred a man must actually be so. It is also clear why women are generally more expert at taking up the air of breeding than the other sex, why courtiers and soldiers catch it more easily than other men. Translation of JOHN STUART BLACKIE. THE ROMANCE OF INSECT-LIFE. HE earth teems with mysteries. The THE sky shines with them; they float in the air; they swim in the deep; they flash from the dark-robed clouds; they whisper in the gentle tones of the summer wind; they speak in trumpet-tongues in the voice of the tempest and the thunder. Cease thy longings for the ancient days, O dreamer! Close thy book and look about thee upon the volume of Nature. See! there before thee is a tiny insect that thou canst scarce distinguish from the grains of sand that surround it. Watch it. It moves on with an energy and an instinct that enable it to overcome or avoid all obstacles. See! it has seized some object larger than itself, and still it goes bravely on. Nothing daunts it; nothing stops it. Tread it under foot, if thou canst have the heart to attempt such a murder, and it will rise up again beneath the ocean of sand and turn once more. to its labor. Dost thou know it? It is the ant-the lion-hearted ant-toiling amid the heat of summer; and, though the season's brightness and its warmth are bringing up and producing ten thousand enjoyments for the little traveller, he is busy gathering together his provender for the long wintertime, when frost and snow and cold shall have locked up the granaries of Nature. Thou wilt tell me that I am mocking thee -that thou canst see this daily and hourly, and is this a mystery, therefore? If thou hadst read in those ancient legends before thee of an insect so courageous that it would attack an animal of ten thousand times its magnitude, of industry so indefatigable that it would climb housetops and mountains to pursue its course, of perseverance so unflagging that though repulsed a thousand times it still would return and overcome the obstacle that impeded it, the eye would have sparkled with interest and amazement. It is because it is constantly before thee, because it belongs to the present time, that thou lookest so disdainfully upon it. When did the knight-errants of thy heart do half so much? When did their bosoms beat as high with valor and determination as this poor insect? "But it has no loves, no burning jealousies, no blood-stained victories !" How knowest thou that? I warrant thee even that tiny breast has grown gentle for some fond one that lived within its little world; that its blood has moved quicker when some Adonis-ant has flitted around the little coquette; that its path has been stained by the trophies of its mimic battles. But thou wilt say, "Why dost thou lure me from my glowing page to point me to this moving atom? Why not show me the majestic mysteries of Nature? Why waste my aim with a topic so insignificant?" I answer, "Because it is insignificant. I point thee there, to one of the smallest of earth's creatures, to ask thee, If the atoms contain such wonders, how much more the noble and lofty works of Nature?" Follow me, if thou wilt. Let us dive into the caverns of the earth and mark the sculptured halls, the rocky avenues stretching miles and miles below the busy haunts of men. Let us plunge into the deep and see the huge leviathan sporting amid the waters, or the rainbow-hued dolphin as it flings back bright rays of the glorious sun. Let us climb into the air and behold the eagle with his untiring wing and his unflinching eye, the noble image of indomitable perseverance and of brilliant genius, soaring proudly and gazing fixedly toward heaven's brightest luminary. O dreamer, if the moments of thy life were multiplied by the sands of the desert, they would be all too short to unravel these mysteries that are around thee and above thee. JUDGE CHARLTON. MUSIC AT MRS. PONTO'S. THE jingling of a harp and piano announced that Mrs. Ponto's ung pu de Musick had commenced, and the smell of the stable entering the dining-room, in the person of Stripes, summoned us to caffy and the little concert. She beckoned me with a winning smile to the sofa, on which she made room for me, and where we could command a fine view of the backs of the young ladies who were performing the musical entertainment. ment. Very broad backs they were, too, strictly according to the prevailing mode, for crinoline or its substitutes is not an expensive luxury, and young people in the country can afford to be in the fashion at very trifling |