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all men, who demean themselves as good citizens, should be free to profess and practise any religion, or mode of religion, which they prefer, trinitarian, unitarian, jewish, mahometan, or pagan! And of what benefit to truth, and free enquiry, will be the appointment of similar liberal societies for public Christian worship, in other great trading towns in that country, whither Englishmen shall resort, and become settled; which is an event to be expected.

The kind parent of the universe will accept the worship of his creatures, who approach him with good dispositions, however it may be wrong, superstitious, or idolatrous. Nevertheless, where they enjoy the means of enquiry, and of attaining a better knowledge of himself, and of his unequalled glory and perfections, he will require a suitable conduct, and sincerity in them. For, to keep sight of the subject, which has been so long before you, he will be far from beholding with approbation their joining in his public wor

prejudices. With my best wishes, therefore, of success to any of the clergy of the church of England, who may endeavour to spread the reformed religion in France, I have only to express my hope, that they will carefully avoid the blunder of their Dunkirk brother.

" In the same town there are a number of Quakers, who have lately opened a place for religious worship, which 1 am informed is respectably attended." -See p. 417, 418, of The French Constitution, with Remarks, &c. &c. By Benjamin Flower. printed 1792.


ship with himself, and worshipping as equal to him, two other divine persons, as gods, whom they do not believe to be gods, and whom they never think of worshipping in private, but would be self-condemned in the very thought of attempting it.



** The Numerals in Roman Characters refer to the Introduction.


ACTS of the Apostles, for what remarkable, page 46.
The design of, 47.

Amendments of the Liturgy, by Dr. Clarke, anecdote of
Queen Caroline, relating to them, 102, note.
Anecdote concerning Dr. Clarke's reformed Liturgy, 102.
Angel of God, or of the LORD, never stands for Christ in
the Old Testament, 36.

Apostles' Creed much perverted from its true meaning in the
Church Catechism, 55. Perfectly Unitarian, 57.
Apostles, all of them together, in their joint prayer, twice
style their master Jesus, God's servant, 47.
Athanasian worship, instance of a very distinguished per-
son quitting the church of England on account of it, 120.
Other instances of like sort, 121.


Baptizing into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, how to be understood, 43, 44.


Biddle, the Rev. Mr. John, the Socinian, his character,

Birmingham riots an eternal disgrace to our country, 12.
One cause of them, ilid.

Bourne, Rev. Mr. his character, a question sometimes put
by him, 21.


Christ, the first great error concerning him, that he was not
truly a man, confuted by the apostle John, 90. The
second great error soon after brought in from Plato's phi-
losophy, that he was an inferior God, 91. Not God,
but a human being, 18. Wherein he differs from other
men, 19. Declares himself to be a creature of limited
and imperfect goodness, in respect of Almighty God, 44.
And the Father one; how to be understood, 46. His
coming down from heaven, coming forth from the Father,
coming into the world, how to be understood, ilid. His
having two natures, a senseless doctrine, and discredit
to him, 44. His death a proof that he was a crea-
ture of the human race, 46. His worshippers proved to
be idolaters, although they do not think themselves such,
63-64. A rule of his, to know whether he and
the holy spirit are gods, and to be worshipped, 85.
And the holy spirit, no objects of worship or prayer, be-
cause no divine command for it, iii. and iv. note. What
he may be supposed to say to his worshippers in another
world, 87.

Christians, too many, make no scruple of worshipping those
whom they believe not to be gods, 127.

Civil rights, men ought not to be debarred of, for their re-
ligious opinions, 13.

Clarke, Rev. Dr. rejected all worship of the Trinity, of
Jesus Christ, and the holy spirit, from his reformed Li-

[blocks in formation]

turgy, 101. Probable motives for his continuance in the church, after he was convinced of such great errors in it, with respect to the object of divine worship, 113. Might have attempted to introduce his own alterations into the Liturgy, had he lived, 114. Reasons to presume that he might have had the countenance of George II. and his Queen Caroline, in making such a change, 115. Reasons to suppose that he would have met with great support from the learned clergy and others, 116. Probable, that his reformed Liturgy would now be acceptable to many in the church, 126.

Commandment the first, by it all other beings or persons are excluded from being gods, or to be worshipped, except the single person of Jehovah, the God of Israel, 61. Is still in force, having been adopted by Jesus Christ, and never abrogated, 62. Forbids the acknowledgment of any new Gods, such as Jesus, or the holy spirit, ibid. Makes it idolatry to worship Jesus Christ, or any other person, 63.

Cromwell, the protector, his ordinance for religious liberty, worthy of being adopted at this day, 93.


Dissenters, the true friends of the Hanover family, 14.


Epistles, a proof in them, that the apostles could never intend to make Christ God, 47-48. Evangelists, the three first, Matthew, Mark, Luke, never appear to have had the least thought, nor ever taught, that their divine master Jesus was any other than a human

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