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Education of Negro Citizens.

Webster of that day will be eloquent enough to utter the "wonder" which will awe and enrapture any thoughtful observer.

We, whose consciences now feel the demand of our present opportunity—whence shall we look upon that new earth? In those "sweet fields beyond the swelling flood," dressed in their living green, will not the enjoyment of them be enhanced by every thankful recollection of having done some


thing, however feebly and wearily, if dili-
gently and faithfully, to help make these
earthly scenes more like those heavenly?
And that "swelling flood"-after all,
what a 66
narrow sea" it is! Not the Bos-
phorus, not the Seneca nor the Cayuga, is
so easily crossed. "Our friends are passing
over, and, just before, we may almost dis-
cover the shining shore." H. A. N.

GLEN SUMMIT, PA., July 22, 1889.


The Africo-American Presbyterian, published at Wilmington, N. C., and edited by that eminent Africo-American Rev. D. J. Sanders, D.D., calls attention to "several notable articles touching what may be styled right education of people in general and the Negro in particular, which have appeared in the Wilmington Messenger." After criticising some inferential allusions of the Messenger, the Africo-American says:

The essential points of the discussion meet our cordial approval. The ground taken is that the Negro must be educated, and that the education in order to serve its proper ends must be symmetrical. It must include a right development of the mind, the hand and the heart; or you may call it intellectual, industrial and moral education, if you prefer. This is the great point made, and is universally approved among us. Numbers of persons have spoken approvingly of it to us. They endorse it with all the emphasis that can be measured by the difference between the above and the ignorant and prej udiced dictum of those sickly papers, to the effect that "when you educate a nigger you spile a field hand." When we find such eminent authority demanding such education for the masses, then we cannot help feeling that a brighter day is dawning.

The progress of the Negro race in this southern country in those essentials of cit

izenship and Christian manhood about which we are wont to boast is more to be credited to this sort of education than any other thing-not by the states, though they have done a large secular educational work, but by those Christian schools throughout the South founded and sustained by northern benevolence. In North Carolina we have Biddle University, Livingstone College, Shaw University, Bennett Seminary, Scotia Seminary and Gregory Institute, besides a large number of schools of less importance. Under the auspices of the Presbyterians, Methodists, Congregationalists and Baptists in every state of the South, a similar work, and in some instances larger work, has been going on for the last twentyfive years. The schools for Christian education have exerted incalculable influence in binding the educated Negro heart to the Christian people of the North, and easily account for some seeming anomalies in connection with the Negro's political actions. Now, if southern white Christianity in an organized and effective way is to join in this grand effort for the intellectual, industrial and moral training of the people, as intimated by the Messenger, then let all become. more hopeful, and let there be such cordial co-operation as heaven will bless and as will dissipate the dark cloud of ignorance and sin now overshadowing the masses, and usher in the light of truth, justice and peace.

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This is the name of the educational institution lately established by the Board of Home Missions, by means of generous gifts from Rev. D. Stuart Dodge and the Messrs. Garrett who lately owned the property, then known as Oakland Inn. We give here a picture of the commodious and beautiful building. Our readers will find an account of this interesting movement in our June number, pages 525 and 543. The circular announcing the opening of the school in October next is as follows:

This institute is located at Asheville, N. C., and occupies the new and beautiful building lately known as the Oakland Inn. The house has accommodations for 150 boarders and is complete in all its appointments. It is heated by steam, lighted by electricity, and has hot and cold water upon each floor. The rooms are carpeted and supplied with

substantial and appropriate furniture. The building stands upon a commanding eminence overlooking the city and affording extensive views of the surrounding mountain ranges. The grounds contain fifteen acres.

The object of the school is to provide a thoroughly Christian education for young women. The course of study will include the branches usually taught in schools of high grade. Special attention will be paid to the study of the Bible. Instruction will also be given in household duties and in such lines of female industry as will help to prepare pupils to support themselves in after life, if necessary. All will take care of their own rooms and assist in the general domestic work of the family. Classes in cooking will be formed under a competent teacher. Ordinary washing will be done by machinery, but scholars will be expected to do their own ironing or pay for it at a reasonable rate. Sewing and dressmaking and


Indian Girls and Boys.


other branches of needlework will be sys- rangement. The health of pupils will be tematically taught.

