collection of documents, nothing beyond a limited selection of the most important will, we presume, be expected to appear as an appendix to that volume. The price of this collection of papers, bulky as it is, is only four shillings. It will be seen, accordingly, that the Committee must lose considerably by the publication, unless a large number should be sold. The separate Papers and Tracts are all well written, and adapted to their purpose. Their only fault is, that they seem to be intended mainly for persons who are supposed to know a good dea nearly everything formists on this que general tolerant ar lecture, in respect 1 dence of the rest; 1 it which does not mellow this tendenc breadth and the s will purchase these The Congregatic Address, Explanato be obtained gratuit for them; and also t the Committee say their views as to the which they think about to be issue Memorial Hall. |