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SMENE one day before the Thy zeal as king and leader I admire ;

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And lay within thy mosque. Then my re- Whether the work by human art were


Of magic shall frame spells of power so grand


Or wrought by miracle-fame yet doubtful goes;

That, while it shall stand safe there, through But piety demands that man recede,

time's course

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And Heaven be deemed the author of the deed.

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And yet can no precaution quite conceal

A beauty worthy for the world to admire: Thou'lt not allow this, Love, but wilt reveal

The vision to some youth's intense desire; Now blind, an Argus now, now dost thou seal

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If care, or want of care, 'twere hard to say,
If chance or art, that lovely face compose;
With her neglect is artifice, but given

The eyes with bands, and now relum'st By love, by nature, by approving Heaven. their fire;

Oft through a thousand guardians has thy Passed on the lofty maid, observed by all,


Sped lover's look to chastest virgin bower.

Observing none, until the king was nigh


Nor shrank, although she marked his rising Magnanimous falsehood! When can truth


But fearless braved his savage glance. "O sire,

I come," she said-" meanwhile do thou recall,

I pray, thy people, and suspend thine ire

be said

To show more loveliness than thou hast shown?

Held in suspense a while the tyrant dread Beyond his wont refrained from angry


I come to announce and yield the culprit He then demanded: "Tell me and take

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Whom, so offending thee, thou sought'st in Who gave thee counsel and who shared the vain."

At the high courage suddenly thus viewed, At the swift flash of charms holy and proud,

The king, confused almost, almost subdued, Reined in his ire and cleared away its


Had she been less severe in mien, less rude

In spirit he, to love had he been bowed; But wilful beauty has no power to move The wilful heart: smiles are the bait of love.

'Twas stupor, admiration and delight,

If 'twere not love, that moved his villain soul.

Tell me, then, all," he cries; “my faith I plight

Thy Christian people shall not suffer dole." And she: "The culprit, sire, is in thy sight: It was this hand of mine that wrought the whole.

I took away the image; I am she Thou seekest, and thou ought'st to punish me."

To th' public doom thus offering her proud head,

She willed that it should fall on her alone:


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