West, in the last two years, a large number of Sabbath-school workers, who have gone into the great home missionary fields; and they have labored hand in hand with the laborers for our Board. These things show the vital connection between home missions and Sabbath-schools. So, as we said in the magazine for last month, the last General Assembly recommended that on the Sabbath preceding Thanksgiving day a contribution be taken up for the Board of Home Missious, that is, for the school work of the Board. Let two things be borne in mind: (1) The Woman's Executive Committee that has our school work in hand is at the present time distressed with debt. An increased number of teachers are depending on them for support; and many school buildings are being erected or enlarged or improved this year. (2) The Sabbath-school children will give freely if encouraged to do so by parents and teachers. If every member of our Sabbath-schools were to give but a dime each on the occasion, the total collection would amount to almost eighty thousand dollars ($80,000). Let us give the children a chance and see what they will do. Their gifts will send education and Christian privileges to all the dark portions of our land. The time seems to have come when we must either disband many of our missions, recall our teachers, send our pupils back to rude wigwams, to crowded pueblos and blighted Mormon homes, or call loudly for increased funds. Shall we turn away the heathen children of Alaska, refusing them admittance to our schools, thus denying them their only hope of gaining a knowledge of salvation? Shall we tell a multitude of these little ones that the Presbyterian children are willing they should go back to their hopeless lives of wretched heathenism, with no more light than their parents [November. had before them? Shall we not rather let the children of the Sabbath-schools know of the need, and ask their aid in carrying on this work, which has already been so blessed of God, and which holds such great promise of future possibilities? The Assembly's committee of thirteen elders, composed of representative men of the Presbyterian Church, urge this in the appeal which they made to the Sabbathschool superintendents for their co-operation in the great work of evangelizing our land. We quote from their circular: Let us remember that it is for us to educate for the Church its coming givers, those who are to take the place of the men of the present generation, and upon whom in a large measure will depend the future prosperity of the Church. You will yourselves agree with us that the defect prevalent in Sabbath-school benevolence is sentimental giving for too many objects, some of which are, if not unworthy, at least distant, little known and beyond supervision. We beg to urge the immense importance of concentrating the attention of children and youth under your care upon the work that is being done by our Home Board. This strong arm of the Church embodies those great commercial principles of organization, centralization, division of labor and economy of administration, by which all modern enterprises flourish. It is an admirable machine of human intelligence, experience and piety, and execut ing the benevolent purpose of the Church with the least possible friction and waste. Appealing to your patriotism, to your devotion to the Church, to your ardent love for the Master, we beg that you will use all your influence in urging the scholars to appropriate a liberal portion of the large sums raised by your schools to the saving of our beloved land for Christ. The emergency is great beyond all precedent. The work grows faster than the means provided. May we not confidently expect a collection from every school on the Sabbath above referred to? Total in 1888, $82,293; in 1889, $107,915; net gain in 1889, $25,171. We note with gratitude the element of encouragement which this showing furnishes. The Women's Boards have made a decided advance, and the outlook is that the Sabbath-schools will quite outstrip the record of last year. To those, however, accustomed to scan the current receipts and estimate their significance, the exhibit still lacks one strong element of encouragement, namely, increased receipts from the churches. Will not pastors and sessions see that this column at least keeps pace with the general advance? Because of the severe reductions in the appropriations which the Board felt constrained to make at the opening of the fiscal year, supplementary grants have become necessary in several fields in order to prevent a serious crippling of the work. Besides, important measures connected with some of our missions, and deemed essential by them, and which have received the sanction of