This is quite refreshing to us Arminians, but too much of this polemical temper may imply a lack of scientific, exegetic interest. name As Our writer's conception of the purpose and scope of the epistle is too narrow, making Paul's treatment of election in chapters ix.-xi., dominate the whole book. This seems to be due not so much to the influence of Baur as to the Calvinistic controversy. Dr. Williams says: "The Epistle to the Romans is a discussion of the relation of the Gentile world to God's plan of salvation. . . . Paul's discussion involves two questions.. ly, Who may be saved? and, On what conditions may they be saved? Everything else is incidental." this is meant, it is too narrow. It is quite right to repudiate the extreme view that this epistle contains a whole body of divinity, a complete system of theology; but it is not proper to so magnify the polemical elements as to minimize the position, and to declare that the things which most interested Paul in writing Romans have ceased to interest us, and that the elements of permanent value are only incidental to the main discussion. No! Paul's discussion of the Gospel way of salvation-Justification by Faith and the New Life in Christ-this is the main content and constitutes the permanent value of the epistle, and all the temporary and controversial elements are the merely incidental. Misled, apparently by mere words, our writer denies that Paul treats regeneration and sanctification in this epistle. What of Chapters vi., viii. and xii.? The divergence between the primitive apostles and Paul is somewhat exaggerated and injustice is done both to Acts xv. and Galatians ii. The influence of the Tubingen school lingers long. When our writer comes to the treatment of the election of Israel and of the Gentiles, he handles the question ably and, on the whole, very satisfactorily, insisting that the ques tion is that of the election of peoples en masse to privileges and duties rather than of individuals to salvation. His treatment of justification is careful, accurate, and most satisfactory. He knows how to distinguish things that differ. He sees justification to be objective and forensic, based on the atoning death of Christ, and appropriated by a faith which is essentially trust. The detailed exegesis of the book is generally admirable. Dr. Williams is a scholar to his finger tips. One would be thankful for a fuller outline of the thought, to begin with, and more frequent stopping places where one might gather up results. As a textbook for students, the book lacks references to the literature of Romans, the statement of divergent views, and an index. But for what it professes to be, it is excellent, a fresh and stimulating exposition of the conclusions of a scholar and thinker, who has long lived (one may suppose) in close intimacy with the masterpiece which he here interprets. TRUTH. Reflections on reading stanzas by Dr. Musset. BY J. M. DENYES, B.A. Quand j'ai connu la verité, we. To know the truth is to know much. Truth is a friend, always and for ever, for truth is eternal and so are Truth is about men and things, for it is the essence of all that is great in men and things. But only to know truth is not to make it ours. To understand, to feel the truth, is to be of the truth, to be true. Knowledge is power, but not the eternal power without the understanding, the feeling of truth. It is possible, it is essential, to embody truth. Et pourtant elle est éternelle, W LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING. HEN the Louisiana Purchase Exposition opens its gates to the people of the world, says Harper's Weekly, they will probably see the most beautiful structures which have ever been designed and erected for any display of this character. The promoters of the Exposition have had ample opportunity to study styles of architecture which would be appropriate yet ornamental, and judging from the plans which have thus far been accepted, they form masterpieces of architecture. Those who have planned the buildings have had ample space allotted them in the nearly 1,200 acres appropriated for the Exposition grounds, while a very generous portion of the $20,000,000 which will probably be spent before all of the arrangements are completed will go into these truly magnificent structures. The directorgeneral is authority for the statement that the "White City" at St. Louis will far excel even that at Chicago, the beautiful Rainbow City" at Buffalo, and even the displays in that centre of art-Paris. The illustra 66 tions which accompany this article, give an idea of the truly exquisite exterior of the principal buildings. The first cut on page 273, that of the Liberal Arts Building, although in miniature, defines every feature. The main entrance is the most ornate fea ture, and the colossal group which surmounts it is artistic in every detail, as can be seen at a glance, while the columns rising at either side complete the stately effect. It will be one of the most elaborately decorated structures, so far as statuary is concerned, of any of the group, but every portion of the exterior, it may be said, repre BUILDING. the Festival Hall and the beautiful screen, two great arms of which sweep to east and west and terminate in ornate pavilions. This feature, known as the Terrace of States, will have groups of statuary symbolizing each of the twelve States and two Territories comprised in the area acquired in the Louisiana Purchase of one hundred years ago. The screen will be fifty-two feet high, and the groups of statuary will be placed at regular distances along the top of its entablature. The great screen, including the Festival Hall, will extend more than a quarter of a mile in its graceful curve. The grand basin is a part of a lagoon system, giving more than a mile of waterway and serving both a useful and an ornamental purpose. Water craft will ply upon the lagoons and afford a most delightful ride amid the stately palaces. Flowers will bloom and trees will wave; music will stir the air; and people of all nations will join in drinking in with every sense the enjoyment of this international festival. We have but entered the Exposition, after all. If figures will help you to realize its material bigness, you may know that the grounds are a mile wide by nearly two miles long, the fence enclosing 1,180 acres. The Chicago Exposition had 633 acres in Jackson Park and the Midway Plaisance. There are fifteen great exhibit building compared with Chicago's nine. There will be under roof approximately 250 acres compared with Chicago's 142. Chicago's Exposition was upon a site absolutely flat. Here the differences of elevation will amount to nearly one hundred feet. There are other and greater reasons why this Exposition should surpass its predecessors, namely, the advantage of years and the experience of other exposition managers; the development of government, art, industry, transportation, commerce, and civilization. The coming Exposition will be the very essence of the world's best work, best thought, and best endeavour. It will represent the active mind and hand, the expert's work in this pushing age. Instead of putting all the machines in the palace of Machinery, they will be employed to produce a moving picture in every building where machines may properly be installed for the purpose of manufacture. Not only will the exhibits show the finished articles, but, beside them raw materials and the methods and processes by which the goods are made. The Exposition is universal in its scope, and all who may wish to learn will be instructed in the essential elements of almost countless arts. The department of art will occupy three great fire-proof buildings, having a total frontage of 836 feet, and containing more than fifty galleries. The Agriculture Building will cover twenty-three acres. The Transportation Building, covering fifteen acres, will contain four miles of tracks for the display of railway exhibits. The intramural railway will be more than nine miles long. The Philippine ex hibit will cover forty acres and cost more than half a million dollars. The United States Government Building is 750 feet long by 250 wide, the largest exhibit building ever erected by the Government. Two rows of exhibit buildings, four in each row, are each one mile long. Twenty-five acres are devoted to live-stock pavilions. The power plant will develop and transform 22,000 horse-power. Half a million electric lights will scarcely suffice for the illumination of the Exposition. More than one hundred miles of wooden conduit are used for electric lines. There will be more than a thousand miles of electric wires. The Mines Building covers nine acres, and the outdoor mining exhibits will cover even greater space. The two buildings devoted to Manufactures cover a total area of twentyeight acres. The grand stand for the athletic arena will seat 25,000 people. Most novel of the features of the exposition will be the tournament of airships. For this contest the management has set aside $200,000, of which $100,000 is offered as a grand prize for the most successful steerable airship. The news from all parts of the world indicates a lively interest in this tournament, and a host of entries seems probable. Such famous experimenters and inventors as Sir Hiram Maxim, Alexander Graham Bell, Santos-Dumont, and others have expressed an intention to be represented in the contest. |