The course will also include drawing, draughting and designing, book-keeping and business forms, and ultimately, it is hoped, telegraphy, stenography and type-writing.

Class instruction in vocal music will be free to all, but instrumental music, with use of piano or organ, and private lessons in singing will be charged extra. Painting in oil or water-colors will also be extra.

The best modern methods will be introduced in the training of those who design to become teachers. A preparatory department will receive scholars not sufficiently advanced to enter the normal or the higher classes. Children under ten years of age will not be admitted except by special ar

diligently guarded. Facilities for out-door exercise will be provided, and also a spacious play-room and gymnasium.

Terms for the school year will be fixed, for the present, at $200. Under certain restrictions, a limited number may be received at somewhat reduced rates. One half of all charges to be paid in advance and the remainder at the beginning of the second school term. An incidental fee of $5 will be paid by each pupil on entering.

The school will open October 1, 1889, and the second term will close on the last Thursday of June, 1890.

Application for admittance or letters of inquiry should be addressed to Rev. L. M. Pease, Asheville, N. C.


In the Magazine Supplement of the Interior (June 13, 1889) was a most readable and instructive article, entitled "At the Standing Rock," by George Louis Curtis. It gives a clear and interesting account of the management of the Indians on the Great Sioux Reservation. From this article we give our readers one vivid word picture which seems to us suggestive of much that is full of encouragment and hope for the


Whatever may have been the original and figurative appropriateness of the title "Old Goose," borne by a prominent member of the Blackfeet band, it certainly cannot descend to the pretty little Indian maid, his daughter, who delivered the salutatory at the commencement exercises of the agency school. There was a momentary hesitation as she neared a formidable obstacle of five syllables; a tiny gasp of the throat accustomed to smother Siouan sounds. Then with a flush of color and a flash of the eye she successfully cleared it, amid the enthusiasm of the painted audience, and to the shy delight of the squaw at the window, whose face, shrouded in her blanket, peered

in curiously but proudly upon her child. "The intelligent, decent Indian girl is a problem," was the report in 1881 of one who had initiated effort for her emancipation from the hoe and her elevation to the plane of white womanhood. "Teaching would do much for her, if schools were provided." The statement seemed a prophecy as I grasped the gloved hand of the graceful, full-blooded daughter of a Hunkpapa chief, dressed as neatly and tastefully as any New England "schoolmarm," who taught the day-school nearest the agency. The pretty broken English which she imparted to the sturdy little brown Dakotas was not the most valuable or the most striking acquisition of her Hampton school days. A sight of her manner and her methods in the classroom drew forth from a visiting congressman the hearty encomium, "This solves the Indian problem." A group of boys who had recently returned from the same eastern institution were hauling hay with government teams for the agency. Several were employed as mechanics in the agency shops at wages from $10 to $20 per month. One had the entire charge of the large stable. Many more with commendable pluck had struck out for themselves, taken up land of

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From one of the missionaries, Rev. B. Labaree, D.D., a letter was received some time ago which gives vivid illustration of both the obstacles and the encouragements in that interesting field. He wrote:

We are at a point in the progress of our reformation where counter currents are setting in very strong. It requires vigorous and constant pulling to keep our bark moving in the right direction. And even with all we can do, we realize that we are supremely dependent on the gentle but potent breezes from heaven. We were never in greater need of them than now. The influences of western civilization, western greed and western restlessness are increasing upon us. The presence of the Anglican Ritualists in considerable force is another disturbing element. Upon the pretext of effecting a union between this ancient branch of the eastern Church and the Anglican, they are really laboring to pervert the Nestorians. from their historic basis. Their influence is to revive ritualistic and profitless practices, harmful indeed we must hold them, which were ceasing to be esteemed, and to encourage a dependence on rites and ceremonies for salvation rather than on Christ

Will our foreign missionary correspondents permit the suggestion that it would help most of our readers to have always placed in parentheses, after each statement of sums of money in foreign coinage, their value in our own national currency? To say that so many yen, or cash, or piastres,

alone. I am sorry to say, too, that their wine-drinking habits have greatly emboldened the lovers of the wine-cup, and intemperance is sadly on the increase. But the Lord rules, and blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

The Lord does not yet give us much enlargement in our work for the Mohammedans.