the Board, are awaiting such an increase in our receipts as will justify the carrying of them out. We shall be glad to correspond with any person who may be in position to respond to these urgent calls. Circulars addressed to pastors and Sabbath-school superintendents have recently been sent to the churches, together with samples of neat little mission treasuries for the use of our schools. These are designed either for the collection of ordinary gifts, such as are made regularly by many schools, or, with a slight change in the lettering, for special Christmas offerings. They are furnished free of charge on application to the treasurer of the Board, William Dulles, Jr., 53 Fifth Avenue, New York. The orders are pouring in already, and the outlook is that the treasuries will be popular with the children. If any schools have been omitted, please send for circular and sample. Another heavy blow has fallen on our mission in the republic of Colombia. Last month we recorded the death of Miss Addie C. Ramsay, who fell a victim to yellow fever a few days after her arrival in Barranquilla. Now intelligence reaches us of the death of Prof. W. W. Findley, of the same mission, from the same terrible disease. He was a passenger on the Adirondack with Miss Ramsay, and it is likely was exposed to the same contagion when the vessel touched at Hayti. The disease, however, did not develop until after he had left Barranquilla en route for Bogota in company with Rev. M. E. Caldwell and family. He was taken ill soon after embarking on the boat for the river trip. The symptoms were serious from the first, and, notwithstanding the best available medical skill and the most tender and faithful nursing at the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, he died August 21 at Port Sogamoso, near the mouth of the river of the same name, and there he was laid to rest. Prof. Findley was on his way to Bogota to open the school for boys for which Mr. Caldwell labored so assiduously during his furlough in this country. He had been appointed to the important position on the basis of the highest testimonials as to his Christian character, missionary spirit, intellectual qualifications and experience as a teacher, mainly in the academy of South Salem, Ohio. After speaking with some de tail of his death, which was a signal triumph of faith, Mr. Caldwell adds: In the death of Prof. Findley we have lost not only a valued helper but a very dear friend. He was talented, pious and earnest. He seemed to be just the right man for the work; but God's ways are not our ways, and we know that he makes no mistakes." Who will take the place of these young servants of Christ who have fallen at the threshold of their chosen work? [November, of the agitation have opened the way for evangelistic effort in other towns at a distance from the capital. For this happy outcome let devout thanks be given to him who hath wrought deliverance for his servants! Mr. Modesto writes from the province of Parana, Brazil, that at every visitation members are admitted to the various churches in that vast field. From the Botucatu region the same report comes. Mr. Carvalhosa had taken a long journey It will be a great relief to all who are in- through a new region with most encourag terested in the recent severe afflictions of the Colombia Mission, in the death of Miss Ramsay and Professor Findley from yellow fever, to learn that the dreadful disease has not spread. Rev. T. H. Candor, writing September 12 from Barranquilla, says that his family are all mercifully spared, and that those who assisted in the care of the sick have escaped. Rev. M. E. Caldwell had also been heard from twenty-two days after Professor Findley's death, and his family were well. Reference was made recently to the opening for mission work in Santa Rosita, a village near Guatemala City, and to the bitter opposition which had been encountered under the leadership of the Roman Catholic priest. Mr. Haymaker writes, under date of July 30, that the opposition has virtually turned out to the furtherance of the gospel, by challenging attention to Protestant teaching and provoking government interference. The president of the Republic sent for the leader of the opposition and not only administered a severe rebuke, but threatened him with imprisonment unless he desisted from further agitation. The president has also ordered a circular to be issued by the State Department to the town councils of the Republic, reminding them of their duty to prohibit the clergy from interfering in matters which do not belong to them, and instructing them to confine religious affairs to the churches and not to parade them on the streets. Not only does the work in Santa Rosita