| 1837 - 524 pages
...move of the pawn, unless some other piece command the square to which the pawn was advancing. ' 6. No pawn can be pushed up to the last square of the board, nor take any piece on that line, so long aa the master piece of that file remains. ' 7. The king does not castle, but is allowed the move of... | |
 | 1837 - 1814 pages
...nor take any piece on that line, so long as the master 1'ieceof that file remains. ' 7. The king dues not castle, but is allowed the move of a knight once in the game, not however to take any piece — nor can he exercise llr.s privilege after having been once checked. ' 8. The two... | |
 | Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1837 - 1040 pages
...move of the pawn, unless some other piece command the square to which the pawn was advancing. ' 6. No pawn can be pushed up to the last square of the Ixard, nor take any piece on that line, so long as the master riece of that file remains. ' 7. The... | |
 | Duncan Forbes - Chess - 1860 - 398 pages
...of the Pawn, unless some other piece command the square to which the Pawn was advancing. " 6th. — No Pawn can be pushed up to the last square of the...move of a Knight once in the game; not, however, to take any piece, nor can he exercise this privilege after having been once checked. " 8th. — The two... | |
 | Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR. - 1874 - 838 pages
.... (s. bei v. 13); auch gehört hieher gewissermassen die fernere Angabe daselbst: 7lh the king docs not castle, but is allowed the move of a knight once in the game, not however to take any piece, nor can he exercisc this privilege after liaving been once checked, welche Regel auch... | |
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