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Confession of Synesius, 109. We are not the work of an envious

being, 110. The history given in the Bible written in the best


command to destroy the Canaanitish nations divine, ib. Only one

person is God, 113. Error of Mr. de Luc, ib. Confuted by the

present Bishop of Lincoln, 114. Farther errors of Mr. de Luc on

the word Elohim, and antiquity of the notion of a trinity, 115.

Plain argument that only one person is God, 116. Jews not to be
despised, 117. Christianity has, from the vices of its professors,
not produced the effects for which it is intended, ib. Advantages
derived from Mr. Hume's objections, 118. Objection stated, ib.;
answered, 119. Abraham's conduct vindicated, 123. Archbishop

Tillotson's observations on the faith of Abraham, 125. Farther

reflections on the same subject, 128. Eternity of punishment con-

sidered, 130. Meaning of words eternal, everlasting, for ever, 133.

Dr. Hartley's opinion on this subject, 185.





&c. &c.



I HAVE a singular satisfaction oftentimes in recollecting a conversation which took place some years since at ******, the country-seat of our respectable friend, in which you bore no inconsiderable part, and in my opinion came off with more honour than those who were crowned in the Olympic games; an honour that, however, not to be attained without much labour and self-denial. But you gained a victory over yourself, and many marrow and inveterate religious prejudices which you had the courage to renounce, and, notwithstanding obloquy and various worldly disadvantages, have ever since remained firm in the profession and worship of the one true God and father of the universe, as prescribed and practised by Jesus Christ.


In the account of the conversation to which I allude, it is stated, that the way of worship, which you, after much inquiry and deliberation, embraced,

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was that held forth to the English nation and to the church of England in particular, in the "Amendments, humbly proposed to the Consideration of those in Authority, of the Book of Common Prayer according to the Use of the Church of England. By Samuel Clarke, D.D. Rector of St. James's, Westminster." Such is the modest style, in which this excellent person speaks of what had been the fruits of many years labour and thought to promote the honour and credit of the established church, and a purer worship of God in it.

What farther information may be desired concerning this valuable manuscript work of Dr. Clarke, which, after his decease, was presented by his son Mr. Clarke to the British Museum, and deposited there, may be found in a Tract, entitled, "Conversations on Christian Idolatry."

And I cannot forbear adding, that, from some facts reported at the close of that Tract, it may appear probable, that the pure worship of the One true God might silently and quietly, in a course of time, have then made its way * in France, had the first happy revolution in that country proceeded and continued as it began, and not been followed by such dire and violent convulsions. It affords, however, a pleasing omen of what may hereafter take place there in more favourable times.

But I have run out to a much greater length than * See the French Constitution, pp. 371-375, the ad edition, with corrections and additions, by Benjamin Flower.

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