go forward, but certain changes growing out ing results. He found the harvest truly plenteous but the laborers all too few. The church at Guarapuava, in the province of Parana, about three hundred and fifty miles southwest from Sao Paulo, was recently organized with eighty members. In February, 1887, more than three hundred volumes published at the Mission Press academical council at Damascus for official at Beirut, Syria, were sent to the Turkish sanction. Nearly all received this sanction. in the course of four months. The remaining volumes were objected to and held for two years. By the intervention of our efficient United States consul, Mr. E. Bissinger, the government at Damascus was directed last May to send them to Constantinople for examination. Dr. H. H. Jessup, writing from Beirut, September 9, gives the result as fol lows: You will unite with us in thanksgiving that the books sent to Constantinople by Mahmoud Effendi, "Mudir el Maarif," in Beirut, have been returned to us sanctioned by the Imperial Board of Public Instruction. The list embraces a number of our standard works, about which we had all felt no little anxiety owing to the long delay in Damascus. Among them are Dr. Dennis' "Theology," "Evidences of Christianity" and "Interpretation;" Mr. Calhoun's "Scripture Hand-Book," and Dr. Eddy's "Commentary on the Gospels." The only book which failed to receive the stamp of approbation was Mr. Abcarius' " Universal History." I have written asking that the obnoxious passages be marked that an edition may be prepared without them, so as not to have the entire work sacrificed. The "Academical Council" in Beirut is now quite well organized, and we are sending in several works for their decision. Several young men and women are engaged in translating valuable books which we hope soon to add to our list of publications, among them a volume of Spurgeon's sermons. An order came tonight for 4000 volumes of Scriptures and other books for Alexandria, Cairo and Assioot, in Egypt. The Lisan el Hal journal, so long suspended, hopes to resume soon. The editor is a member of our Beirut church session. This appears to be a day of reactions in religious work. The various voluntary societies of young people are doubtless reactions against the supposed monopoly of Christian council and effort by church officers and ecclesiastical authorities. The movement toward lay preaching and the sending of partially educated men to the mission fields is a reaction from the perhaps too strict requirement which demands highly educated and ecclesiastically ordained men. But the returning pendulum always swings past the plumb line. While the activity and enthusiasm with which the young people take hold of the many forms of Christian work at home and abroad is to be recommended, it should be tempered with thoughtfulness and sober judgment. 66 We notice that at a recent meeting held at Ocean Grove a society of young women bearing the Maltese cross and announcing itself as having "no creed except belief in God and the Lord Jesus Christ," was subdivided into circles or tens, each circle or ten" choosing its work. For example, a "Rescue Ten," a " Praying Ten," a "Neighborly Ten," a "Ten to be instead of to do," an "Unselfish Ten," a "Willing Ten," a "Heavenward Ten," a "Soul Winning Ten," an "Alaskan Circle," etc., and last, but not least, a "Scattering Whatsoever Circle." With a hearty sympathy with all wise forms of work and a proper and consecrated benevolence on the part of children, we fear that there is possibly a danger of carrying the picturesque so far as to lead to reaction, instability and final injury. We are not disposed to criticise, but we would 389 interpose a word of caution to those who are called to guide their efforts. We doubt also whether young children should be taught to sift and minimize their creed. If they begin by proclaiming ostentatiously that they have "no creed except belief in God and Jesus Christ," they may soon end by finding that they have no creed at all. We understand that Mr. Fusiwaka, who became somewhat distinguished three or four years ago for his significant articles in the Japanese papers on the relations of Christianity to Buddhism, and the chances of conquest by the former, has opened a large educational institution in Tokyo, whose students already number several hundred. While this institution is indirectly a tribute to the tremendous revolution which Christianity has produced in Japan, its influence can by no means be counted upon as an ally of Christian teaching and missionary effort. The problem seems to be, and this is an instance of it, how to secure all the advantages of Christian civilization without Christianity, and such a movement