CONTENTS FOR JUNE, 1903. PAGE EPWORTH. Rev. Dwight Williams, D.D...... MEMORIALS OF EARLY METHODISM.. JOHN WESLEY-1703-1791.. THE WESLEY PORTRAITS JOHN WESLEY. Charlotte M. Pickard. FOOTPRINTS OF WESLEY-OXFORD MEMORIES. The Editor. WESLEY'S DEATH-BED. Rev. Mark Trafton, D.D. JOHN WESLEY-AN APPRECIATION. Augustine Birrell. THE PILGRIM'S LOT. John Wesley. REVIVAL AND THE BICENTENARY CELEBRATION. Rev. Dr. Carman.. WESLEY AS AN EDUCATOR. Rev. N. Burwash, S.T.D., LL.D., F.R.S.C.. THE ORGANIST IN HEAVEN. T. E. Brown... 481 483 503 506 507 516 517 526 527 536 537 538 546 547 551 558 WESLEY AND THE REUNION OF THE CHURCHES. Rev. A. H. Reynar, LL.D. JOHN WESLEY. John Charlton, M.P. 559 562 DEAN FARRAR. R. Boal.. JOHN WESLEY IN RELATION TO THE THOUGHT OF HIS AGE. David Allison, LL.D. THE GREATEST ENGLISHMAN OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. John Cameron. JOHN WESLEY-A RECOGNITION. Sadie E. Springer... THE LEAVEN OF METHODISM. The Editor.. TRIBUTES TO JOHN WESLEY..... THE OLD HOME. Charles Francis Saunders. HON. DAVID MILLS.. MR. JUSTICE MACLAREN, LL.D. CURRENT TOPICS AND EVENTS RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE.. BOOK REVIEWS........ 563 564 565 567 569 571 572 574 576 577 578 579 580 581 583 585 By Helen Keller The Newspapers have universally agreed in pronouncing this a Philadelphia Inquirer:-"Human History affords no more striking example of the power of the human mind of triumph over difficulties." Brooklyn Eagle:-"One of the most profoundly interesting human documents that has ever been published." Boston Transcript :-" A story which has all the accuracy of biography and all the romance and grace of fiction." Illustrated, Net $1.50, Post vaid. Row, William Briggs, Publishers Toronto JW |