And yet we have many tender proofs that the Holy Spirit has by no means left us. It has greatly strengthened our faith to witness his power in an unusual measure in the life and work of one of our youngest preachers. I am safe in saying we have

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no man like-minded." His zeal for souls, his supreme devotion to Christ the Lord, his fervor as a preacher, his extraordinary prayerfulness, and his progressive and fearless views in pressing upon his church their practical duties, altogether single him out as our "Timothy." We have had a good many trials recently from some of our native helpers, but the history of God's grace to one such brother is full of encouragement to our faith. It is a revelation of God's abiding favor to his little church in this land and a foreshadowing of good things to


or tomans, or rupees, have been contributed for such and such purposes, gives most of us in America no definite idea. But when we read of 100 piastres (about $4), or 20 tomans (about $36), we have learned something. Please give us such parentheses not once only, but every time. We forget so.


North Dakota Presbytery-Brazilian Missions.

Madagascar is the latest volume sent us of the Missionary Annals (a series) issued by the Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of the Northwest, Room 48, McCormick Block, Chicago. Price per volume, cloth, 30 cents; paper, 18 cents. These little books are very helpful to busy people who wish to be inteliigent concerning Christian missions.

The North Dakota Presbyter, vol. i., No. 2, July, 1889, is on our desk. It is published monthly at Grafton, N. Dak., "devoted to the interests of Pembina Presbytery." It has four pages of five columns each. It is as well printed and on as good paper as any of our Philadelphia or New York papers, and compares not unfavorably with them in the vigor, variety and value of its contents. The healthy tone of this young paper is exemplified in the following extract from its leading editorial column:

It is a fact full of promise for the future, that very many of our people have come from Christian homes and schools and churches. And while these must, sadly enough, be left behind, yet they bring with them the undying memories and traditions. of those hallowed associations; and better still they bring with them the Bible-the magna charta of their fathers' liberties and theirs, the inspiration and instructions of the lives and institutions that have been vener

able in the past, and the source of inspiration and guidance to the lives that shall become venerable hereafter.

The Brazilian Missions for August announces the arrival in New York, from Liverpool, of Rev. D. C. McLaren with health greatly improved, but needing still a protracted season of rest before he can safely resume his arduous missionary labors.

It also reports "a very significant change. of administrative ministry in Brazil." The ministry of Joao Alfredo seems to have lost


power by being too dilatory in providing needed reforms. The new ministry comes into power promising such reforms as the enlargement of the franchise, the autonomy of the different provinces (which seems to mean a larger measure of home rule), liberty of worship, civil marriage, and the abolition of the life tenure of senators.

The pressure of public opinion seems to be toward religious and civil freedom, and toward increasingly-democratic government. The patriotic and liberal emperor is physically and mentally enfeebled; his daughter, the princess royal, who signed the decree abolishing slavery, May 13, 1889, and her husband, Count d'Eu, are now said to be "the ruling spirits in the palace." This princess is said to be under the complete control of Romish priests. With this imperial tendency toward reactionary bigotry on the one hand and possibly too vehement pressure of various forces toward democracy, and perhaps also toward irreligion, on the other, the perils of that country are serious, and the demand for its Christian enlightenment most urgent. The earnest plea for the speedy establishment of a Christian college, like those at Beirut, Canton and Constantinople, so eloquently voiced to the General Assembly by Dr. Knox, and so heartily approved by that body, deserves the most earnest consideration of men who desire to

invest money in agencies fitted to advance truth and liberty and pure religion.

The last sixteen pages of our magazine are prepared and sent to press first. The children's pages are included in these. After those pages of the present number had been sent to the electrotyper, more letters came calling for pictures of Goolee and Ali, in addition to those for the children whose names are printed on page 268. Pictures have been sent to them all. The additional names are Harriet L. Griffin,

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