is pretty certain to become rather a rival than an ally of missions. In respect to education, Japan is certainly waking with a rapidity never before witnessed in the history of nations, but that education is of every pos sible variety, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Greek, Confucian, Agnostic, Buddhist. The moral and religious forces of the world are struggling together as never before; the conflict must be long and earnest. The churches of Christendom should not be unmindful of the fearful responsibility which rests upon them year by year and day by day, in this closing period of the nineteenth century. A letter from Beirut mentions the recent arrival of Dr. Graham of Adana. The doctor reports a great religious revival in Adana under the preaching of Mr. Jenanyan and Mr. Christie. More than six hundred have united with the churches, and the work still goes on. Nightly services are held. Mr. Jenanyan's voice had failed him and he had 390 Farewell Meetings-Calendar. gone to Marash to rest. He is evidently called of the Lord to the work of an evangelist. He seems to have a reputation not unlike that of Mr. Moody among his own countrymen. Invitations keep pouring in upon him from the churches in all that part of Asia Minor. At least three hundred of those received into the Aintab churches were from the non-Protestant communities. Dr. Blackford writes from Bahia, Brazil, under date of June 20, that on the 7th instant there was a change in the government of Brazil which he hoped augured well for the progress of evangelical religion. The liberal party had come into power, with one of their ablest statesmen as prime minister. Their programme of measures includes "freedom of worship" and "civil marriage." As the conservatives had a majority in the Chamber of Deputies, although unable to organize or sustain a cabinet, the chamber was dissolved and a new election was ordered to be held in August. The election, as reported in the New York papers of September 14, was a great triumph for the liberal party. Delightful farewell missionary meetings have recently been held on three successive Tuesday afternoons in Lenox Hall. The names of the outgoing missionaries may be found in the Calendar at the close of these notes. First came a group of seven, including two children, for the Eastern Persia Mission, under the convoy of Rev. J. L. Potter. Next a company of four adults and three children for the West Persia Mission, under the leadership of J. P. Cochran, M.D., including his mother, who has been for more than forty years connected with the mission. The third band comprised nine, six ladies and three gentlemen, bound for India, Rev. C. B. Newton, D.D., who leaves his family in this country, being the senior and guide of the party. The meetings, which were arranged for by the ladies of the Women's Board of New York, were both of a social and religious character, and were mutually helpful. [November. MISSIONARY CALENDAR. ARRIVAL. FROM KANGWE, WEST AFRICA.-September 20, Rev. A. C. Good and family. DEPARTURE. JAPAN. FROM SAN FRANCISCO.-For Osaka Mission, August 3, Rev. T. T. Alexander and family (returning), Miss Ella McGuire; September 19, Rev. G. W. Fulton. ander (returning). For Tokyo Mission.-October 3, Miss C. T. Alex CHINA. FROM SAN FRANCISCO.-For Shantung Mission, September 19, Rev. C. A. Killie, Rev. E. G. Ritchie, Rev. W. O. Elterich, and their wives. October 17, Rev. C. F. Johnson, Rev. J. A. Fitch, and their wives; Rev. W. Lane, W. R. Faries, M.D, Mary Brown, M.D., and Miss E. F. Boughton. For Canton Mission, September 10, Rev. H. V. Noyes and family (returning), Rev. Andrew Beattie. LAOS. FROM SAN FRANCISCO.-For Laos Mission, September 10, J. G. McKean, M.D., and wife; Miss Nellie H. McGilvary. AFRICA. FROM NEW YORK.-For Gaboon and Corisco Mission, August 31, Rev. W. C. Gault (returning). MEXICO. FROM NEW YORK.-For Mexico Mission, September 9, Miss Ella DeBaun. PERSIA. FROM NEW YORK.-For Eastern Persia Mission, September 25, Rev. J. L. Potter and family (returning), Miss Adeline Hunter, Miss Mary W. Greene, Mary J. Smith, M.D. For West Persia Mission, October 2, J. G. Cochran, M.D., and family, Mrs. D. P. Cochran and Miss G. Y. Holliday (all returning). INDIA. FROM NEW YORK.-For Lodiana Mission, Otober 9, Rev. C. B. Newton, D.D., Miss C. E. Downs and Miss M. C. Given (returning), Rev. Howard Fisher, Miss Elma Donaldson, Miss Jessie Dunlap. For Kolhapur Mission, October 9, W. J. Wanless, M.D., and wife; Miss Jennie Sherman. DEATHS. BARRANQUILLA, REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA.— August 19, Miss Addie C. Ramsay. PORT SOGAMOSO, REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA.— August 21, Prof. W. W. Findley. |