By this the drooping Daylight gan to fade, And yield his room to sad succeeding Night, Who with her sable mantle gan to shade The face of earth and ways of living wight, And high her burning torch set up in heaven bright. When gentle Una saw the second fall Of her dear Knight, who, weary of long fight And faint through loss of blood, moved not at all, But lay as in a dream of deep delight, Besmeared with precious balm whose vir tuous might Did heal his wounds and scorching heat allay, Again she stricken was with sore affright, And for his safety gan devoutly pray, And watch the noyous' night and wait for joyous day. The joyous day gan early to appear, Her golden locks, for haste, were loosely shed About her ears when Una her did mark Climb to her charet,2 all with flowers spread, From heaven high to chase the cheerless dark; With merry note her loud salutes the mounting lark. 1 Baleful. • Chariot. 9 Not solid. With dreadful poyse1 is from the mainland | He suffered, but his pangs are o'er; rift, Enjoyed, but his delights are fled; And, rolling down, great Neptune doth Had friends: his friends are now no more; dismay; So down he fell, and like an heaped mountain lay. The Knight himself even trembled at his So huge and horrible a mass it seemed; But yet, at last, whenas the direful fiend That had achieved so great a conquest by his EDMUND SPENSER. THE COMMON LOT. NCE, in the flight of ages past, ON And foes his foes are dead. He saw whatever thou hast seen, Encountered all that troubles thee; Sun, moon and stars, the earth and main― The clouds and sunbeams o'er his eye No vestige where they flew; The annals of the human race, There lived a man; and who was he? Of him afford no other trace Of Come, close this life of toil Robert, my fellow-townsman, thou and care. To thy quiet flocks must get thee home. Dolt, in the service to grow Hold! see these garden-buds: ere now In our sweet cantons they're in bloom. gray! But then you young recruits From early dawn on woody hill had need your old corporal many a day. Cheer, comrades, cheer! Nay, shed no tear. Attention! march! quick march! A cornet struck me-raw young fool! Recruits, you'll scarce endure the loss I've often strayed the livelong day: Oh, my poor mother lives there still. Cheer, comrades, cheer! Nay, shed no tear. Attention! march! quick march! What woman weeps and murmurs so? Pray for my soul, good Jeanette, do! Nay, shed no tear. Attention! march! quick march! Look you! my pipe's smoked out and dry! |