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Illustrated Topics for Ancient

and American History

These topics comprise a comprehensive notebook system, including a durable, low-priced cover with patent rings; and loose leaf pages containing analysis, references for topical reading, source studies, outline maps, and a very valuable collecTeachers who have tion of historical pictures. adopted the topics state that their use has organized the class work, has enlivened the study of history and awakened a deeper interest on the part of


Any teacher who has not inspected sample copies of these topics should write at once

to the publishers



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$2.00 a year. 20 cents a copy.

The Social Studies in Secondary Education

The greater part of this number of the MAGAZINE given up to the text of the Report of the Comtee on Social Studies of the Commission on the organization of Secondary Education of the ational Education Association. This report was ised late in November, 1916, by the United States reau of Education as Bulletin No. 28, 1916, and pies can be obtained either from the bureau or by nding ten cents to the Superintendent of Documents, overnment Printing Office, Washington, D. C.

No excuse is necessary for devoting so much space this report. It is printed here not alone to save r readers the trouble of securing a copy from Washgton, but more particularly to make sure that the xt of the report be placed at the earliest possible ate in the hands of the four thousand readers of the AGAZINE. The subscribers to the MAGAZINE constite by far the most alert and most progressive body history teachers in the country. It is important at they have an early opportunity to study the reort and give expression to their views of the adantages and disadvantages of the proposed plan. It not thought desirable in this issue to make any litorial comment or criticism of the report. All of the report is here printed except the Preace, and Part IV which deals with standards by hich to test methods, with the preparation of teachers nd with the availability of textbooks and other maerials.

The actual editorial work on the report has been ompleted under the direction of Arthur William Dunn, special agent in Civic Education of the Bureau f Education, who has acted as secretary of the comnittee. The members of the committee are as follows:

Thomas Jesse Jones, Chairman, United States Bureau of Education.

Arthur William Dunn, Secretary, United States Bureau of Education.

V. A. Aery, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va.

1. Lynn Barnard, School of Pedagogy, Philadelphia. George C. Bechtel, Principal, Northwestern High School, Detroit, Mich.

F. L. Boynton, Principal, High School, Deerfield, Mass.

E. C. Branson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.

Henry R. Burch, West Philadelphia High School, Philadelphia.

F. W. Carrier, Somerville High School, Somerville, Mass.

Jessie C. Evans, William Penn High School for Girls, Philadelphia.

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In the Preface the committee states that it "issues this report with the conviction that the secondary school teachers of social studies have a remarkable

opportunity to improve the citizenship of the land. This conviction is based upon the fact that the million and a third secondary school pupils constitute probably the largest and most impressionable group in the country that can be directed to a serious and systematic effort, through both study and practice, to acquire the social spirit. If the two and a half million pupils of the seventh and eighth grades are included in the secondary group according to the sixand-six plan, the opportunity will be very greatly in


The committee interprets this opportunity as a responsibility which can be realized only by the development in the pupil of a constructive attitude in the consideration of all social conditions. In facing the increasing complexity of society, it is most important that the youth of the land be steadied by an unwavering faith in humanity and by an appreciation of the institutions which have contributed to the advancement of civilization."

The MAGAZINE will gladly print in forthcoming、 numbers brief statements of the opinions of teachers upon the committee's report. If you think this report shows excellencies or dangerous tendencies, will

you not freely use the columns of this paper to present your views to your fellow-teachers?

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