beheaded by a Sepoy. Fully one half of those who had attended the services were murdered, in some cases with great cruelty." The atrocities were terrible beyond conception. To add to the daily horrors the mutineers liberated the prisoners from the gaols and the bloodthirsty Thugs wreaked their direst rage. Every missionary in that part of India. perished save these two two newlyarrived workers. One of the most heart-rending tales is that of the horrible massacre of Cawnpore. Even the soldiers of the treacherous Nana Sahib revolted at this deed of blood, and he had to order in the butchers of the bazaar to slaughter the women and little ones in his care. The bodies of the victims were thrown into a well, over which a graceful memorial building has now been placed. Meanwhile the refugees at Naini Tal were organized into a militia company, every one, Dr. Butler included, bearing a weapon of defence, to protect the helpless women and children in their care. The narrow, zig-zag path up the mountain to Naini Tal was cut away by the defenders, so that in places only two could walk abreast, and great rocks were placed so that they could be hurled down on any invader. A cannon was so placed as to command the road. By these means this little band of Christian men were able to repulse the attacks of thousands of mutineers during the five assaults that were made upon them. The difference in race between the hill people and the people of the plains, and the fidelity of the Nawab of Rampur also added much to their safety. The villagers informed them they were the last Christians left in India; that from without protest or molestation these two missionaries sat down to rest upon the throne of the Great Mogul. Sitting there Dr. Butler sketched an appeal to America to provide the funds necessary to meet the new demands. "Man's extremity is God's opportunity." He foresaw the famine that would follow in the steps of rebellion, and heard the cry of the destitute. Here was a way to the hearts of India's women, to take little orphan girls and rear them in the faith of Jesus Christ, then send them with His message to their fettered sisters. The next day the Director of Public Instruction encouraged him by the promise of a fifty per cent. grant-in-aid toward the support of all the orphans he would take. Thus the sword had carved a way for the cross. These little ones were received by the missionaries with grateful hearts. The two missionaries who were sent out from the United States, but whose coming was delayed by the Mutiny, now reached Agra. As few European residences had been left standing, Dr. Butler arranged for them to meet him in the Taj Mahal, which is without doubt the most beautiful building in the world. "With minarets of marble rising stately from the sea Of the dark-leaved mango's foliage, streaked by the jaman tree, One miracle of whiteness the Taj of Agra stands, Like no work of human builders, but a care of angel hands." Strange that in the land of woman's degradation should be this most beautiful tribute of love ever paid to the memory of a woman. It was erected at a cost now equivalent to sixty million dollars, by the Emperor Shah Jehan, in |